Thoughts on having Partners in Business

the solitary, secretive nature of the affiliate world is truly shining through in this thread

amen to that

How many start-ups can you name started and ran by a single founder? Not many I bet...

Even when applying to Ycombinator they will ALWAYS prefer you having a partner, being alone is considered a big disadvantage. Dunno about strictly AM, but definitely not a good idea if you're thinking of opening a start-up

Personally I'd chop my balls off before I went into a partnership.

i dont even know you that well but, i can pinpoint you as a loser miles away.. if you can't do the same, no wonder you can't partner with somebody..

it is true, great minds do think alike.. and if you can't find anybody to compliment your skills.. well do I need to state where the problem lies?
i dont even know you that well but, i can pinpoint you as a loser miles away.. if you can't do the same, no wonder you can't partner with somebody..

it is true, great minds do think alike.. and if you can't find anybody to compliment your skills.. well do I need to state where the problem lies?

Was that loser comment directed at me? If so, quite a bold statement with the very little information I have given you. Nonetheless, I appreciate all the feedback and comments here....definitely see that a lot of people have had their fair share of experiences with partners.
Nah, partnerships are for losers...








Just ask Michael Dell how important good partnerships are. He's probably the king of forming strong & profitable partnerships.
you should know yourself better than anybody, if it could or not apply to you, why would you question it? do you subconsciously question it could be true, and took offense?

Actually this is the first time I have been active on a I thought it was fair to assume since it was my thread..that the comment was was directed at me....I was curious on why you would make a comment like that so I messaged you back........instead of clarifying you asked me to question my question...amusing....But to answer your question I was simply wondering where you were coming from and what was the meaning behind your words.....the better question appears you enjoy digging to see if other people have weaknesses....Is this so you don't need to confront your own? Let me ask you a question....why would I take offense from you?
Actually this is the first time I have been active on a I thought it was fair to assume since it was my thread..that the comment was was directed at me....I was curious on why you would make a comment like that so I messaged you back........instead of clarifying you asked me to question my question...amusing....But to answer your question I was simply wondering where you were coming from and what was the meaning behind your words.....the better question appears you enjoy digging to see if other people have weaknesses....Is this so you don't need to confront your own? Let me ask you a question....why would I take offense from you?

Jesus... fucking... christ... with... the... ellipses...
This forum isn't going to be the best place to get solid pros to having a partnership, you would need to explore a few more places (like forums with less intj's), to get a list of reasons in favor of having a partner in business. For reasons not to have a partner, as you can see, this forum is a great resource.

It looks like a safe bet to say that affiliate marketing attracts a majority of lone wolves.

Also consider, people are more likely to complain about a bad experience than they are to praise a good one. You don't see nearly as many happily married men talking about how great their marraige is (and when they do, they are usually accused of being whipped), but you can't go a day or two without hearing about the woes of someone getting divorced or how annoying they think their Wife is (oddly more acceptable to bitch about the only person who tolerates your shit, than to appreciate them publicly).
aren't you the jackass that was wigging out since you couldn't get your drugs in time for your festival and also asking people on here about getting a job (working for somebody else) and driving far as fuck just for the position because you were broke? this 'job' you had your hopes up for, and people were telling you it could be a scam?

yeah, who the fuck would want to partner with you in the first place...

i dont even know you that well but, i can pinpoint you as a loser miles away.. if you can't do the same, no wonder you can't partner with somebody..

it is true, great minds do think alike.. and if you can't find anybody to compliment your skills.. well do I need to state where the problem lies?
Can't remember if you've trolled me yet, so repeating yourself? Nice one buddy. ;)

aren't you like 12 years old?
18 in September.
This forum isn't going to be the best place to get solid pros to having a partnership, you would need to explore a few more places (like forums with less intj's), to get a list of reasons in favor of having a partner in business. For reasons not to have a partner, as you can see, this forum is a great resource.

It looks like a safe bet to say that affiliate marketing attracts a majority of lone wolves.

Also consider, people are more likely to complain about a bad experience than they are to praise a good one. You don't see nearly as many happily married men talking about how great their marraige is (and when they do, they are usually accused of being whipped), but you can't go a day or two without hearing about the woes of someone getting divorced or how annoying they think their Wife is (oddly more acceptable to bitch about the only person who tolerates your shit, than to appreciate them publicly).

Very interesting comment....your analogy is similar to how poker players talk about their bad beats....and they remember all the hands they have had bad beats....but when it comes to their wins, its easily forgotten.
Well only way to set up a good partnership is to take control of whatever you want to keep secret and only expose information that your partner really needs to know about. If your partner wants to know everything then that's an immediate leave on your behalf. Never trust anyone fully within the first 6 months of knowing them.

Also don't focus too much on the money, but instead think of the work and the effort of each person, as well as the investments both are putting down. In the end, if you are putting down more time + money + skills you should get back more, no way around that. If your partner is doing less for more, then either live with it, or look for another partnership with better returns. Also, it is very important to negotiate everything that you thing is not right, or unfair. This way you set a standard for the future when new deal arises.
Well only way to set up a good partnership is to take control of whatever you want to keep secret and only expose information that your partner really needs to know about. If your partner wants to know everything then that's an immediate leave on your behalf. Never trust anyone fully within the first 6 months of knowing them.

Also don't focus too much on the money, but instead think of the work and the effort of each person, as well as the investments both are putting down. In the end, if you are putting down more time + money + skills you should get back more, no way around that. If your partner is doing less for more, then either live with it, or look for another partnership with better returns. Also, it is very important to negotiate everything that you thing is not right, or unfair. This way you set a standard for the future when new deal arises.

Thank you for the detailed response. I am currently leaning towards running solo. Its nice to have partners if you are extremely similar people, but I am starting to see that I can only trust myself to get the work done.
The other day hired someone to get some basic stuff done for some websites, and its still not completed, its so hard to find good people to work with even if you pay them. I think in the long run it pays off to do everything on your own - all it takes is a bit of patience, confidence and hard work.
I'm not against having business partners, but I keep my friends and my business partners separate. I've had too many bad experiences with friends that start out enthusiastic but lose interest / get lazy / get greedy. At some point, something has to give - either you lose the business, or you lose the friend.