Tyler Cruz's new forum designer

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I was going to post my last conversation with him since I blocked him on MSN, but it's not on my laptop and I'm too lazy to boot up the desktop. I'll give a quick run-down:

Myself: *changes nickname to something like "$150 Forum Skins, today only"* (I do little mini sales on design work over MSN once in a while).

TylerC: "I'll take one of those!"

Myself: "Ok, what did you need done?"

TylerC: "I'm kidding, I wouldn't hire you."

That kid is the only thing that puts me off of Vancouver. I'd love to live there if there was a sure-fire way to never see or hear him.

EDIT: By the way, as far as I know, Tyler always hires Sheldon (vBulletinSkinz - Releasing 2006).

I'm pretty sure he lives in Vancouver Island which is NOT Vancouver. You should be okay TylerL, as long as you can handle the houseless people infestation.
The little twat deleted my comment. Oh well, I don't think Jon's trackback is going anywhere :)
You guys are so mean! You should give some props to a guy who's one of only 7 people linked from Jon's blogroll.
So he's not the type you might instantly warm up to... so what. Everyone here has friends that, if you met today, you would probably think are dicks. But for some reason, because you've known them for so long, you don't see them like that...

Everyone here has "assets" in this industry they want to protect. I think this situation qualifies. But, I think flaunting the find and offering to sell the secret was a serious error in judgement. Oh well... no harm no foul. Now you all have the name and justice is done. Afterall, there was a lot of debate about the "free arbi automation" tool that I released. I caught some heat for the concept and ended up taking it down for a lot of reasons. But in the end, you live and you learn. I still think the arbi idea was good and fair... but I hope those who disagreed don't think I'm a dickface. It's water under the bridge.

But in the end, Tyler isn't a "bad guy". I've talked to him, and he's a decent guy in my book. With everyone bashing him, I just figured one of his "friends"... or rather someone that's "friendly" with him, ought to offer a different perspective.
Haha I miss Tyler's video blogs. "I met with the mortgage lady today...I had lots of questions...she answered my questions...they said no...it went really well"


I've said many times that Tyler Cruz's success is more inspirational than anything else...ever.
Haha I miss Tyler's video blogs. "I met with the mortgage lady today...I had lots of questions...she answered my questions...they said no...it went really well"


I've said many times that Tyler Cruz's success is more inspirational than anything else...ever.

Yeah his blog inspires me too. I think to myself every time I glance at it "If this fairy idiot can do it, anyone can".
Tyler's To Do list:


As said by tylercruz:

I typically only work on my ‘todo’ list if I have completed all of the following:

Responded to all my e-mails.
Have a recent blog post up.
Have no important or outstanding work that needs to be done (time sensitive matters for example).

Only then (and if I have adequate energy) will I open up my ‘todo’ list. Since I only work an average of 3-4 hours a day, I don’t get to my ‘todo’ list most of the time.

He annoys the hell out of me.

Check out his real todo list: http://www.tylercruz.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/june_2007_todo_list.txt

He could probably finish all that in under a week.
He was also bragging about only being able to work like 15 - 20 hours per week. That lazy sack! No wonder his affiliate attempts went no where.
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