
They had H!N!. We're fucked.

A few of you have mentioned knowing nurses who've claimed they're being forced to take the swine flu vaccination - well my wife got home from work this morning (a nurse) and I asked her about that - she said no, they're not being forced, and added that it's illegal to force employees to take a vaccination - she seemed pretty certain on it.
Don't need the Swine Flu vaccine since I just had it. Knocked me flat for about 4 days and then some lingering bronchitis. Haven't had the flu for about 30 years (yeah I'm that old). This strain is some nasty shit, but if you're otherwise healthy, you'll survive.

Swine Flu Progression:

1. Major head conjestion - your home will fill up with spent tissues and paper towels. Out of the blue you will feel extremely cold. It was 80 inside and my teeth didn't stop chattering despite wearing sweats.
2. Moves into your chest accompanied with chest and upper back pains. You'll then become extremely fatigued and will be flat on your back for most of the day. I got up a few times to check stats, but didn't have the desire for much else including eating.
3. A nasty cough will develop and your stomach muscles will ache from all the hacking.
4. This is the make or break part - the fever will peak and you'll break out into an extreme sweat. Then like that the fever will break and you'll feel 100% better (or it won't).
5. You'll spend the next 4 days hocking up phelgm.

Other than that, not too bad.
A few of you have mentioned knowing nurses who've claimed they're being forced to take the swine flu vaccination - well my wife got home from work this morning (a nurse) and I asked her about that - she said no, they're not being forced, and added that it's illegal to force employees to take a vaccination - she seemed pretty certain on it.

At my mom's hospital they don't get "fired". They get put on unpaid leave until they take the vaccine. On certain floors they can get away with not taking the shot if they wear a face mask 100% of the time.
Oops! Beat you there. :) I wonder if there are enough parents to really debate the issue here. I like to hear what other parents are doing, but I'm not going to force an issue on anyone.

At the time I caved since I didn't want to seek a religious exemption. I am strongly against inoculations, not because I think it's a conspiracy, rather I think if you over-medicate your immune system it will forget how to work. This won't matter much while we're young, but really shows up in the elderly. White blood cells are just like muscles ... use them or lose them.

Ironically, I ended up homeschooling for 3 years after kindergarten so it was unnecessary to an extent ... though she's back in the public system at this point.
Yes, the doctors have to take it too... At least at my mom's hospital. Everyone who works in the hospital has to get it.

But it should be noted that the same rule applies to the seasonal flu vaccine every year.

In my wife's hospital, all employees are going to be required to get piggy vaccinated: nurses, doctors, secretaries, everyone in contact with patients.
that's pretty fucking gross bro

I do shower every day, so it's not like I never wash them. And in the immortal words of George Carlin I'll wash them if I'm taking a shit and get a bunch on my hands, which happens at most 2-3 times per day.
I do shower every day, so it's not like I never wash them. And in the immortal words of George Carlin I'll wash them if I'm taking a shit and get a bunch on my hands, which happens at most 2-3 times per day.

remind me not to go to a buffet you go to
Swine Flu

for most Americans it won't prove deadly, just wash your damn hands a lot and use that hand sanitizer and you're way less likely to get it

Can I use this thread as a soapbox for a moment? Let's talk about public bathrooms.

So have you ever noticed that you could be in a fairly nice resteraunt and you go to the bathroom. Everything is electronic and shiny. Why? Usually for efficiency and hygiene. Let's talk about the hygiene factor. You come out of the stall having just touched a door where a hundred other people before you have just wiped their ass and then touched that same place. You proceed immediately to the sink to wash your hands and you don't have to touch a faucet, no more germs, Win! Then you put your hand under the electronic soap dispenser, more win! Then you dry your hands with the electronic paper towel dispenser or hand dryer, total win!....and then you grab the door handle that thousands of other people grab WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS to exit the bathroom COMPLETE AND TOTAL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!! It irritates me to no end. Either make your bathroom to where there is no door (like many airports do) or have a freakin push door (from the freakin inside....hello!!!) so you can push out like a doctor does after he scrubs up. I end up having to use my clothes to get out the door most of the time and you can imagine how many people I've flashed whenever I'm in a dress :-/

So anyway. Yeah wash your hands AND watch those door handles.
Bathroom door handles are ultra-contaminated. I always use a paper towel or piece of toilet paper to open it.
Can I use this thread as a soapbox for a moment? Let's talk about public bathrooms.

