Unexplained life experiences


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My coworker: says her father knew the moment her mother got pregnant with her. Dreamt of going to the moon with her sister, and read somewhere that "the moon" = pregnancy. Her sister got pregnant that night. Three days ago told me she dreamt her father died. Yesterday she found out it was her uncle (his brother).

Me: ...not really unexplained, but I Astral Projected a few times; felt a large, dark catlike creature on my back while lying in bed one evening - some sort of psychic detritus; fixed a computer screen just by touching it; woke up one night because a woman was screaming "help me! help me!" and went quiet once I woke, I never found out whether that was real. Every single time I don't listen to my intuition, my intuition wins out.
T I probably already said enough to ruin some credibility.

Lose credibility or gain credibility?

The masses will always fail to question anything beyond the obvious....they wanted to burn Copernicus for saying the world was round because anyone who duh looks at is sees the world is flat. They wanted to put Marconi in the nut house because he said "I've found a way to transfer voice through the ether" (radio early in the last century). They told Swedenborg he was ape shit crazy about 200 years ago when he designed a "flying machine". They wanted to put Tesla away because he wanted to give away free electricity harnessed from the ionosphere....

The list goes on....

Anyway, Jack Houck a Univ. of Michigan trained engineer and Boeing exec has done research on this sort of thing.
You may find it interesting.
Keep in mind this is not a quack but a guy who was personally asked by the CEO of Boeing to do research and worked for the FBI investigating this phenomena.

None of this stuff is crazy when you read about quantum physics. If everything and everyone is connected through a sort of information super highway sort of like how energy from the sun though invisible can be felt from far away, this stuff seems reasonable. Of course more research needs to be done but it's not at all unreasonable.....

Brian Josephson does research on stuff like this. None of the closed minded skeptics can touch him.

Why? He's a fellow/aka professor tenured at Cambridge University ala Newton's almer mater.

He's a fucking genius - he won a Nobel Prize in HIS TWENTIES for a phenomena that affects alot of electronic products called "The Josephson Effect".
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7sI0H6Mo2Y"]YouTube - Can Physicists' Description of Reality be Considered Complete? (1 of 3)[/ame]

Nobel Prize laureate and Professor Brian Josephson is director of the Mind-Matter Unification Project of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, a project concerned primarily with the attempt to understand, from the viewpoint of the theoretical physicist, what may loosely be characterised as intelligent processes in nature, associated with brain function or with some other natural process.

People need to do their research and understand how much information is not - ON PURPOSE - being filtered out to the masses. In one book I read written by the head of the UC San Diego Physics department called "Quantum Enigma" - the author's colleague was quoted as saying

"Though what you're saying is correct, presenting this material to nonscientists is the intellectual equivalent of allowing children to play with loaded guns..."

Think about it from an IM perspective. All those biz ops offers going out now that people are out of work saying "make money getting people to click on ads with google" (adsense)

For those of you lucky few who knew about the power of stuff early on, would you rush out and tell people. Think about how many people now out of work when they first heard about adsense thought it was some big scam (some still do....it always makes me smile when I go to the bank and the teller says you have a deposit from um Google while I heard about that...lol)

Same thing with any powerful info. It takes (it's said) about 10 years - sometimes 50! - for information to filter from the science labs to what's accepted as reality by the masses....

Photonic computing is another example. This is only possible because on the quantum scale something can be a two places at the same time or communicate nonlocally.

Try getting the average peon on the street to actually believe that....

Anyway, I'll stop sounding so impatient and go back to work, hehe

Tx for sharing....
I believe you brow! My mother had a dream in 1989 with the lottery numbers. She woke up in the middle of the night to write the numbers down. Next day she asked my dad to play for her, i was too young back then and my older brother was sick in bed. My mom did have time to leave work and play. Guess WHAT? All the six numbers were right. Nobody played. My dad almost had a heart attack. Till now our family keep asking her to dream with the numbers again, guess what? This will never happen... once you lose your chance it is game over.

it must just be bad karma or something... although, I did go to a casino a few months ago and won some money... maybe you should try dragging your mom to a casino once and a while ;)
Anyone else get the feeling that that rocket firing pattern was specifically designed by engineers so that it would look like an angel in the clouds and scare the shit out of backwards peasants in 3rd world countries that just happen to have dictatorships (oh, and resources).

My inexplicable thing is that I seem to always pick winning scratch lotto tickets, but they're always the ones that just get you your money back. I can only remember not getting anything out of them one time, and I've never gotten more than the lowest tier, which just pays you back (hopefully to get you ti buy another ticket).
Weird true story moment of my life: I had my wallet and various other items stolen out of my car while parked in the driveway. When i realized what had happened (the next day) I went to the bank to cancel the my stolen credit cards. A few moments later, a robber comes in and robs the bank so I couldn't cancel my cards until a bit later. Oh ya and this happened on April Fools Day, go figure.
my pops was married once for a few years right after college. Got divorced and met my mom several years later. He hadn't spoken to or seen his previous wife for almost 40 years, and as he explained it "it was so long ago, it feels like a past life".

One night about a year ago, he's asleep next to my mom and wakes up in a cold sweat because he had a dream that my mom died. He reaches over to make sure the lump in the bed next to him is still breathing, wakes her up and explains his dream to her.

About a week later, he finds out from his accountant (who still knew his previous wife through mutual friends) that she had passed away that same night at exactly the time he woke up from the dream.

I've never seen my dad so freaked out in my life, he was shaking while telling me the story.
the only thing that those C-130's are doing is popping flares guys. sure it looks cool but theyre just flares.
i wish i had access to this video from my uncles air force base or from one of the bases i was on in the navy of planes dropping test ordinance. its sick. pretty much a large IED sized explosion from just the round hitting the ground unarmed.
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Winner! :tongue2:

my pops was married once for a few years right after college. Got divorced and met my mom several years later. He hadn't spoken to or seen his previous wife for almost 40 years, and as he explained it "it was so long ago, it feels like a past life".

