Speed: 5/5
Well within alloted time...and the properties were drip fed, with some actually going up 2 day's from order
Not alot to say here...replied to initial queries very quick.
Lots of unique content for your buck...i make it 11 unique articles plus the Q&A were unique.
All the 1st tier work was done manually and the sites looked good with photo's and the occasional video. Q&A were well done and the social and doc share was good. Articles were a bit engrish and obviously not written by a native English writer.
Overall Review:4.7/5
Lots of good unique properties for a very low price, quite a lot of work goes into this package. Good to have a Tier 2...but what would be really good would to have an optional Tier 3 which pointed huge amounts of links at the Tier 2 properties!
I am interested, just want to confirm that the content is unique (i.e. not spun) and is unique for each of the 8 web 2.0 properties, squidoo lens, 7 doc shares, tumblr post and 10 Q&A?
Also, can we scratch the tier 2 links. I don't like the idea of the 1200 wiki links....
Are the tier 2 web 2.0s using unique content as well?