Today's WTF moment...

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Fine... but before i go.... take this !


Ooooh, now I have to take back all the miserable things I was muttering about you -- how'd you know he'd make my little heart race?

-- too bad he doesn't look like that any more. He didn't age well.

@marfarma & turbo....dunno if you all are into any heavy domain investing (by the way I hate the term "domaining" I really feel like "domain investing" better promotes domains as a very viable alternative fixed income asset class; but that's another story)....anyway, there was a great DN Journal article about women in domaining that you guys migh enjoy. It was quite interesting. Also may try to make it ASE as it would be nice to do some networking....

Lastly, since the guys are always throwing around boob pics that we are cool with, I figured I'd let you ladies enjoy a little Absolut Swede to begin your work week:xmas-smiley-016::p:

View attachment 908

And yes they really do look this good in person ;)
I'd go to Sweden to meet 'im. :p
^^^Ridd, Another AM chick chiming in..... I'm usually not into that pretty boy look, but I must admit that my legs just opened a little.

lol...I wasn't into pretty boys at first, but it's a nice acquired taste that you can easily get used to! The funny thing is with all the equality or whatever up North,Scandinavian men from the time they're born are basically "indoctrinated" the same way women are. By that I mean they are taught that "if you want to get a woman, you must keep yourself looking good at all times!!" Now, most women think kinds of pretty guys would be way too obnoxious but can I tell you how fantastic it is to date or marry a guy who is 100% male model material, yet has no idea how attractive he is??!

Don't let me go on.....
I went on a date once with a 10+ I just wanted to see what it would be like.


He was dull and dumb. I couldn't even just use him for sex cause he was so dimwitted and trite that it turned me off. But I was sad when I shoved him out the door with his shirt off cause he had those same washboard abs. *sigh* I miss college. :(
You know, I've never dated. Seems I'd hook up with someone and suddenly we were an item. Way back when 'AIDS' had yet to be discovered.

None of them were a 10 -- and neither was I. But I had some very, very, very good times. If you know what I mean.

Can't say I miss college, though. I'm about to celebrate my 24th anniversary. Monogamy FTW. (Who'd have thought.)

I went on a date once with a 10+ I just wanted to see what it would be like.
If you ladies are going to post male T&A, can I request a few simple rules of thumb that we use for the ladies anyway?

1) No body hair
2) No one over 25
3) If they have to be wearing underpants, can they at least be not plain "It's laundry Day" type underpants

Why do they have to be under 25? Who said you get a vote, anyhow? Under 25 just looks like my students and believe me - that's unsettling.

@ the rest of the ladies - while not really in AM or domaining at the moment, the hubby and I were throwing around ideas about attending future summits and such. Maybe we'll all make it together someday for a chicks and no dicks networking party :)

Turbo, when you go - do you bring the kids?
Hey this is fun! We should have like a virtual happy hour on Weds. or Fridays...BYOL and no guys aloud! Of course we know they'll snoop on us anyway :p
@marfarma... I would recommend every ambitious yet family oriented woman take a trip to Scandinavia, esp. is truly paradigm shifting...
For instance, families get up to 2 years of 80% salary when they have a child. Also, by law, if the father doesn't take at least 3 months off, each parent loses their benefits. The reason why they do that is to promote balance between who takes on child rearing responsibilities. Also, historically, men have sometimes been given a funny look when they take their paternity leave. So, now that it is mandatory by law, there's alot less pressure on men. Many families, the woman takes the first year off, then the man takes the second year off (so she can go back to work and resume her career). The craziest oddest thing you'll notice the first time you land is all these runway looking model men pushing baby carriages. Seriously, it's so blatant it's like a joke for expats.

I mean I really wasn't into "feminism" as such in college but I truly changed when I first went to Sweden about 6 years ago (now I divide my time between Europe and the States). You would think the men wouldn't like some of the laws but they seem to actually prefer it. I have to admit, it can seem a bit intimidating...even weird. For a while you find yourself asking the question, what is the fucking catch?! You cook, clean after yourself, can fix things around the house, work out like a fanatic yet have no interest in size 0's, you are 6+ft, blond, blue eyes and you make Brad Pitt look like sloppy seconds. Are you gay? Do you have a mental disorder?!

The best thing about European guys esp. if they are from one of the more "liberal" part of Europe (ex. northern Europe) is that they seem to be so happy with the things American men sometimes take for granted. I mean the little things, they will be ready to marry you after a month. I am not line one bit when I say I had 2 men start talking marriage after one month of dating.

For instance, the little slightly traditional things like asking them their favorite meal and going out of your way to cook it now and then. Or maybe if their is a ball game on and you offer to play hostess (not a big deal a couple of times a year). Or, if you don't call them a sexist pig for holding a door or letting them be proactive about decision making. I mean Swedish women for instance are drop dead gorgeous but man they really do take the whole feminism thing overboard some times.

Another thing they really seem to dig is the capitalism in American women. It's odd for them to meet women who may have slightly old fashioned/traditional ways (as described above) yet are so dog on ambitious and business minded. They admire our risk-taking and entrepreneurial personalities

So if you have some friends that want to have their hubby cake and eat it too, tell 'em to grab a plane ticket and come on down!!

(ps: of course these are some generalities but you won't be hard pressed to find someone who agrees with me...)
@ridd I think it best for my marriage that i never ever go to the Netherlands.

@IA Leaving the kids behind for ASE, but bringing the hubby. You guys should come!
WTF indeed. We went from talking about Zombies, to cheesedick superstar Eurotards, to strategies for either cheating on your husband, and/or bagging yourself one of the aforementioned poor saps.

You ladies are so much more calculating than any of the dudes on here who are blissfully posting up titty pics whilst "living the dream".
WTF indeed. We went from talking about Zombies, to cheesedick superstar Eurotards, to strategies for either cheating on your husband, and/or bagging yourself one of the aforementioned poor saps.

You ladies are so much more calculating than any of the dudes on here who are blissfully posting up titty pics whilst "living the dream".

STFU & KYAS!!!!!

@ridd I think it best for my marriage that i never ever go to the Netherlands.

@IA Leaving the kids behind for ASE, but bringing the hubby. You guys should come!

Since it's in my back yard it should be too difficult to make. What's the gate? I'm not up for $1k registration fees - so I prob only get the expo pass.
If you have a biz blog you can get a press pass. Also Jon usually gives away some passes too.
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