One night about a year ago, he's asleep next to my mom and wakes up in a cold sweat because he had a dream that my mom died. He reaches over to make sure the lump in the bed next to him is still breathing, wakes her up and explains his dream to her.

About a week later, he finds out from his accountant (who still knew his previous wife through mutual friends) that she had passed away that same night at exactly the time he woke up from the dream.

I've never seen my dad so freaked out in my life, he was shaking while telling me the story.
As a 10 year old kid I played by myself in the snow on some field. I remember that snow was about 2 inches thick and it was the first one that fell that winter. I was running around and looking in the ground for different types of footprints that were left there by different types of animals. You could tell which animal walked there by looking at the footprints in the snow. There were dog paw prints, cats footprints and by the little birds, who left prints that looked like broken fork. There was even some larger ones, perhaps from a deer or something because they looked like bottom of a hoof.

I was doing that for a while when I looked about 20 feet away from me and saw some strange footprints. They appeared from nowhere, far from any jump reach. Footprints were about 5" in size and looked like a hand that had 6 fingers, only a little bit fatter fingers. They were laid out in a two-legged walk fashion and then suddenly disappeared. I kept looking for the same footprints and I found some more that were appearing out of nowhere and disappearing again. I'm still puzzled to this day as to whose prints they could be.

Now that is fucked :hollering:
Never told this anyone before, but when I was 4, I was staring at a wine glass and it sponteous broke into a million peices.

Anyone know what this is called?

I've had a similar thing happen several times, glasses on tables smashing and also in cupboards.

I've looked into it and it's apparently down to the composition of glass. If a glass has one or more microscopic cracks they can, under the right conditions, rapidly expand... shattering the glass. It's different to the resonance phenomena, but the effect is the same.

The fact you were watching it is really just coincidence, although the likelihood of it smashing may have been increased because I guess if someone may have just used the glass, or it had recently been moved.
I remember one time when I was younger about 14 or so I was at home alone watching tv when I heard a glass smash. I went into the kitchen to find a broken glass on the floor. This sincerely freaked me out that we were being robbed so I got the dog from the back garden and the biggest knife I could find to search the house. I went around the house kicking the doors open and shouting like a mad man; "You unlucky bastard, I'm going to cut your dick off and feed it to my dog". After searching the house for quite a bit I could find no traces of anyone.

My mom came home a while later and explained to me that she had broken the glass but had been in a rush and didn't have time to clean it up. I also checked the road behind my house and found somebody had smashed a glass bottle there. Mystery solved.
Here's a story from when I lived on the West Coast in 2003-4. I lived on an island out there, and I was taking a ferry home from a trip a few days before New Years. I suddenly had an intuition to go up on the viewing deck, and walked up there. In front of me were two men, who were talking with their arms out stretched. "Doesn't it feel like flying man?" said one guy. "Yeah man it really does, i feel so high." says the other. I walk up and introduce myself. They immediately mention that they are planning a party, and need a DJ. I had been a DJ for a few years, I played at nightclubs and raves. Since I had no plans, I took them up on their fortuitous offer to play a party on a nearby island.

I arrived on the island, and hitch-hiked to the party with my records. I got picked up by a couple, and since we were too early for the party, they brought me to a house party. At the house party, I stood around, scoping the scene. Mostly a social group, who knew eachother....

But wait, what is this? Two rather spaced out gentlemen staring at a jenga tower on a coffee table. I walked over, and introduced myself. "So whats with the jenga tower?" I asked. "It's a drinking game," replied one of the gents. "On each block is a number, and that number is the amount of drinks you have to drink." I'm game, so I carefully pull a brick out of the tower without disturbing the structure. I flip the brick over, and written on the brick is MY FIRST NAME.

"What does this mean?" I asked them. "I dunno, have as many drinks as you want" said the dude non-chalantly. I then went to the party and played one of the best sets of my life to a packed house of dancing freaks at midnight.
Here's a story from when I lived on the West Coast in 2003-4. I lived on an island out there, and I was taking a ferry home from a trip a few days before New Years. I suddenly had an intuition to go up on the viewing deck, and walked up there. In front of me were two men, who were talking with their arms out stretched. "Doesn't it feel like flying man?" said one guy. "Yeah man it really does, i feel so high." says the other. I walk up and introduce myself. They immediately mention that they are planning a party, and need a DJ. I had been a DJ for a few years, I played at nightclubs and raves. Since I had no plans, I took them up on their fortuitous offer to play a party on a nearby island.

I arrived on the island, and hitch-hiked to the party with my records. I got picked up by a couple, and since we were too early for the party, they brought me to a house party. At the house party, I stood around, scoping the scene. Mostly a social group, who knew eachother....

But wait, what is this? Two rather spaced out gentlemen staring at a jenga tower on a coffee table. I walked over, and introduced myself. "So whats with the jenga tower?" I asked. "It's a drinking game," replied one of the gents. "On each block is a number, and that number is the amount of drinks you have to drink." I'm game, so I carefully pull a brick out of the tower without disturbing the structure. I flip the brick over, and written on the brick is MY FIRST NAME.

"What does this mean?" I asked them. "I dunno, have as many drinks as you want" said the dude non-chalantly. I then went to the party and played one of the best sets of my life to a packed house of dancing freaks at midnight.

Is your first name Jenga by chance?
One time my friend and I were playing around, joking about devil stuff, satan, lucifer, etc... I flashed the devil sign at his face and his nose started bleeding. I pretty much thought I was the devil for a while.