Uncle Takes Belt To Nephew For Talking Hard During Webcast

Dude, BEAT is when you are giving IMPACTFUL hits that can INJURE. That belt is not going to injure a buttock of a teenage boy who needs to be corrected before the street REALLY hits him (with a bullet) for trying to be "street" when he shouldn't be trying to. This world is full of sissies now. I got whoopins as a kid and I'm glad I did, It kept me from wanting to disappoint my parents, even now, I definitely didn't want to come back bigger and badder for revenge. I am non-puss enough to realize my parents didn't want me to end up dead or in jail. I didn't plan out some Columbine-like jihad attack on them.

But I'm 33 and come from the last generation of kids who were ALLOWED to be disciplined so maybe I just feel different about it.


Would your opinion had been different if a video of you getting your ass whipped by an uncle looking like a total bitch had gone viral on the internet when you were 16? Let's call a turd what it is.

Protecting the defenseless is what I do. I mean, come on, where do we draw the line? Is it OK to hit him if he was 2 years younger? 4 years younger? Are you a doctor? Did you see his buttocks for bruises? Are you sure the uncle didn't damage this kid psychologically?

I'm 24 btw and yes I was beat as a child.

I still say put down the rod or go to jail for assault. Law and order over personal gratification.

Would your opinion had been different if a video of you getting your ass whipped by an uncle looking like a total bitch had gone viral on the internet when you were 16? Let's call a turd what it is.

Haha I totally agree about this and even commented on it earlier.

Protecting the defenseless is what I do. I mean, come on, where do we draw the line? Is it OK to hit him if he was 2 years younger? 4 years younger? Are you a doctor? Did you see his buttocks for bruises? Are you sure the uncle didn't damage this kid psychologically?

He's not defenseless (and was probably threatening to "pull out his 45 on a foo"), and anyone with common sense knows when it's ok to whack a growing kid with a belt.

His Uncle just knows that if something drastic doesn't get him in line he'll end up shot, stabbed, in jail, or worse.

I still say put down the rod or go to jail for assault. Law and order over personal gratification.

I'm fairly certain that the majority of cases where kids get their asses whacked is NOT for the personal gratification of the parent.

Sorry you got beat as a child :( that's fucked. But there's a difference between some (probably drunk every night) asshole and a parent or uncle that is concerned about a kid and is helping in the best way that they know how. (Even if it's not the best)
He's not defenseless (and was probably threatening to "pull out his 45 on a foo"), and anyone with common sense knows when it's ok to whack a growing kid with a belt.

His Uncle just knows that if something drastic doesn't get him in line he'll end up shot, stabbed, in jail, or worse.

I'm fairly certain that the majority of cases where kids get their asses whacked is NOT for the personal gratification of the parent.

Sorry you got beat as a child :( that's fucked. But there's a difference between some (probably drunk every night) asshole and a parent or uncle that is concerned about a kid and is helping in the best way that they know how. (Even if it's not the best)
ALL THIS.... Nothing left for me to add.
"This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service"
I'd have more respect for the uncle if he talked like an adult and acted link an adult. Spanking with a belt isn't that big of a deal though, definitely don't think he went overboard.

Unfortunately, video removed and uncle is probably in jail.
Sorry you got beat as a child :( that's fucked. But there's a difference between some (probably drunk every night) asshole and a parent or uncle that is concerned about a kid and is helping in the best way that they know how. (Even if it's not the best)

Word. HUGE difference. My mom and dad whipped the shit out of me well into my teens with a belt - I turned out alright. The whippings? Looking back heck yeah I had them coming, think pretty much any teenager out there cops an attitude at some point that deserves a good ass whipping.
Just had to chime in on this one!

My Dad whipped my ass like a mad man with a wooden paddle and signed the consent form for the school to whip my ass also and they did!

Each and every time I deserved it, needed it and hated it but. I thought twice before pulling whatever that stunt was again.

I caught my son acting like a gansta on Facebook and I deleted his account. If I caught him doing it again he would get his ass whipped for sure but he knows that so it's not been a requirement yet.

Two thumbs up for whipped asses!
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He's not defenseless (and was probably threatening to "pull out his 45 on a foo"), and anyone with common sense knows when it's ok to whack a growing kid with a belt.
That's just wishful thinking. He may be able to hit back but we don't know the real back story, the reason why most kids don't hit their parents back is because they're DEPENDENT on them.

His Uncle just knows that if something drastic doesn't get him in line he'll end up shot, stabbed, in jail, or worse.
Again, your opinion.

I'm fairly certain that the majority of cases where kids get their asses whacked is NOT for the personal gratification of the parent.
Most parents beat their kids when they're drunk or mad about something. Just like in this video. He was clearly pissed off when he hit the kid, with the cursing and all, things could've gone a lot worse when adrenaline is pumping through your vein. That is no way to educate a child.

I've never seen a parent beats his kid calmly, with a clear head.

Sorry you got beat as a child :( that's fucked. But there's a difference between some (probably drunk every night) asshole and a parent or uncle that is concerned about a kid and is helping in the best way that they know how. (Even if it's not the best)
Who draw the line and where do we draw it.

Here's something else,

Children in seventeen countries (2005) are growing up without being hit in homes, in daycare or in schools. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Finland and other countries that have banned corporal punishment of children in general have low rates of interpersonal violence compared to the United States. Critics predicted that Swedish youth would grow up more unruly after parents stopped spanking because of the l979 corporal punishment ban. Dr. Joan Durrant who studied effects of the ban for l5 years reported that this did not happen.

Facts and researches VS. pissed off parents that beat their kids and post it on Facebook.

Yall decide.
If the dude giving the beating would pull his fucking pants up maybe I could take him more seriously but he looks like one of the gangbang wannabes himself. I do agree it's ok to teach your kids a lesson with a whooping if you need to though.

Uncle's looking like a gangbanger because he took his belt off to deliver the said asswhipping but forgot that his trousers would undoubtedly fall down without it. Uncle needs to spend some time going to a reputable gentleman's outfitter.
Thanks for posting the link.

The uncle seems a little upset because the kid posted an implication on facebook about crap that the uncle didn't think the family should be associated with.

Good. Little fcker got off light.

child abusers should be dealt Biblical retribution. this wasn't a case of abuse,

on the other hand,
the last 15 or so years with the over the top political correctness makes me puke.