Unexplained life experiences

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lak-5I6jdhQ"]YouTube - Death Note - If It Weren't For My Horse (Comedy)[/ame]
Never told this anyone before, but when I was 4, I was staring at a wine glass and it sponteous broke into a million peices.

Anyone know what this is called?
Never told this anyone before, but when I was 4, I was staring at a wine glass and it sponteous broke into a million peices.

Anyone know what this is called?

Are you just takin' the piss or are you serious?! Was there any loud noise around?
I've heard of course of wine classes breaking do to harmonic sound

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17tqXgvCN0E"]YouTube - breaking a wine glass using resonance[/ame]

but this is quite interesting...
I'll be serious for a second, my mom can always sense when me or my brother/sisters are in "danger". A few years ago she was on vacation in Mexico and I was out at about 11 pm and got into a pretty bad wreck (hit from the side at 55 mph) I get on the shoulder and all of a sudden my mom calls, I answer and she sounds all panicked and is asking if everything was ok I said yea I just got in a little wreck but i'm fine. Another more recent one was about 2 months ago, I was driving down the highway and I get hit by a car that tries to drive off. I follow him to get his plate numbers, my mom calls and again she's panicking and worrying and asks if I'm ok.

Those aren't the only two times, there have been plenty more involving me and the rest of my family and what's funny is that she's never had a "false positive". Everytime somebody is in danger or in a bad situation she starts getting hot, short of breath, and says she feels like there is a big blockage in her chest and throat.
Are you just takin' the piss or are you serious?! Was there any loud noise around?
I've heard of course of wine classes breaking do to harmonic sound

YouTube - breaking a wine glass using resonance

but this is quite interesting...

I never saw glass dance like that, what happens if you stop the frequency when it's not in its original shape? Would it break or is it actually reorganizing the atomic structure?
Okay, it wasn't a wine glass, but rather a small TV stand ... and the "door" of the stand was made of glass.

It looked almost exactly like this:


It was a quiet room, I was all alone ... I stared at the glass and it just broke as if someone smashed it with a baseball bat.


This is the first time I ever mentioned this to anybody.
Sounds like your mom has put a hit out on you...that's all.

I'll be serious for a second, my mom can always sense when me or my brother/sisters are in "danger". A few years ago she was on vacation in Mexico and I was out at about 11 pm and got into a pretty bad wreck (hit from the side at 55 mph) I get on the shoulder and all of a sudden my mom calls, I answer and she sounds all panicked and is asking if everything was ok I said yea I just got in a little wreck but i'm fine. Another more recent one was about 2 months ago, I was driving down the highway and I get hit by a car that tries to drive off. I follow him to get his plate numbers, my mom calls and again she's panicking and worrying and asks if I'm ok.

Those aren't the only two times, there have been plenty more involving me and the rest of my family and what's funny is that she's never had a "false positive". Everytime somebody is in danger or in a bad situation she starts getting hot, short of breath, and says she feels like there is a big blockage in her chest and throat.
Sounds like a meteor to me, not knowing anything about them. I would imagine it could do that. It would explain the two cloud straight line thing.
Sounds like a meteor to me, not knowing anything about them. I would imagine it could do that. It would explain the two cloud straight line thing.

It was going slow, slow enough for us to think it was done for a little while before it began permeating the second cloud. The end of the cylinder was flat and big too. I honestly can't explain it, it looked like a glitch in reality. There was absolutely nothing between the clouds my gaze was locked. I watched meteor showers also, those thing look like they rocket across the sky way further than would of been the distance between me and the clouds. It was also on a near horizontal axis like in the drawings.

I have a feeling I'll never know, I'm tempted to do an accurate as possible animation in 3d max and send it to NASA. I'd chalk the whole thing up as a hallucination if my mom hadn't been present and confirming the event.
@zimok and amanda11 -
I'm of the opinion that eventually you'll be able to find a scientific explanation for virtually "everything". In other words I don't believe in the supernatural. What people call supernatural is just an uninformed way of explaining natural laws or processes that have yet been recognized.

Let me give you an example, about 200 years ago, the "best" scientists pretty much only knew of the physical law of gravity.

Now we know about the 4 fundamental forces of nature -

Strong Force
Weak Force

Years ago when people would say put two pieces of metal together and feel something, they thought it was some kind of ghost or spirit or whatever acting on those objects.....

Now we call that "ghost", "spirit", etc MAGNETISM.

If you read any book on scientific history, you'll find out about hundreds, thousands of "odd" stories like this.

A thousand years ago the shamans would rub sticks together then say a little prayer and POOF fire would appear - all the people thought it was the saying and dancing that did that, now we know the physical laws surrounding thermodynamics....


