
New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
So are you going to take the vaccine? They'll need to point a gun to my head before i take it.


ive never had a flu shot, i dont see the doctor regulairly.
i will fucking destroy any pig motherfucker virus
the death rate is something like .01%. i have a better chance of dying 100 other ways.
hmmm... they could make a re-bill program where you get the vaccine and regular TamiFlu pills every month so they don't expire...

The conversion rates on that shit would ROCK
hmmm... they could make a re-bill program where you get the vaccine and regular TamiFlu pills every month so they don't expire... The conversion rates on that shit would ROCK

Only a sick demented fuck would think of this, and I'm pissed you beat me to it.
... let your immune system work.

While I don't completely disagree, especially if you are healthy person to begin with, people start getting crazy paranoid with immunizations.

...and look how well immune system worked for the Native Americans.
While I don't completely disagree, especially if you are healthy person to begin with, people start getting crazy paranoid with immunizations.

...and look how well immune system worked for the Native Americans.

However in this case its probably like a number of other medications for wide spread viruses... the cure being worse than the disease.
Fuck that flu shot. All the scaremongering paid off with tamiflu selling a fuck ton of flu shots to governements. Holla @ them profits.
Oh noes teh flu.

I have nothing against vaccines for the more serious illnesses, but the flu? Load up on nyquil and sprite, call in sick, and watch a few seasons of Buffy.
my wife's a nurse and did a huge report on vaccines in college and the end result is no, we're not taking 95% of vaccines or for our child who'll be born in 3 months.
While I don't completely disagree, especially if you are healthy person to begin with, people start getting crazy paranoid with immunizations.

...and look how well immune system worked for the Native Americans.

thats what happens when you borrow blankets from disease infested europeans
my wife's a nurse and did a huge report on vaccines in college and the end result is no, we're not taking 95% of vaccines or for our child who'll be born in 3 months.

Are you staggering the vaccines and delaying them for the baby or just skipping them all together?

My friends and I delay them to give the baby's body time to process each one and I don't do what I consider "unnecessary" ones including a flu shot.

Be aware, however, that you'll need to check the requirements for local schools in the area, including nurseries and preschools. You might need a religious exemption if you're not caught up by the time you plan to enroll your child - assuming you're not homeschooling, etc..
However in this case its probably like a number of other medications for wide spread viruses... the cure being worse than the disease.

Agreed. I was mostly referring to the eventual general vaccination debate (like for babies) that I knew this thread would segway into.
Agreed. I was mostly referring to the eventual general vaccination debate (like for babies) that I knew this thread would segway into.

Oops! Beat you there. :) I wonder if there are enough parents to really debate the issue here. I like to hear what other parents are doing, but I'm not going to force an issue on anyone.

I've touched it once in a parenting format and barely left alive. Don't get me started on the circumcision debate. :crap: