Warren Buffet On Taxes


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
I've been seeing this dude more and more complaining that he pays less tax than his secretary. If he's so worried about how much he pays he shouldn't deduct shit. Here are the US tax brackets

ax Bracket Single Married Filing Jointly Head of Household
10% Bracket $0 – $8,500 $0 – $17,000 $0 – $12,150
15% Bracket $8,500 – $34,500 $17,000 – $69,000 $12,150 – $46,250
25% Bracket $34,500 – $83,600 $69,000 – $139,350 $46,250 – $119,400
28% Bracket $83,600 – $174,400 $139,350 – $212,300 $119,400 – $193,350
33% Bracket $174,400 – $379,150 $212,300 – $379,150 $193,350 – $379,150
35% Bracket $379,150+ $379,150+ $379,150+

» Official 2011 US Income Tax Brackets (IRS Tax Rates)

This dude's tax liability would be 35% if his accountants didn't lower his tax liability with deductions and I'm sure subsidies for various investments. Does anybody else have a problem with the news trying to spin everything to make it seem like millionaires pay less than middle class America?

The media also fails to educate people on what employers actually pay. Employers match taxes for each employee which consists of the following apart from salaries paid.

Employer portion (matching) of Social Security tax
Employer portion (matching) of Medicare tax
State unemployment tax
Federal unemployment tax
Worker compensation insurance

NON TAX (but still expenses covered by employers that are usually disregarded)

Employer portion of insurance (health, dental, vision, life, disability)
Employer paid holidays, vacations, and sick days
Employer contributions toward 401(k), savings plans, & profit-sharing plans
Employer contributions to pension plans
Post-retirement health


I flipped on MSNBC and almost flipped out. It's like these idiots are all out of touch with reality. 2012.. That is all...

Dude!That dude is Warren Buffet. Not saying he is right, but he is no dude, dude.
You fucking idiot, he is saying megarich people make their money through capital gains and investments, and are taxed at a much, much lower rate.

Next time read the article you fucking dimwit.
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You fucking idiot, he is saying megarich people make their money through capital gains and investments, and are taxed at a much, much lower rate.

Next time read the article you fucking dimwit.

You fail at life and must be from Europe.
AllBizNiz is right.

Warren Buffet is past his expire date. "Hurr Durr this credit rate downgrade is insane, the USA should be AAAA", "Hurr Durr Let's tax the rich more".

No wonder Berkshire Hathaway shares have been dropping like a rock in the past 6/7 months or so.

I hate gauche caviar.
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Most people don't understand money or taxes so they just regurgitate what the media feeds them when asked to have an opinion (and lately even when not asked).
he's right. funny how every single one of you thinks he's among the "super rich" club. highly doubt that you are taxing your online profits as capital gains.
Jesus was a hardcore capitalist. If he were alive today he'd be CEO of Poison Inc. and dump poison in our lakes/rivers to save a few bucks so his stock prices would be higher.

Jesus would make campaign contributions to tons of politicians to help convince them that they should get rid of the EPA or at least make it completely impotent. This way Jesus could continue to dump poison everywhere to help save a few bucks. Jesus thinks that lakes catching on fire and car-sized mysterious suds floating down a river "are not my problem".

Jesus also hates paying fucking taxes. He thinks the poor, uneducated, sick, and dying can go fuck themselves. He does not believe someone who just lost their job deserves a few months of help to get back on their feet again. He thinks the jobless deserve to live on the street for not having a huge savings to live on from their $9/hr job.

Jesus hates communism because it is irreligious. So he knows anything even slightly related to communism is evil. Because communism is derived from socialism he refuses to pay taxes to help anyone when they're down even though he is super-rich.

Jesus knows that providing help, food and shelter to the poor and weak is unacceptable because that would be socialism. As he says, "This is a fucking black and white situation here! If we provide free healthcare to that dying 10 yr old kid.. we'll all be calling each other comrade soon! Then the government will take all of our freedoms! We'll all be Atheists!!" Jesus thinks that dying kid should pick up a profitable skill - like selling drawings to fund his own treatment.

Jesus's plan is to starve government social programs of funding by making "tax" an evil word - related to communism. Then, when the programs become underfunded and unmaintainable he can point to them as a shining example of why those programs should be destroyed.

Jesus thinks Warren Buffet is a "Fucking Commie" for wanting to get rid of tax loopholes for the rich and wanting to pay at least the same percentage of taxes as the middle class. Jesus thinks people making over $500k/yr shouldn't even be taxed at all.. this way they can pay to employ more people in China. Jesus is a "job creator".

This is all obvious from reading the bible.
He is wrong everyone should be taxed a flat rate and the irs should be dissolved. Whenever a city, program, government blows all their money on needless shit their solution is always "just raise taxes", or "lets create more revenue streams" ( like traffic cams, increasing vehicle registration etc. The solution is to cut, simplify the system, and remove officials that have the same old way of thinking. Warren sorry buddy respect you but just wrong on this one. The system proceedurally is broke by taking in more money from the rich we'll only find ourself in a bigger mess because that money will blown or allocated to more needless shit. Its on big cluster really
He's 100% wrong.

There's a reason the super-rich tend to support social programs. They see them as ways to subdue the poor into not rioting against them a la Egypt. They see a higher tax as a small price to pay for civil stability and status quo that maintains their position at the top.
What are you suggesting?, that noone here pays taxes for the monies they get online?

No, I'm just saying that it is stupid.

There are plenty of countries who understand the benefits of attracting high income/high net-worth individuals and have little to zero tax on dividends/foreign income/foreign non-remitted income/ personal income/etc.

Unless you’re American of course, in that case you have a couple of wars to pay…