They're turning on eachother


Wordpress Guru
Oct 4, 2009

"For all those banned from the Warrior Forum who want to connect with other Ex-Warriors and create a more productive community than the Warrior Forum can ever aspire to be"
"For all those banned from the Warrior Forum who want to connect with other Ex-Warriors and create a more productive community than the Warrior Forum can ever aspire to be"

... I can only imagine what kind of shithole that would be collectively created by Warrior Rejects.

by the way they getting big... 18 fans thus far. :D

Their banned screenshot is cute
That's like getting voted off the short bus. A blessing in disguise.
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Acorn has been wasting tax dollars for years - it's about time their ghetto trash got caught.

Sure, but they are tiny players in a much larger system. If it were truly investigative filimaking into agencies fleecing the system, there are much bigger fish to fry. But we all know it wasn't. Instead, what it was about was sensational reporting to feed into people's hatred about the welfare system and to justify personal prejudices with intent to target the fox new market share.

Which, of course, worked, hook, line and sinker.
This Obama voter was more making fun of WarriorGoofs...

Gotta admit that huge black woman walking back and forth looking to graze is hilarious.
Sure, but they are tiny players in a much larger system. If it were truly investigative filimaking into agencies fleecing the system, there are much bigger fish to fry. But we all know it wasn't. Instead, what it was about was sensational reporting to feed into people's hatred about the welfare system and to justify personal prejudices with intent to target the fox new market share.

Which, of course, worked, hook, line and sinker.

Your statement is false. How would investigating a larger agency prove truer investigative film making? Fraud is fraud no matter what the size.
Besides, how much bigger can you get than $5.2 Billion?