Warren Buffet On Taxes

He who has the money makes the rules.

The Warren Buffetts have been making the rules in this country since the Industrial Revolution, hence the games within the game of tax collection.

And now that he's 80 all of a sudden WB is concerned about his fellow Americans? Please.

He can either cut a giant check to the US Treasury or shut the hell up.

My ass still hurts from getting rapped last year on taxes. NOT looking forward to this year will be worse.... I do however play it by the books and pay every penny that I owe. I know people who work online and have been audited it's not pretty. Penalties and interest on the money you owed and never paid is nasty when years of it are added up.
I don't have that much of a problem with taxes.

What i do have a problem with is SPENDING.

You don't keep loaning your brother-in-law $5k if all he does is spend it all on hookers and blow.

You stop giving him money!
Warren Buffet's intelligence/experience > anyone on this forum.

ding ding ding
This is called an appeal to authority. It is a logical fallacy, usually a sign of a confused or poorly constructed position.

By this argument, only billionaires are allowed to have an opinion on anything tax related. In fact, by having an opinion on Buffet, Von Doobie is engaging in a performative contradiction, as only Buffet (according to EVD) has the intelligence and experience to judge his own experience vis a vis Wickedfire.

Warren Buffet should never speak about politics. He's a shadow of the man his father was.

Also, lame appeal to authority.

Also, one of the world's richest guys says tax me more. But here is the thing. He could just give the government more money any time he wants.

You know why he doesn't? Because he has a political agenda for everyone else.

The mega wealthy see welfare as a tool to subdue the poor.

Warren buffet also makes $100k a year , the rest of his wealth is in stock holdings which aren't taxable till sold.

He's just advocating taxes on his competition , big surprise there.
Buffet says "tax me more" because he obviously cares about his home country and if he didn't he wouldn't be putting BILLIONS into things like our train systems...

But what good would a couple of million in taxes do for the USA in trillions of debt? Fuck that... Buffet knows that taxing him personally isn't even a drop in the bucket.

He's saying that he wants everyone with lots of money to be taxed more... Not just him personally. If you can't see this you are a moron.

Now all you have to do is introduce the problem of the loopholes in the tax system that ALLOW --->ALL<--- People with lots of money (not just him) to evade paying the 35%, which THEY ALL DO.

What he should be saying is "Plug the holes." -But I think he feels that will come off too political so he's trying to appeal to the public which wouldn't know a loophole in the tax code from a knot in their shoe.
But what good would a couple of million in taxes do for the USA in trillions of debt? Fuck that... Buffet knows that taxing him personally isn't even a drop in the bucket.
No one becomes the richest man in the world - literally, that's who we're talking about here - without instinctively acting in one's own self-interest at every step.

If he really wants to impress he can cut a gigantic and sobering check to the US Treasury, instead of grandstanding about how little taxes he pays. He's wielding tremendous influence, this isn't a selfless gesture.
to the public which wouldn't know a loophole in the tax code from a knot in their shoe.
And that, my friend, is no coincidence.

When you stop and think about it, to have a tax system in place that essentially baffles and/or intimidates the majority of its payees (and beneficiaries) is probably the truest and biggest injustice in the United States today.
He's 100% wrong.

There's a reason the super-rich tend to support social programs. They see them as ways to subdue the poor into not rioting against them a la Egypt. They see a higher tax as a small price to pay for civil stability and status quo that maintains their position at the top.

Yeps. And if he wants to pay more tax, he can. Why doesn't he cut a check and shut his piehole!

No one becomes the richest man in the world - literally, that's who we're talking about here - without instinctively acting in one's own self-interest at every step.
1: Um no, Slim Jim is #1.
2: Your point is correct but he obviously would be more happy if he did it in a less 'evil' way.

If he really wants to impress he can cut a gigantic and sobering check to the US Treasury, instead of grandstanding about how little taxes he pays. He's wielding tremendous influence, this isn't a selfless gesture.
He only controls billions. The US deficit is many Trillions with a T. What the fuck is cutting a check one time going to help?

He knows we need to fix the whole problem, not just a crumb. He knows he can't do enough alone to make a difference... But changing the Tax Code will.

Bottom line:

If the very guy who has benefited the most from the loopholes in the US Tax Code is willing to close them, who the FUCK are you to say no?
1: Um no, Slim Jim is #1.
2: Your point is correct but he obviously would be more happy if he did it in a less 'evil' way.

He'd want you to think so. Kinda like when he "pledged" 95% of his wealth to charity when he dies. It's like offering a life-time guarantee on a product, you get more sales.

He only controls billions. The US deficit is many Trillions with a T. What the fuck is cutting a check one time going to help?

He knows we need to fix the whole problem, not just a crumb. He knows he can't do enough alone to make a difference... But changing the Tax Code will.

Bottom line:

If the very guy who has benefited the most from the loopholes in the US Tax Code is willing to close them, who the FUCK are you to say no?

The guy only takes home like $100k a year. He is NOT affected by this. Source: Warren E Buffett, CEO Compensation - Forbes.com

In other words, he's saying "increase the tax on the rich, because it doesn't affect me".

What a sly fox right?
He'd want you to think so. Kinda like when he "pledged" 95% of his wealth to charity when he dies. It's like offering a life-time guarantee on a product, you get more sales.

The guy only takes home like $100k a year. He is NOT affected by this. Source: Warren E Buffett, CEO Compensation - Forbes.com

In other words, he's saying "increase the tax on the rich, because it doesn't affect me".

What a sly fox right?

Changing the way capital gains tax works would definitely affect him which was his main point in the op ed.

The US needs to increase it's tax revenue and also reduce it's spending to get the deficit under control. You're not going to be able to do that by just reducing spending, you need to increase the income you're generating via taxes.
Who has benefited most from the US society? Billionaires like Buffett or some guy that makes 15k a year flipping burgers? The rich has benefited the most, so let them pay for that privilege. (And coincidentally we had a booming economy back when they were paying for it.)