They're turning on eachother

It's MY website and I want it NOW!

Five years ago few believed that this simple forum could make a poor man successful. There was a lot of skepticism that a simple forum could do such an amazing thing. A forum that could make a man larger?

Dunno why some of you guys are down on WaFo "rejects." How many people here were on WaFo in the past, posted something about Wickedfire or something critical of WaFo assholes, and then got banned? Quite a few intelligent, worthy people, I'd bet.

Oh, I know why... because it seems to be the accepted "Wickedfire culture" to piss on anyone that's not an "established" old school Wickedfire member. This site has its own group of elitist fuckfaces and it's growing larger every day.
Dunno why some of you guys are down on WaFo "rejects." How many people here were on WaFo in the past, posted something about Wickedfire or something critical of WaFo assholes, and then got banned? Quite a few intelligent, worthy people, I'd bet.

Oh, I know why... because it seems to be the accepted "Wickedfire culture" to piss on anyone that's not an "established" old school Wickedfire member. This site has its own group of elitist fuckfaces and it's growing larger every day.

Sounds like somebody struck a nerve.
Dunno why some of you guys are down on WaFo "rejects." How many people here were on WaFo in the past, posted something about Wickedfire or something critical of WaFo assholes, and then got banned? Quite a few intelligent, worthy people, I'd bet.

Oh, I know why... because it seems to be the accepted "Wickedfire culture" to piss on anyone that's not an "established" old school Wickedfire member. This site has its own group of elitist fuckfaces and it's growing larger every day.

It's really a love it, or hate it type place. I hate having to be phony, and pretend to be nice. Most people tend to share their personalities on this website - good or bad.

Warrior is over-moderated, and personally there is a lot of posers over there. Reading the D & J threads makes me laugh thinking about "their offices" and their "support staff". I could be way off about them, but it seems there are a lot of small time heros over there.

I feel safe here because I know most of the elitist members on this site have bigger shit to worry about, then scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to scam a few people out of a hundred bucks.

[ame=]YouTube - My Blues[/ame]
It's really a love it, or hate it type place. I hate having to be phony, and pretend to be nice. Most people tend to share their personalities on this website - good or bad.

Warrior is over-moderated, and personally there is a lot of posers over there. Reading the D & J threads makes me laugh thinking about "their offices" and their "support staff". I could be way off about them, but it seems there are a lot of small time heros over there.

I feel safe here because I know most of the elitist members on this site have bigger shit to worry about, then scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to scam a few people out of a hundred bucks.

I agree with this. I've heard people on the WarriorForum refrain from posting in their own threads just because they're scared to get banned for bumping their own thread or promoting their signature.

It's like they're not letting the public control the topics at hand, but rather they are.

Plus, no one is allowed to be themselves on their. I understand they want to create a professional environment. But even in an office building you can say shit once in a while.
I agree with this. I've heard people on the WarriorForum refrain from posting in their own threads just because they're scared to get banned for bumping their own thread or promoting their signature.

It's like they're not letting the public control the topics at hand, but rather they are.

Plus, no one is allowed to be themselves on their. I understand they want to create a professional environment. But even in an office building you can say shit once in a while.

Lol, it's funny...I have 3 or 4 posts there, but I don't think they counted them. The only place a new/non-paying member can post is shooting the shit type threads talking about what a nice day it is and shit.

This forum has the cleanest front page I've seen anywhere - with mostly relevant threads. Either someone erases the garbage here...or the mods on "other" forums really need to rethink their game plan.

I'm not kissing any ass when saying this forum is cool shit. Active, intelligent members with something to say. Not to mention a little "personality".
[ame=]YouTube - Dramatic Steve Wagenheim[/ame]
Lol, it's funny...I have 3 or 4 posts there, but I don't think they counted them. The only place a new/non-paying member can post is shooting the shit type threads talking about what a nice day it is and shit.

This forum has the cleanest front page I've seen anywhere - with mostly relevant threads. Either someone erases the garbage here...or the mods on "other" forums really need to rethink their game plan.

I'm not kissing any ass when saying this forum is cool shit. Active, intelligent members with something to say. Not to mention a little "personality".

I wish you'd change your NSFW signature. It makes it difficult to browse the forum while at work for some or in class for others.
it was about sensational reporting to feed into people's hatred about the welfare system and to justify personal prejudices with intent to target the fox new market share.

Uhhh... no, actually it wasn't. Is that what you guys are telling yourself now? Lol that's pathetic. But at least you hit all the buzzwords.
I guess WarriorForum (or the site that shall not be named?) is starting to turn on themselves. There is even a facebook page created about it:!/pages/Banned-From-the-Warrior-Forum/106651812688918

I guess there was a guy that got banned for "Promoting his signature" in a thread that he was simply just participating in. If this forum had policy kblessinggr would have been banned long ago...

