Thoughts on having Partners in Business

Partnership is working out for Addison and I with our SEO services. Easy monies for both of us and it takes the workload off each other (since we both have school/busy schedules).
I did not want to create a new thread and to be annoing just decided to post it in the most related to my question topic.
The question is why dont affiliates want to work directly with advertisers? Is it mostly safe question or what? I have heard often something like I am working with my network because I trust it or trust to my affiliate manager. So i guess thats a kind of partnership.
So do you think is it good to work directly with advertiser without affiliate network?
So do you think is it good to work directly with advertiser without affiliate network?

In my opinion....and you can take this with a grain of salt. The reason why Affiliates trust networks, is because they only deal with legit advertisers that pay out in offers - sort of like a good credit rating. Another reason is, the network can fuel the advertisers business and negotiate better rates, than if an affiliate goes directly to the advertiser. Also I heard networks take on a lot of risk for paying out the affiliates don`t need to worry about getting paid out if they deal with a reputable ad network vs dealing with a shady advertiser who may just decide not to pay you.
I've had a partner for a few months- works brilliantly. Friends since we were 7 and both very different skill set. I recon its only good to do if you both bring something different and valuable to the table.
Having a dependable partner is good especially if each of you have expertise in different areas. For example in my case, I am more knowledgeable in SEO while my buddy is good in web design and we decided to go into partnership by helping offline business build their online presence. But, there are some who just want to be "free-riders" which is pretty common to be honest which makes finding "reliable" partner difficult.
Having partners is a double edged sword.

One one end you have someone there you can communicate with and develop ideas.

On the other.. you have to be able to fully trust your partner, you never know, at any moment they could easily stab you in the back
If you have a partner you will need to have a clear division of responsibility and profit and put it all in writing.

I find it easier to go alone and outsource. The start and the end of the relationship is clear.

I do have a few projects with my son, but that is because I know him so well and know how he was raised! :)