My wife's a nurse, and was told today along with her coworkers that she will have to be vaccinated with the swineflu vaccine by the end of October or be fired. She is NOT pleased.

BTW, I won't be showing her this thread....which makes it no different from any other wickedfire thread, technically.

My wife's a nurse, and was told today along with her coworkers that she will have to be vaccinated with the swineflu vaccine by the end of October or be fired. She is NOT pleased.

Surely she has a right to fight that shit?
Surely she has a right to fight that shit?
As weird as it would seem that she wouldn't have a right to fight something as appalling as that, probably not. Healthcare workers are on the front lines of any possible pandemic (as unlikely as it may be) and stuff like this is probably classified under some sort of national security type clause.

That being said, I bet the ACLU would love this case.
Flu shot mind control, may lead to shopping frenzy

Mr. X reported this years ago. They're controlling our minds with flu shots! See here for the complete exposé: xxxxx Flu Shots xxxxx

I took enough forced vaccinations when I was in the military there is no way I am volunteering to get a vaccination for a non life threatening thing like the swine flu. I have a better chance of getting hit by a bus than I do of contracting and dying from swine flu.
As weird as it would seem that she wouldn't have a right to fight something as appalling as that, probably not. Healthcare workers are on the front lines of any possible pandemic (as unlikely as it may be) and stuff like this is probably classified under some sort of national security type clause.

That being said, I bet the ACLU would love this case.

I know that was the case for military personal, there was a big lawsuit (anthrax vaccine) and the eventual ruling was if the vaccine was approved by the FDA then it could be mandated for military personal. A couple days later Bush pushes the vaccine through the FDA and it became mandatory again.

I'm not sure that private employers have the same amount of power over their employees. Besides if she is a nurse she could just swap the needle out with something harmless before having a coworker administer the shot couldn't she?
thats what happens when you borrow blankets from disease infested europeans

They didn't ask to borrow those blankets or steal them. They were given from the white folks and within a day or two of being used by dying people. The germs would die in a few days of exposure to air.
My mom's a nurse and her hospital has said they all have to take it or they can't come to work.

On that note, the video is just retarded. They state that the new vaccine and the one from the 70's are almost the same. Not true. They are not created the same way and the new vaccine does not contain thimerosal (when it was thought you might need a second shot, it did, but not with a single dose).
Must admit, I have always been very skeptical of so called Conspiracy theories, however watching world wide, the manufactured hysteria behind the swine flu, from Sydney has really got me slightly nervous about this vaccine and its true intent.

The World Health Org, (WHO) called this flu a pandemic here in OZ and to date less then 10 people have died from this. The interesting thing was that a significant proportion of the deaths were as a result of complications due to the core sickness ie...Cancer...So in otherwords after cancer had already killed the poor sods, Swineflu was somehow deemed to have done the job.

Second Victorian dies with swine flu

Makes you really wonder what all this shit is really for. ..
Must admit, I have always been very skeptical of so called Conspiracy theories, however watching world wide, the manufactured hysteria behind the swine flu, from Sydney has really got me slightly nervous about this vaccine and its true intent.

The World Health Org, (WHO) called this flu a pandemic here in OZ and to date less then 10 people have died from this. The interesting thing was that a significant proportion of the deaths were as a result of complications due to the core sickness ie...Cancer...So in otherwords after cancer had already killed the poor sods, Swineflu was somehow deemed to have done the job.

Second Victorian dies with swine flu

Makes you really wonder what all this shit is really for. ..

A pandemic does not mean there will be deaths. It just means a disease spreads over a large distance and population, which this has obviously done.
My wife's a nurse, and was told today along with her coworkers that she will have to be vaccinated with the swineflu vaccine by the end of October or be fired. She is NOT pleased.

BTW, I won't be showing her this thread....which makes it no different from any other wickedfire thread, technically.

Oh and another thing, if the nurses have to have this sht as compulsory don't the doctors have to have it too? If thats the case I can see a lot of uproar about this.

I can see it now "Doctors Refuse Swine Flu Vaccination" ha!
Oh and another thing, if the nurses have to have this sht as compulsory don't the doctors have to have it too? If thats the case I can see a lot of uproar about this.