Why because it could actually be the case - if history has anything to say about it - that you just observed some aspect of a very real physical phenomena we don't yet know about.

Remember how back in the day you'd read science fiction novels (well amanda you'd probably skim it given how you always blast me about how long my posts are, lol) and hear about extra dimensions?

Well guess what they call that theory now?

String Theory.

You gotta have an open mind and assume what the bet scientific thinkers in the world do:
"anything is possible...."
ok, being serious, I got one for ya...

ya know how people always say if you're really psychic why don't you pick the lottery numbers? well, one time I did... when I was about 8 years old I correctly picked the lottery numbers... I was with my mother at the time (we were poor, living in a trailer and were struggling to just get by), she would buy lottery tickets fairly regularly and would drag me along with her for all her shopping since she didn't have the money for a babysitter... anyway, we were in the store and she was going to buy her lottery ticket as usual and I for some reason knew what the numbers were going to be... I told her what they were and I insisted that she pick those numbers... of course, she ignored me as she probably just thought I was being a bratty little kid and she let the machine auto-pick her numbers as usual...

anyway, after that she starting trying to get me to pick the numbers and would do stuff like buy me scratch-off tickets, etc., but I was never able to pick the numbers again... I'm not a psychic or anything, I've just have had some weird shit happen...

there's plenty of weird shit out there, just don't worry about it... not like there's anything you can do about it...

btw, the moral of this story is if your kid starts blurting out lottery numbers, don't be a fucking tightwad, spend the extra dollar to buy an extra ticket...
That's interesting. I'm sure theres a logical explanation for it, but i'm sure that was still crazy to witness.

I'm sure just about everyone has witnessed one of those unexplainable moments in their lives. If not you need to get out more :)

I've really only had one holy fuck moment and unfortunately it was so unbelievable I'm not about to share it on a public forum. But it definitely was a life changer and is the reason I'm such an avid christian. In the gist it was a prayer healing, not one of those help with my back pain healings but more like undo a major physical birth defect in a couple seconds right in front of everyone. I'm a fairly logical person but once i witnessed that I was like oooooooooooookay so god DEFINITELY exists.

Sorry don't mean to be talkin a bunch of shit or turn this into a religion thread (especially with the audience here haha). I probably already said enough to ruin some credibility. It's not one of those things you openly talk about cus its too damn unbelievable, but I'm sure we've all had something crazy happen in our lives. And fyi it wasn't anything all crazy or weird like a bunch of dancing and chanting weirdos speaking in tongues or anything like you'd probably imagine. It was just one of my handicap friends asked a pastor to pray for her birth defect because it was bothering her, he said okay prayed for about 20 seconds and boom it happened. She claimed she didn't feel any pain or heat or anything. One of those real wtf moments.

This is interesting. Lets hear some more stories :)
ZOMG you received a visit from his Royal Noodleness!


C-17 Globemaster ^^^

Just found a big version of that on Google Images and set it as my desktop.

I want this one, but I can't find one that's at least 1600 px:


AC 130 Gunship - most likely Spectre, possibly Spooky ^^^ Fucking badass flying death

/edit/ shit. I just went back and actually read through the posts...sorry for getting off track. it's late. I'm stoopid. fuck off.
ok, being serious, I got one for ya...

ya know how people always say if you're really psychic why don't you pick the lottery numbers? well, one time I did... when I was about 8 years old I correctly picked the lottery numbers... I was with my mother at the time (we were poor, living in a trailer and were struggling to just get by), she would buy lottery tickets fairly regularly and would drag me along with her for all her shopping since she didn't have the money for a babysitter... anyway, we were in the store and she was going to buy her lottery ticket as usual and I for some reason knew what the numbers were going to be... I told her what they were and I insisted that she pick those numbers... of course, she ignored me as she probably just thought I was being a bratty little kid and she let the machine auto-pick her numbers as usual...

anyway, after that she starting trying to get me to pick the numbers and would do stuff like buy me scratch-off tickets, etc., but I was never able to pick the numbers again... I'm not a psychic or anything, I've just have had some weird shit happen...

there's plenty of weird shit out there, just don't worry about it... not like there's anything you can do about it...

btw, the moral of this story is if your kid starts blurting out lottery numbers, don't be a fucking tightwad, spend the extra dollar to buy an extra ticket...

I believe you brow! My mother had a dream in 1989 with the lottery numbers. She woke up in the middle of the night to write the numbers down. Next day she asked my dad to play for her, i was too young back then and my older brother was sick in bed. My mom did have time to leave work and play. Guess WHAT? All the six numbers were right. Nobody played. My dad almost had a heart attack. Till now our family keep asking her to dream with the numbers again, guess what? This will never happen... once you lose your chance it is game over.