Time to make money with GOLD: SHAPOW!

Are you high? Or were you suggesting they move to Mexico first? :D


I follow the gold/silver market pretty closely and actually warned people that we're probably in a bull trap here on WF about a year ago when prices were starting to climb again and ended up at the $17xx level. Lots of people disagreed with me but one year later, here we are at $12xx.

Being long gold at this point like you're suggesting might make sense if we're simply talking about a short-term trade.

However, those who want to buy and hold shouldn't back up the truck just yet IMO.

I'm not going to refer to technical indicators, I'll put another argument on the table instead: the sentiment among gold enthusiasts. If you visit a few gold/silver forums, you'll see that some of the people who used to be extremely bullish are now bearish. However, a lot of them are still perma-bulls.

In my opinion, the best time to buy will be when most of those perma-bulls start turning into bears as well. We're not quite there yet and I doubt we'll see the low in 2013.

I know a lot of WF members love gold (probably because they earn a living online and like the idea of owning tangible assets as well), I talk to people about it on Skype every once in a while and just wanted to share my 2 cents. This isn't investment advice by any means, just an opinion.

Thanks for the post Charlie. I do agree with you that the golden period to get back into gold on the long side will be when we finally see capitulation. When most investors are finally all on the same boat (short side), that would open up the right environment to go long for the next few years.

Just like you also mentioned, my suggestion here is simply a trade. The trade might just last 3-4 days until we hit our profit goal and are back out.

Ok I have a question mgrunin. One question. If a person of maturity and above average intelligence (not me of course), knowing absolutely fuckall about stocks/trading were to begin a dedicated and thorough studying and learning process, approximately how long (in months or years) would it take to obtain the knowledge and competence necessary to have a good chance at making some serious money. Like you have. Heh. That all sounds so gay. But seriously, how long?

That is tough question to answer because I am still learning to this day. If you plan to strictly trade shares, then versing yourself on understanding technical trading and at the very least a model level of fundamentals should only take a few months to grasp pretty well. The most difficult part with trading is the mental side of it. It always is an oncoming battle within yourself when you decide to enter or close a position. Fear causes you to lose out on many great opportunities, while greed causes you to lose what you once had.

Now..if you want to also trade options, then the learning curve there is much greater. To really fully understand options, and what they are derived from, and how to calculate each greek's influence takes a look time. As a newbie...probably closer to a year.

So you're saying most everyone who starts trading, loses initially? Rarely if ever does anyone gather the knowledge then dives in and starts profiting? Seems the coolest thing would be to sit and watch the people who basically know what they're doing. And, also to do simulated trading if such a thing is possible. Mgrunin must be making some really good educated guesses if he banks 11k in one day in a down market, and profits 12 out of 13 days, and hits ~75k/month.

Even aside from the money, there's something alluring about the whole thing, dunno.

Cool tag "trading 12 months=expert". I guess if you trade full time for a year, and survive, yah.

I don't agree that everyone that starts loses money initially. Many do get lucky. But for learning purposes, it would be better for the person's future development to lose at the beginning. The worst sort of attitude to have towards trading is the "I'm invincible" attitude because it will have you forcing your trades and also over-trading. If instead you do lose your first couple trades, that will curb your ego and you'll approach the industry more cautiously.

True story:

Two months ago I was speaking to a friend of mine in the industry, he was impressed with some of my posts and wanted to follow me on the next few trades. He ended up deposited roughly $250k into his trading account and waited for my trades. I had a play on FB, and he followed and turned out close to $500k in profit. Keep in mind that this trade took place over 3-4 days ago. So half a mil in 3-4 days was very impressive. Now the man himself already kills it in affiliate marketing, but when he saw that he pulled out half a mil in a single trade within a couple days, he thought to himself that this is where all the fucking money is. He could rack in millions by the day.

From that point on, he begins to join all different discussion boards, and starts pulling his own trades just based on his feels. He asks for my advice over the two weeks but I wasn't pulling any trades since I didn't like the market environment but that didn't stop him from still pulling trades. When I caught up with him 3 weeks later down the line, he lost $400k of the initial $500k profit so far. So even though he was still over water at that point, the over confidence he received from the first trade really distorted his view of the whole game.

