Thoughts on having Partners in Business


New member
May 8, 2009
Hey guys, so I was really wondering what the pros and cons are of having a business partner.

Does it make sense to make someone a minority partner - say a 70:30 split if they bring money or a certain skill to the table or do you only bring partners who have equal and irreplaceable value and make it a 50:50 split. Your thoughts?

Most partners will fuck you without shame, regardless of how good of friends you might be or how promising their skill set looks beforehand.

Make projects that compliment each other, but keep separate entities. This way you will both benefit based on work rather than arbitrary splits.

At least that's how I would do it if I were to go through that shit again, but it also depends on what you are planning to do and what kind of results you are trying to obtain.
Most partners will fuck you without shame, regardless of how good of friends you might be or how promising their skill set looks beforehand.

Make projects that compliment each other, but keep separate entities. This way you will both benefit based on work rather than arbitrary splits.

At least that's how I would do it if I were to go through that shit again, but it also depends on what you are planning to do and what kind of results you are trying to obtain.

I'm feeling the same thing....hard to trust people - seems everyone just wants a piece of your action....just trying to figure out a way to grow this business without partners and protect my intellectual property - since everything is online, its hard to hide what your doing.
Partners will fuck you over, thats the last thing i will ever do in my business. If you really need someone's skill, hire him to do the job. If you need money, knock banks or some local funding source.
I don't think the statement ' partners will fuck you' is fair to say. Lots of partnerships work great...

Personally, I'm getting to the point where I'd rahter do it myself or outsource to others and keep all the profit. I find parnterships can breed laziness in that if I work harder than them and they still get the same $ it pisses me off (this usually happens).

So fuck it, hire people, do it yourself, or offer a small% to an employee as well...
I don't think the statement ' partners will fuck you' is fair to say. Lots of partnerships work great...

Personally, I'm getting to the point where I'd rahter do it myself or outsource to others and keep all the profit. I find parnterships can breed laziness in that if I work harder than them and they still get the same $ it pisses me off (this usually happens).

So fuck it, hire people, do it yourself, or offer a small% to an employee as well...

Thanks for the comment....that is what I'm thinking.....fuck a one show.
Partners SUCK!! If he is your best friend expect to lose him. If she is your wife expect to divorce her. If they are a stranger sign the agreement with a tube of KY because they will fuck you faster then you can say OUCH!! What ever they bring to the game you can pay for - except if you are broke and they are bringing the money... in that case you will be the fucker not the fuckie... but I guarantee there will be fucking and not the fun kind. When it comes to money people will do things that THEY THEMSELVES never imagined was possible. How often have I heard single women talk about how awful Mrs Cunt was for taking all of her X-husbands money in a divorce, ending that lament with I would NEVER do that, yeah right until you are getting a divorce, then you will fuck that poor slob like he was a cheap street whore.

If I was not clear, don't have partners. Have employees, subcontractors, advisers, only people you can fire.
A couple of wise men told me the only way a partnership works is 51%/49%. Someone has to have control in the end, or shit never gets decided.

I have a 50/50 business partner and its challenging at times, but its worked for many, many years. We started at the same time from the ground up, maybe that's why.
Not a big fan of partnerships. If someone wants to trade capital for equity, that's an investor. Partners need to be visionaries and hustlers.

Never partner with someone you don't know intimately. I'd also recommend not partnering with someone who hasn't had success on their own. Too hard to teach a partner good habits, and when you have equal pull, there is no guarantee they will even try.

Also, what b_sun said about someone being in charge. Socialism doesn't work. Committees don't work. Someone has to be the shot caller, and everyone else has to back him up 100%. Anything less breeds failure.
Partnership will not be a good idea, especially with really close friends getting fucked over.

If you do go ahead with partnership, then at least make sure one of you is getting the higher amount of pay (preferably you in this case). This will cease arguments and hopefully, result in a more successful, controllable business. Rather than arguing over the true "leader" of the business.

But, to be honest, in my own opinion, fuck partnership. Do it all alone. Get the profits all on your own.
I think its always best to have a partner compliment your skill just because if you guys are both shy as fuck who the fuck going to sell for you?... financial splits some prefer to do 50/50 and others split differently... I think that if one person is going to do more work than the other no matter he should have more power.......oh yeah you gotta trust your partner a 100%......thats hard to do these or in real life
There is no need to partner up unless you types of skills dont complement each other, and if you think that you are a one man army good luck to proper growth.

My only rule so far dont partner up with close friends.
There is no need to partner up unless you types of skills dont complement each other, and if you think that you are a one man army good luck to proper growth.

My only rule so far dont partner up with close friends.

Thanks for all the comments guys, really giving me good instinct was not to have a partner at all. The true problem I have is the inability to scale up properly because of lack of talent (I can trust aka sales) and finances. Currently, I do the online advertising, sell the product and do everything....but I know the competition is seeing what I am doing and is already starting to copy me....I guess I just need to work with what I have and hope for the best.
I think joint ventures are ok if you know the person IRL.

There are not enough adjectives, or expletives to describe what a bad idea it is to have your wife (GF, fiance) involved in any aspect of your business.

Both of these comments come from my personal experience btw.
The only reason for a partnership is if you cant get the money you need for your "plans". If this is the case go for it get his money, retain control and do what you gotta do.
the solitary, secretive nature of the affiliate world is truly shining through in this thread

I thought it would be an interesting topic....I am really starting to like it here on WF.....a lot of very interesting people here.....I can relate with these posts and agree with many of these views.

It is unfortunate that this is the world we live in....where we cannot trust people....when what we would like to do the most is to sincerely trust in others (this is how I feel at least).

It is very rare you run into individuals with that level of integrity and will not fuck you up the ass when they get a chance. I have already been taken once in a business. It's heartbreaking when someone you trusted fucks you because money.

My uncle told me something awhile ago : "Money is the root of all evil and the root of all good"

Anyhow appreciate all the comments once again.
Let me tell you my experience with business partnership.

1) My partner tried to fuck me up.
2) I discovered and took the actions to avoid it.
3) He got mad and decide to leave the company
4) 90% of the works that I did myself, are in his new company portfolio.
5) According to him, I'm the dick!

that's it. Partnership is a marriage based in money. Unless your partner is your father, mother or wife. There's no way it can work it out.