This is what made me rack up muslim kills


New member
Jun 12, 2007
This is one of the videos that made me enlist after 9/11. Can you imagine your family member having to jumb to thier death? This is why I went to the middle east and took care of business. Do I regret killing muslims that danced in the street after 9/11...nope.

I am a warrior and I fought for my country. I gave up the girl I loved and my life at the time to defend the inocents that were murdered in 9/11.

fuck the muslims that killed my brothers..

fuck the idots that protested my the time I spent there.

You don't know what I did or what I experienced. Have you ever killed a man...I have..many...Im drunk so Im out.

Every time I watch this it makes me come to tears.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Fuck you terrorist smypathitic bitches.

Please...always remember.

you kind of cleared up a quiestion i alwasy had for ppl that went to the military .. and that was " have you every killed anyone" i have no idea how it is out there, all i have is movies, and a few ppl i know that go there, but i don't ask ..
What's your opinion on the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were SAUDIS but you didn't kill any of them?

Not trying to flame, as I respect your motives and am a huge supporter of those who serve... just wondering what you think of our perhaps misdirected campaigns.
yea popeye, let's do the damn thang. we can rape some muslims and then hit up bowlarama afterwards? drinks are on me, bud.











The lives lost on 9/11 will never be forgotten.

Your brave service to our country will never be forgotten.

Don't let the vocal minority convince you otherwise.

Respect and +rep.
Thank you for your service and I doubt anyone cold forget the events of September 11th.

I'd imagine though that most people's problem is with the war in Iraq, a country whose people that had no real connection with 9/11 other than the fact that they were located in the same region as the true culprits. In saying that I mean no disrespect to the troops who did their duty and fought over there, they were extremely brave. I'd just rather we have spent our time going after the actual people who were responsible for the loss of American life.