Today's WTF moment...

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I used to listen to NPR on the commute.Now I don't commute so no listening to NPR anymore :( So, instead, I make hubby give me the cliff notes from his drive home :D

I'll probably read the book cause it seems a bit twisted and I like me a little twisted.
I used to listen to NPR on the commute.Now I don't commute so no listening to NPR anymore :( So, instead, I make hubby give me the cliff notes from his drive home :D

I'll probably read the book cause it seems a bit twisted and I like me a little twisted.

Your lack of a space between "commute" and "Now" made me think at first that there was a new TLD (.now)

I guess I need some time off.
@turbolapp. Random question, but do you ever wish there were more chicks involved with AM, coding, domaining, etc. Or are you not really into "women's" networking?
As Mr. Darcy walked off, Elizabeth felt her blood turn cold. She had never in her life been so insulted. The warrior code demanded she avenge her honour. Elizabeth reached down to her ankle, taking care not to draw attention. There, her hand met the dagger concealed beneath her dress. She meant to follow this proud Mr. Darcy outside and open his throat.
But no sooner had she grabbed the handle of her weapon than a chorus of screams filled the assembly hall, immediately joined by the shattering of window panes. Unmentionables poured in, their movements clumsy yet swift; their burial clothing in a range of untidiness. Some wore gowns so tattered as to render them scandalous; other wore suits so filthy that one would assume they were assembled from little more than dirt and dried blood. Their flesh was in varying degrees of putrefaction; the freshly stricken were slightly green and pliant, whereas the longer dead were grey and brittle – their eyes and tongues long since turned to dust, and their lips pulled back into everlasting skeletal smiles.

R.O.F.L. - I may have to buy this as a gag gift for one of my sisters
@turbolapp. Random question, but do you ever wish there were more chicks involved with AM, coding, domaining, etc. Or are you not really into "women's" networking?

I'll answer for her, No. Cause then your womanly ideas would get saturated.
I'll answer for me, Yes. Cause then your womanly brains + figures would get appreciated more.

.... and by appreciated i mean... boooobbbbbbbbbbbbbiessssssssss
@ridd Yes and No. I was just saying to the hubby the other day that I think part of my success in this business has been taking a female perspective in an industry that is predominantly male. I mean most of you guys are brilliant with code but some of you may struggle in the areas of marketing to people or "buyology". I'm pretty good at reading people (and I think women, generally, are better at this then men) So, in other words, if AM were predominantly female then I think the whole game would have been different and who knows what would be, but I would definitely lose my edge.

That being said, I love meeting the gals in this industry (especially at Affiliate Summit), I feel a true kinship with them and would try to go out of my way to help them in any way I could.
That being said, I love meeting the gals in this industry (especially at Affiliate Summit), I feel a true kinship with them and would try to go out of my way to help them in any way I could.

@turbo In that case, I'm Looking forward to meeting you (you too, Riddar), If I ever manage to attend an Affiliate Summit.
@marfarma & turbo....dunno if you all are into any heavy domain investing (by the way I hate the term "domaining" I really feel like "domain investing" better promotes domains as a very viable alternative fixed income asset class; but that's another story)....anyway, there was a great DN Journal article about women in domaining that you guys migh enjoy. It was quite interesting. Also may try to make it ASE as it would be nice to do some networking....

Lastly, since the guys are always throwing around boob pics that we are cool with, I figured I'd let you ladies enjoy a little Absolut Swede to begin your work week:xmas-smiley-016::p:


And yes they really do look this good in person ;)
^^^Ridd, Another AM chick chiming in..... I'm usually not into that pretty boy look, but I must admit that my legs just opened a little.
Lastly, since the guys are always throwing around boob pics that we are cool with, I figured I'd let you ladies enjoy a little Absolut Swede to begin your work week:xmas-smiley-016::p:

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And yes they really do look this good in person ;)

That piece of beefcake is sweet enough to make my teeth ache.

So you live in the middle of natural splendor?


Now, what was that about an article .....

Fine... but before i go.... take this !

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