Uncle Takes Belt To Nephew For Talking Hard During Webcast

first thought was awesome... watched it again... second thought awesome...

more parents/role models should be doing this to their kids...

i hate when i see parents taking orders from their kids...

parents should be parents not "friends"

If the dude giving the beating would pull his fucking pants up maybe I could take him more seriously but he looks like one of the gangbang wannabes himself. I do agree it's ok to teach your kids a lesson with a whooping if you need to though.
I love going to read the comments that ppl leave on the videos on the WorldStarHipHop site.
lol. spend hours LOL @ their users comments. i think some of the dumbest users of the inet post there.
also why do black ppl gotta type all crazZy

If the dude giving the beating would pull his fucking pants up maybe I could take him more seriously but he looks like one of the gangbang wannabes himself. I do agree it's ok to teach your kids a lesson with a whooping if you need to though.

Yeah I kinda thought along the same line. I wished he didnt use the f-word so much. He really could have given him a classier ass-whoopin. But, his heart was in the right place.

"We don't come from that shit."
my uncle used to hit me in my butt, but not with his hand.... should i say something to my parents?
If the dude giving the beating would pull his fucking pants up maybe I could take him more seriously but he looks like one of the gangbang wannabes himself. I do agree it's ok to teach your kids a lesson with a whooping if you need to though.

can you not see that his beating the kid with his belt?
a parent parenting. what an interesting concept.

I would beat my kid too if he was talking about robbing and gang banging ect
I hate abusers. We're human-beings, not fucking animals!

The kid's going to grow old and in a few years get his friends to beat up his uncle.

The only reason his uncle could beat him up is because he was older and bigger than him.

That will all change soon.

Most kids that get beat up growing up end up in jail. It's prominent that that shit don't work.
I hate abusers. We're human-beings, not fucking animals!

The kid's going to grow old and in a few years get his friends to beat up his uncle.

The only reason his uncle could beat him up is because he was older and bigger than him.

That will all change soon.

Most kids that get beat up growing up end up in jail. It's prominent that that shit don't work.

Dude, BEAT is when you are giving IMPACTFUL hits that can INJURE. That belt is not going to injure a buttock of a teenage boy who needs to be corrected before the street REALLY hits him (with a bullet) for trying to be "street" when he shouldn't be trying to. This world is full of sissies now. I got whoopins as a kid and I'm glad I did, It kept me from wanting to disappoint my parents, even now, I definitely didn't want to come back bigger and badder for revenge. I am non-puss enough to realize my parents didn't want me to end up dead or in jail. I didn't plan out some Columbine-like jihad attack on them.

But I'm 33 and come from the last generation of kids who were ALLOWED to be disciplined so maybe I just feel different about it.

Ah that brings back memories... except for the fake gangster part and the part where it got put on the internet for the world to see anyways.