TV Propaganda Exposed - Very Insightful - Worth Watching

I'm 4:15 in, and what I've learned is that the creator of this video doesn't know enough about media to create something watchable.

Impressive, you have a much higher threshold for pain, I couldn't make it past 3:30. I then read the comments, then was thankful to all of you that persevered and saved me 20 minutes.
[ame=]World's Greatest Extra - YouTube[/ame]
I wouldn't completely dismiss the videos as it really needs only be one case of seeing the same actor to know this exists.

This is his argument, and he'd like to use it, but he's going about it in the wrong way.

He wants to show 'all' these stories are fake, but to do that, he would have to prove each and every one, which is obviously not going over well. So he uses the (noted above) justification, which separates him from the system of logic he so desperately wants to use.

He would have been better off to assume that 'all' of these cases are genuine, then all he would need to do is show one to be false and he could use the justification (noted above) to negate his assumption.

That wouldn't be as sensational as what he's trying to do, since he would really only be able to say that one of these (specific) cases are not genuine. But at least he would have something to stand on.

I think most people know what they see on TV is not real, maybe just not to the extent that it actually is(n't). Here's a little something from a studio:
[ame=""]Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel 2009 - YouTube[/ame]
Impressive, you have a much higher threshold for pain, I couldn't make it past 3:30. I then read the comments, then was thankful to all of you that persevered and saved me 20 minutes.

I made it to 4:18. I am entirely certain that when I am on my deathbed, I will wish I had those 258 seconds back.
Lady Gaga is Jean Benet Ramsay? Yeah, and your mom is your granddaughters niece with the facial reconstruction courtesy of kersian tel-aviv vampires. Seriously, what is this dude trying to propose? As a viral video I fail to see the market he's trying to sell to. Then again.
One thing's for sure - knowing that so many people are watching and discussing these videos, the makers must be getting a lot of attention! Or could they be practicing to produce new ones with an eye to monetizing them somehow?
Lady Gaga is Jean Benet Ramsay? Yeah, and your mom is your granddaughters niece with the facial reconstruction courtesy of kersian tel-aviv vampires. Seriously, what is this dude trying to propose? As a viral video I fail to see the market he's trying to sell to. Then again.

Shit, I'm ready to watch for the lolz...

So that whole murder case was just the prequel to "Born This Way"?
So this guy is pretty much a joke check out his latest video

[ame=]The Acting President - YouTube[/ame]
I would love to live in the world SEOBorn believes in. It would be quite comforting:

All diseases are curable
The gov controls EVERYTHING (as opposed to life being high uncontrollable)
Alex Jones is Jesus Re-incarnated
Reptiles from outerspace put us here as an experiment (so there is control over us, as oposed to randomness)

I mean, I'm just as dis-trusting as the next marketeer, and I know the gov/media lie, and there are always perverse interests pushing for what they want in a Machiavellian way... but this guy will buy into anything as long as you slap a 'conspiracy' or 'secret' label on it.

Fucking retard.