So have you ever noticed that you could be in a fairly nice resteraunt and you go to the bathroom. Everything is electronic and shiny. Why? Usually for efficiency and hygiene. Let's talk about the hygiene factor. You come out of the stall having just touched a door where a hundred other people before you have just wiped their ass and then touched that same place. You proceed immediately to the sink to wash your hands and you don't have to touch a faucet, no more germs, Win! Then you put your hand under the electronic soap dispenser, more win! Then you dry your hands with the electronic paper towel dispenser or hand dryer, total win!....and then you grab the door handle that thousands of other people grab WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS to exit the bathroom COMPLETE AND TOTAL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!! It irritates me to no end. Either make your bathroom to where there is no door (like many airports do) or have a freakin push door (from the freakin inside....hello!!!) so you can push out like a doctor does after he scrubs up. I end up having to use my clothes to get out the door most of the time and you can imagine how many people I've flashed whenever I'm in a dress :-/

So anyway. Yeah wash your hands AND watch those door handles.

I hate that too. Fortunately, I've noticed a trend at the restaurants where I live... They are all installing little foot things at the bottom of the door, so you can easily open it with your feet.
Can I use this thread as a soapbox for a moment? Let's talk about public bathrooms.

So have you ever noticed that you could be in a fairly nice resteraunt and you go to the bathroom. Everything is electronic and shiny. Why? Usually for efficiency and hygiene. Let's talk about the hygiene factor. You come out of the stall having just touched a door where a hundred other people before you have just wiped their ass and then touched that same place. You proceed immediately to the sink to wash your hands and you don't have to touch a faucet, no more germs, Win! Then you put your hand under the electronic soap dispenser, more win! Then you dry your hands with the electronic paper towel dispenser or hand dryer, total win!....and then you grab the door handle that thousands of other people grab WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS to exit the bathroom COMPLETE AND TOTAL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!! It irritates me to no end. Either make your bathroom to where there is no door (like many airports do) or have a freakin push door (from the freakin inside....hello!!!) so you can push out like a doctor does after he scrubs up. I end up having to use my clothes to get out the door most of the time and you can imagine how many people I've flashed whenever I'm in a dress :-/

So anyway. Yeah wash your hands AND watch those door handles.
Haha, I feel like this also. When I wash my hands I grab extra paper towel to open the door.

N.Y. College Student Dies of H1N1 - CBS News

"(CBS/AP) A Cornell University student, among 520 diagnosed with influenza-type illness in the past three weeks, died Friday of complications related to swine flu, university officials said. "
I think this is a better quote from the article

WCBS reports that, according to the Medical Center, the Cornell sophomore suffered from an underlying medical condition, but due to a request from the family, did not say what the condition was.

This one is annoying me because I saw it on Yahoo the other day and now CBS

In the United States, it is estimated 36,000 people die every year from ordinary seasonal flu, most often the elderly and the very young. Roughly 200,000 are hospitalized because of flu complications.

These statistics are completely false. They also do not care to mention out of the "36,000" deaths which of those people had underlying conditions.


How many people died from flu during the 2007-08 season?

Exact numbers of how many people died from flu this season cannot be determined. Flu-associated deaths (which have laboratory confirmed influenza), are only a nationally notifiable condition among children; however not all pediatric influenza deaths may be detected and reported and there is no requirement to report adult deaths from influenza. In addition, many people who die from flu complications are not tested, or they seek medical care later in their illness when flu can no longer be detected from respiratory samples. However, CDC tracks pneumonia and influenza (P&I) deaths through the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System. This system collects information each week on the total number of death certificates filed in each of the 122 participating cities and the number of death certificates with pneumonia or influenza listed as a cause of death. The 122 Cities Mortality Reporting system helps gauge the severity of a flu season compared with other years. However, only a proportion of all P&I deaths are influenza-related and, as noted, most flu deaths are not lab confirmed. Thus, this system does not allow for an estimation of the number of deaths, only the relative severity among different influenza seasons. For the 2007-08 season, the proportion of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza was higher than the previous two years, but was similar to the 2004-05 season.
I use the paper towel trick of course but many times there's a) no paper towels (electric dryer) or b) no trashcan by the door. Incase of b) I throw my papertowel on the counter in a juvenile protest to the lack of trashcan/proper door. If I'm being especially bad, I'll take my time drying my hands waiting for someone else to open the door.
Money. As in...

Big Pharma CEO: So, let me get this straight. You want us to produce a vaccine for this swine flu thing.

President: Yes.

Here's where you're wrong. Where you say big pharma and president. Both of those quotes should be the same person. Our last round of politicians (previously pushing bird flu), are all former ceo's, board members, and controlling shareholders at large pharma corporations. They weren't beign bribed by someone else, they where just writting themselves checks. Tamiflu and Donald Rumsfeld