I haven't heard from him in a few weeks now...so I gather things didn't go too well from here.
Lukep, I think that was the point in his video. If he's able to get in at that certain low point, he's gonna profit either way. Profits may be quite different depending on which way it goes, but profit nonetheless. I don't know shit about the markets, maybe he's full of shit, but if what he says is true, then he's about to win either way. WIN EITHER WAY = :D

The win either way scenario is what is most attractive. It seems less speculative, less of a gamble. Of course this may just be his spin on it, I don't know. But I'm bored and actually interested in this.

In my video, I didn't say that I would profit either way, I did say that we are at a pivotal point here were we can pick a direction and have minimum losses if we are wrong.

Later tonight I will cover some option positions, one that would actually allow us to profit even if it goes up or down, it is just a matter of it actually going somewhere.

So, do you feel that this chart is indicative of the last few years of the Roman empire?
The last few years of the Venetian empire?
The last few years of the Habsburg empire?
The last few years of the Bourbon Monarchy?
The last few years of the Weimar republic empire?

The American empire will be no different. All of these empires imploded from unsustainable debts and too much money printing.
Where Are Gold & Silver Headed

Gold Futures--- Gold futures are right near 3 year lows going out this Friday afternoon at 1,200 an ounce after falling $40 in yesterday’s trade due to the fact that the Federal Reserve announced the beginning of its tapering program of bond purchases which is construed as negative towards goal prices as the money flow continues in the S&P 500 and out of the precious metals as investors see no reason to be long the gold market at this time. Gold futures have dropped $700 from their highs and I do think there’s still a possibility that we could drop another $100 dollars maybe another $150 but eventually this market will bottom out as well as world problems will come back into play, but right now the trend is your friend and in the trend is buying the S&P 500 and selling gold and I think that’s going to continue for the rest of the year as the stock market is hitting all-time highs once again in the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average while gold futures finished up $8 today .


mgrunin, one more thing. would you please say "SHAPOW!" in your next video? Thanks, I wanna hear you say it.
wait until the economy really gets going again. when people start building houses, the RE market fully recovers, and we hit a boom time where confidence in the economy is high. gold and silver will fall even more than they have now. unless something drastic happens that reverses the recovery, gold and silver are going to continue to drop.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYkl3XlEneA]There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. - YouTube[/ame]
wait until the economy really gets going again. when people start building houses, the RE market fully recovers, and we hit a boom time where confidence in the economy is high. gold and silver will fall even more than they have now. unless something drastic happens that reverses the recovery, gold and silver are going to continue to drop.

Despite shit you hear on "the news," there's nothing to suggest that will happen anytime soon.

Please explain this "recovery" I've been hearing about for 4-5 years now.

At the bare minimum, metals are inflation hedges, and there's no indication that inflation will slow down, either... only the opposite.

There's no indication that demand for dollars will rise... only the opposite. That's the giant elephant in the room, as far as I'm concerned, and it's a big giant fucking deal.
Gold Futures

At this point in time, if you don't have immediate access to it, you don't own gold at all. You own papers and promises from banks - who have proven themselves to be quite criminal in recent years.

There's a reason why there are physical gold shortages.
well gold is the reason I lost almost 20k earlier this year. The word is that the US dollar is strengthening so why would there be a need to load on gold? That was the premise for it's rise after the recession ( the QE at least). The tapering would cause people to be more careful with their investments but since the returns on the equities are so high there is no point in flocking to gold yet. It will rise eventually but Im not sure this is the moment.

If you guys are insane enough look into NUGT and DUST.
I have nothing but respect for mGrunin with his Midas touch (yeah it was intended) and his willingness to put himself out there, before taking action and his willingness to share.

My question about the chart, it would be interesting to see a longer history, to the left the bands are squeezing and yet it dropped quickly afterward. I understand the technicians and their argument for support (not band related) but just questioning the bands narrowing argument.
I have nothing but respect for mGrunin with his Midas touch (yeah it was intended) and his willingness to put himself out there, before taking action and his willingness to share.

My question about the chart, it would be interesting to see a longer history, to the left the bands are squeezing and yet it dropped quickly afterward. I understand the technicians and their argument for support (not band related) but just questioning the bands narrowing argument.

Nevermind. Re-read the original post.
Despite shit you hear on "the news," there's nothing to suggest that will happen anytime soon.

Please explain this "recovery" I've been hearing about for 4-5 years now.

I don't watch much news. This year, I see more new homes being built and the average price of homes rising. Unemployment looks like it has been dropping for a couple years now. Hell, I know one guy who even quit his 6 figure job to fix and flip.

I have no way of knowing what you've heard, especially for the last 4-5 years. Why don't you share it?