I can see it now "Doctors Refuse Swine Flu Vaccination" ha!

Yes, the doctors have to take it too... At least at my mom's hospital. Everyone who works in the hospital has to get it.

But it should be noted that the same rule applies to the seasonal flu vaccine every year.
Makes you really wonder what all this shit is really for. ..

Money. As in...

Big Pharma CEO: So, let me get this straight. You want us to produce a vaccine for this swine flu thing.

President: Yes.

Big Pharma CEO: I mean, you want us to produce tons of it.

President: Yes.

Big Pharma CEO: And you're going to buy it all.

President: Yep.

Big Pharma CEO: And if someone dies from the vaccine, that's not our problem? (*1)

President: Right.

Big Pharma CEO: Wait. Hold on. I'm sayin... if a bunch of people croak from our juice, we're not liable.

President: Right. You're not liable.

Big Pharma CEO: That's gotta be against the law somehow.

President: When the president does it, it's not illegal.

Big Pharma CEO: You know we're gonna cash in, right? I'm talkin' billions. I mean... Glaxo is killing it with their swine juice (*2), but that's nothing compared to what we're going to do.

President: Yep. I'm counting on it.

Big Pharma CEO: And we can jam our books with this profit?

President: Don't see why not.

Big Pharma CEO: Our stock is gonna climb. Might be a good time to load up.

President: Well, that'd be insider trading. And that's against the law. haha

Big Pharma CEO: ha ha ha

President: So, are we good?

Big Pharma CEO: Of course. How are you gonna pay for this?

President: C'mon. You've been around the block. Taxpayers... deficits... fiat currency. You know how this works. It's paid for.

Big Pharma CEO: A cynic would say we're stealing.

President: Yeah, that's why I didn't invite any cynics. Just remember this on the run-up to 2012.

Big Pharma CEO: I got yer back.

President: And I got yours.

Big Pharma CEO: I'm giddy.

President: Me, too.

*1 Source: Swine flu vaccine: Government grants immunity

*2 Source: GlaxoSmithKline accused of profiteering as drug giant charges NHS £6 for flu vaccine that costs £1 to make | Mail Online
Swine Flu

for most Americans it won't prove deadly, just wash your damn hands a lot and use that hand sanitizer and you're way less likely to get it
I'm also sorta borderline when it comes to most conspiracies.

I too think it's weird they're pushing this fucking vaccine so hard when it's less deadly than the regular flu. It's also weird that they've been telling us all summer that it'd be back in the fall and that a big vaccine was coming.

There are tons of non-fatal diseases (like swine flu) and we don't come up with a hyped vaccine for them all (colds, etc). There's prob some viruses we all have that are completely symptom free.

Anyway, they haven't made their case for why they fear this virus so much and why we should all take some barely tested vaccine for it. WTF.
Swine Flu

for most Americans it won't prove deadly, just wash your damn hands a lot and use that hand sanitizer and you're way less likely to get it

I tend to go the other way and try to never wash my hands. This gives my immune system something to practice with and is why I've only had one major illness and that's when I had strep when I was 11 (and of course chicken pox). Other than that nothing worse than a cold in almost 28 years. I would certainly argue that all this hand washing, disinfecting wipes at the grocery stores and anti-bacterial soap are leading to more people getting sick than they could ever hope to prevent.

Also haven't had a vaccine since the ones that were given in the first 5 years of life before school. Then I had one tetanus shot when I was 13 and got hit by a car.
I'm glad we all have the sense not to inject ourselves with that bullshit shot (even the "non conspiracy" peeps).

[ame=""]YouTube - Dont Inject Me the Swine Flu Vaccine Song Music Video[/ame]

The swine flu shot is experimental, there is no thorough evidence that its safe and that it works. So if you are forced to be vaccinated, you may be able to use the NUREMBURG CODE.

Nuremberg Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm glad we all have the sense not to inject ourselves with that bullshit shot (even the "non conspiracy" peeps).

I've had all injections I've been offered, and I'm fine. Anecdotes of a few people aren't data. haha at this general fuck science attitude from a lot of people.