Heck, they don't ban anymore. Now they have even better methods!

That's like getting voted off the short bus. A blessing in disguise.'s like the TV series: SURVIVOR. Everyone gets voted off by their own teams. LOL....

Dunno why some of you guys are down on WaFo "rejects." How many people here were on WaFo in the past, posted something about Wickedfire or something critical of WaFo assholes, and then got banned? Quite a few intelligent, worthy people, I'd bet.

Oh, I know why... because it seems to be the accepted "Wickedfire culture" to piss on anyone that's not an "established" old school Wickedfire member. This site has its own group of elitist fuckfaces and it's growing larger every day.

It's true, some of the people from the bore-eyor forum are on here. Look at Darklock for instance. (But only because his loving "forum" kicked him off!) Others may be hiding through pseudo names, but none the less, a lot of marketers are actually on many forums anyways, not just these specific two.

As for the site in question growing with elitist leaders? Hardly. It's still the same people leading, just some more sheeple feeding! But then again, every cult has it's following....and I doubt this forum is as bad as others in question *COUGHS* bore-eyor *COUGHS* forum *COUGHS*...

It's really a love it, or hate it type place. I hate having to be phony, and pretend to be nice. Most people tend to share their personalities on this website - good or bad.

Warrior is over-moderated, and personally there is a lot of posers over there. Reading the D & J threads makes me laugh thinking about "their offices" and their "support staff". I could be way off about them, but it seems there are a lot of small time heros over there.

I feel safe here because I know most of the elitist members on this site have bigger shit to worry about, then scraping the bottom of the barrel, trying to scam a few people out of a hundred bucks.

I spoke my mind all the time...and pissed off most of the forum. I was told to come here a LONGGGGGGG time ago, because apparently I would fit in here better.

They are also jealous...folks from the other cult. If they see your avatar.....they get mad and jealous. If they see your signature.....they get mad and jealous. IF they see your special offer.....they get mad and jealous.....if they see your free tips......they get mad and jealous.

Heck....if they even see you breathing in more air than they are.....they become mad and jealous. :angryfire:

Of course there are good people on every forum.....but those people BARELY post, from what I have noticed, and tend to stay out of the drama.

I agree with this. I've heard people on the WarriorForum refrain from posting in their own threads just because they're scared to get banned for bumping their own thread or promoting their signature.

It's like they're not letting the public control the topics at hand, but rather they are.

Plus, no one is allowed to be themselves on their. I understand they want to create a professional environment. But even in an office building you can say shit once in a while.

If their thread was good....they wouldn't need to worry about bumping it. BUT I'd be scared too if I had some nasty ass thread, and wanted to bump it. That's just common sense.

And "THEY" in question are people who say you need to use a dictionary, yet don't know half the words they are using.

As for people being "themselves". IF you step onto a website...anywhere...especially a forum. You CANNOT be yourself. You need to be YOUR BEST and revised self. I am stepping into this forum. It's not mine. I didn't create this community either, and I also didn't set the standards. Therefore, I cannot be "myself". I can only be what this forum sets as a standard.

And that goes for anywhere you go, when you are on a forum. If those standards happen to fall within your likes, then of course you are more open to being yourself, but still, it's limited.

As for that environment being professional, it's ANYTHING BUT. HOWEVER, people are just TOO SCARED to say so, because they enjoy the little bit of income they generate from that place.
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As for people being "themselves". IF you step onto a website...anywhere...especially a forum. You CANNOT be yourself. You need to be YOUR BEST and revised self. I am stepping into this forum. It's not mine. I didn't create this community either, and I also didn't set the standards. Therefore, I cannot be "myself". I can only be what this forum sets as a standard.

And that goes for anywhere you go, when you are on a forum. If those standards happen to fall within your likes, then of course you are more open to being yourself, but still, it's limited.

As for that environment being professional, it's ANYTHING BUT. HOWEVER, people are just TOO SCARED to say so, because they enjoy the little bit of income they generate from that place.

I would compare the standards of WarriorForum to those of China.

The standards of WickedFire to the United States.

I believe an open online forum should be just that, open. If you want a limited forum where you are the full ruler of all, create one that is fully paid and only the elite may enter.

I understand rules and regulations for a forum to keep the scum out. But there is a line where you're just molding the forum into what you want, not what your visitors want. They hold the illusion of creating a profit over the heads of their members. Where most of the money is them just selling stuff to each other. Like a monthly money swap.