True Players Got These


Staff member
Jun 26, 2006
[ame=]Kohler Numi Bidet Toilet - YouTube[/ame]

Something about the contrast of feces and luxury made me feel discomfited. I kept expecting one of the actors to pop a squat in silhouette against the high profile urban skyline.
I guess I'm just an ignorant American, but I'll be damned if I want anything squirting in my ass. TP for me.

And skid marks in your underwear? All the TP in the word can't get your ass truly clean. Don't you wash your ass in the shower? There's not much difference. It doesn't squirt IN your ass, unless you have a particularly relaxed sphincter I suppose, which could be possible seeing as how this is the gay webmaster forum.

Bidets are fucking awesome.
And skid marks in your underwear? All the TP in the word can't get your ass truly clean. Don't you wash your ass in the shower? There's not much difference. It doesn't squirt IN your ass, unless you have a particularly relaxed sphincter I suppose, which could be possible seeing as how this is the gay webmaster forum.

Bidets are fucking awesome.

You wipe until the TP is white, so no we don't get skidmarks. And yes, I wash my ass in the shower, but I don't stand on my head and let the water shoot in my ass. Cultural difference I guess.

I'll be honest, I've never used a bidet so maybe I don't understand how it works. But I imagine it's just a stream of water - no soap right? So really, your ass isn't getting clean, you're just making your fecal matter wet and walking around with a moist asshole...
And skid marks in your underwear? All the TP in the word can't get your ass truly clean. Don't you wash your ass in the shower? There's not much difference. It doesn't squirt IN your ass, unless you have a particularly relaxed sphincter I suppose, which could be possible seeing as how this is the gay webmaster forum.

Bidets are fucking awesome.
And I'd imagine with something like in the OP, you wouldn't even have to wash your hands, since all you touch is your trousers/underwear.
You wipe until the TP is white, so no we don't get skidmarks. And yes, I wash my ass in the shower, but I don't stand on my head and let the water shoot in my ass. Cultural difference I guess.

I'll be honest, I've never used a bidet so maybe I don't understand how it works. But I imagine it's just a stream of water - no soap right? So really, your ass isn't getting clean, you're just making your fecal matter wet and walking around with a moist asshole...
Nope, after reading this, I immediately looked them up on wikipedia. You can adjust the pressure, so it'll pressure wash away all the fecal matter, and they can also use soap. Plus they seem to have built in dryers, so no wetness.
That's great and all but I'll argue no matter how nice your toilet is, your neighbors are gonna have a problem if your toilet is right in front of your window
I love to shit outdoors: nothing like feeling that fresh air on your balls, the wind taking away the horrid smell of shit, the views oh the views (there's trees and shit outdoors) and most of all it's free!!!
Yeah, when I first started dating my wife, I used to wonder wtf the jug of water she kept next to the toilet was for. It turns out that Asians think we are gross for just using toilet paper.

What really grosses me out is when people change their kid's nappies and just wipe their ass with a baby wipe. Having been to many festivals, I know that baby wipes don't do the job properly. Stick your child in the basin and give them a scrub, please, don't make them run around with a shitty ass.
Yeah, when I first started dating my wife, I used to wonder wtf the jug of water she kept next to the toilet was for. It turns out that Asians think we are gross for just using toilet paper.

Ahhh... Asian Toilets. The height of sofistication!


What really grosses me out is when people change their kid's nappies and just wipe their ass with a baby wipe. Having been to many festivals, I know that baby wipes don't do the job properly. Stick your child in the basin and give them a scrub, please, don't make them run around with a shitty ass.

I may be wrong, but you dont have kids, do you?. The baby wipes i clean my kids ass with work just fine, if you do it right and use enough of them.

Then they have a nappy put back on top of that after they are clean......... So unless you go around sniffing babys asses, then i dont see how its a problem.

Of course, then they shit themselves again an hour or so later anyway. I'd certainly love to have the time to bathe my kid everytime they have a shit though - IRL though it's just not practical most of the time.
I've been using moist toilet paper for 5 or 6 years or however long all the major toilet paper brands have been selling moist toilet paper in every major store in the U.S.

If I shit while I am home I do prefer to use the shower, though. It's not a big inconvenience. One of my worst feelings occurs when I have to shit right after taking a shower.

And yeah, when my kid was a baby I was definitely giving him 16 showers a day..