Wally World... Son tazed.. Mom tackled.

Are the cops in the US so inadequately trained that they have no idea on how to subdue someone other than firing a weapon at them?. Or is this case an isolated incident?

It's funny, when the cop starts shouting, his voice wavers, kind of like what happens to someone who's arguing and is 'just' about to start crying..... the fact he's getting into an argument and trying so hard to assert his authority (rather than just use his training to diffuse the situation) shows that this is all about the power trip and nothing about doing his fucking job.

Cuff them up and throw them in the back of a van, don't turn it into an episode of Jerry fucking Springer. How hard can it be.
Are the cops in the US so inadequately trained that they have no idea on how to subdue someone other than firing a weapon at them?. Or is this case an isolated incident?

It might seem like a weak alternative on law enforcement's part, but tasing, pepper spray, etc... are a safer way for officers to subdue people.

What if he starts wrestling with the guy, but can't overpower him? Or, he is forced to use excessive force and pummel the guy to within an inch of his life?

Tasing the guy will hurt him, but in most cases will get him inline quickly, with minimal damage.

The video doesn't really indicate who started the altercation, so it isn't really fair to assume the officer instigated the problem, or was on a "power trip." The content of the video makes it seem like a white trash couple who think they don't have to answer to, or listen to the law.
I dont understand why everyone these days finds the need to prove their freedom of speech to cops. Just listen to the damn cop and move forward with your damn live. Instead, they get tasered and become a youtube legend... 99% of the time, the cop wins the arguement :)