Vote for McGrunin's Sister!


Bro that would have been the perfect link for a dickroll

EDIT: Sorry man, couldn't vote. Can't risk my wife seeing it. Too many questions that I don't have answers for.
Reluctantly voting. Hopefully she looses this contest (and her interest in modeling) so she can move on with her life. I have been around enough models to know that life can be pretty rough on an impressionable young woman. Probably the biggest problem is the sleazy photographers. It wont be long and some sleezy fucker will have her wearing that bikini in the shower (any photographer requesting this should be immediately fired (swimsuits dont make sense in a shower)) and talking her into taking it off. Most photographers will charge her to take her picture. The ones that don't will typically insist on nudes.

Once she goes nude (she will within 6 months of the other side of 18) her career is pretty much done (except porn industry will be opened up) for most modeling jobs. Unless your super sexy or willing to get naked the money sucks (if theres any money at all), and even if you do get naked the money still sucks.

Even some of the top photographers in the country are total fucking sleze bags. They fill the girls heads with lies (promise of money and or fame)and manipulate them. Many of these guy's main objective is to manipulate the girls to fuck them (using same manipulation techniques) and some will even go so far as rape. I knew a girl who got rapped twice by 2 different photographers( she was a whore and prob had it coming) by being drugged with the date rape.

Maybe she gets lucky and miraculously avoids all the bullshit mentioned above, chances are she'll get hooked on drugs. Drugs are rampant in all levels of the modeling biz. Pills, stimulants, and weed being the most prevalent. The photographers either provide it (to loosen the girls up) or the other girls will have them.

I can all but guarantee she will encounter at least 1 of these negatives within the first 6 photographers she deals with (if not sooner). You wont talk her out of this, but it's your responsibility (or your parents) to educate her on the realities of the modeling business. It ruins more lives than it does improve them. Maybe she will be different. Maybe she will be the lucky one and have a great ride and travel the world with no problems. But maybe not. Knowledge is power. Either way I wish her all the best.

u mad?

internet marketers are all con artists. they do nothing but steal from people and rip off the elderly.

i know this because i knew an internet marketer one time.

eventually they will be busted by the FTC and go to jail.
Bro that would have been the perfect link for a dickroll

EDIT: Sorry man, couldn't vote. Can't risk my wife seeing it. Too many questions that I don't have answers for.

lol...yea, my wife knows that I promote a lot of products that involve women in scantily clad outfits and has walked in on me whilst in photoshop doing stuff like this
Reluctantly voting. Hopefully she looses this contest (and her interest in modeling) so she can move on with her life. I have been around enough models to know that life can be pretty rough on an impressionable young woman. Probably the biggest problem is the sleazy photographers. It wont be long and some sleezy fucker will have her wearing that bikini in the shower (any photographer requesting this should be immediately fired (swimsuits dont make sense in a shower)) and talking her into taking it off. Most photographers will charge her to take her picture. The ones that don't will typically insist on nudes.

Once she goes nude (she will within 6 months of the other side of 18) her career is pretty much done (except porn industry will be opened up) for most modeling jobs. Unless your super sexy or willing to get naked the money sucks (if theres any money at all), and even if you do get naked the money still sucks.

Even some of the top photographers in the country are total fucking sleze bags. They fill the girls heads with lies (promise of money and or fame)and manipulate them. Many of these guy's main objective is to manipulate the girls to fuck them (using same manipulation techniques) and some will even go so far as rape. I knew a girl who got rapped twice by 2 different photographers( she was a whore and prob had it coming) by being drugged with the date rape.

Maybe she gets lucky and miraculously avoids all the bullshit mentioned above, chances are she'll get hooked on drugs. Drugs are rampant in all levels of the modeling biz. Pills, stimulants, and weed being the most prevalent. The photographers either provide it (to loosen the girls up) or the other girls will have them.

I can all but guarantee she will encounter at least 1 of these negatives within the first 6 photographers she deals with (if not sooner). You wont talk her out of this, but it's your responsibility (or your parents) to educate her on the realities of the modeling business. It ruins more lives than it does improve them. Maybe she will be different. Maybe she will be the lucky one and have a great ride and travel the world with no problems. But maybe not. Knowledge is power. Either way I wish her all the best.

That shit fly on Instagram lately.
Reluctantly voting. Hopefully she looses this contest (and her interest in modeling) so she can move on with her life. I have been around enough models to know that life can be pretty rough on an impressionable young woman. Probably the biggest problem is the sleazy photographers. It wont be long and some sleezy fucker will have her wearing that bikini in the shower (any photographer requesting this should be immediately fired (swimsuits dont make sense in a shower)) and talking her into taking it off. Most photographers will charge her to take her picture. The ones that don't will typically insist on nudes.

Once she goes nude (she will within 6 months of the other side of 18) her career is pretty much done (except porn industry will be opened up) for most modeling jobs. Unless your super sexy or willing to get naked the money sucks (if theres any money at all), and even if you do get naked the money still sucks.

Even some of the top photographers in the country are total fucking sleze bags. They fill the girls heads with lies (promise of money and or fame)and manipulate them. Many of these guy's main objective is to manipulate the girls to fuck them (using same manipulation techniques) and some will even go so far as rape. I knew a girl who got rapped twice by 2 different photographers( she was a whore and prob had it coming) by being drugged with the date rape.

Maybe she gets lucky and miraculously avoids all the bullshit mentioned above, chances are she'll get hooked on drugs. Drugs are rampant in all levels of the modeling biz. Pills, stimulants, and weed being the most prevalent. The photographers either provide it (to loosen the girls up) or the other girls will have them.

I can all but guarantee she will encounter at least 1 of these negatives within the first 6 photographers she deals with (if not sooner). You wont talk her out of this, but it's your responsibility (or your parents) to educate her on the realities of the modeling business. It ruins more lives than it does improve them. Maybe she will be different. Maybe she will be the lucky one and have a great ride and travel the world with no problems. But maybe not. Knowledge is power. Either way I wish her all the best.

Everything you said has complete merit and she is very aware of what happens for many aspiring models. Fortunately her interest in becoming a model isn't that great, but if the opportunity is there, she will love to make something happen. She did go to pageants from an early age, but outside of that she never pushed in the direction of modeling. A year ago we went to a photographer, I came with her, we had pictures done. She just wanted them on hand for competitions such as this one where she can possibly represent a company's clothes.

Her attitude towards it is that if something comes out of it through competition like this one, great; if not then she will focus on areas of her life she is in full control over.
lol posting a pic of your hot sister on WF.. man, you got ballz, or you're crazy, I don't know which one.

I just felt that I was in a good standing with the community considering the contributions over the years. Rarely do I ask for help, but this came to be one of those times.
Your sister is hot, given the chance I will fuck her.

.... don't give me a chance.