There's No Place Like A Homepage

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Yes they are when 211/211 indexed links to a single domain are no-follow - how then can the PR be legit??

No i am not... that's just you! But i expect the domains to have some nice natural, historical links to support the PR of the sites... none of the sites i checked of yours had any
So you expect authority domains for my price? Don't expect thehobbster quality for my price. Welcome to reality

I have also only offered mostly PR3. I dont advertise PR5 or PR8.

What is the "nice" amount of links to support a PR3 according to you? Let me know.

You are checking with Majestic and implying thats the end of the world. Google sees things far more than Majestic can in a hundred years.

Don't claim your opinion as fact. Not very wise of you.

No i haven't... they work great, i've been buying them for years and have had great success with them. It's not crashing when i'm giving feedback about a service that i've paid for! And no, i'm a buyer only. I have never and probably will never sell in BST

Again NO... i've implied no such thing. I use majestic because it's the best priced and easiest to use 'site explorer' on the market with a far more comprehensive backlink index than say Open Site Explorer, which is a complete rip-off for what it does.
So you buy links on dropped domains, yet you mind when I sell that way. Yes OSE sucks too, but Majestic sucks when you compare it to Google which is what matters.

I agree with your sentiment that "Majestic is not Google" but no-one really knows how Google views and/or ranks a site in terms of authority etc... so we all work with the tools that we have. I chose to work with Majestic
Exactly my point. No one knows

The only fact i'm highlighting is the fact the the sites have no links to support or justify their PR... you can dispute that all you want the pics i posted tell their own story

No i'm not... i'm stating that YOUR dropped domains don't have legit PR... see the difference??
This is in conflict with what you said in your last sentence. Try to be coherent at least.

You're correct here for once. $5 per blogpost (with discount) is a fair price and i didn't say that it was expensive. I said that i'm not happy paying that much per post on YOUR sites

WUT???? You're new here, i'ma let that slide!!
So you think its expensive for the quality. You also say no one knows what Google likes. You are just sprinkling your opinion as fact all over the place. Nothing more

Yes... and i was sincere when i said that! I contacted you before posting my review and asked what you would do to appease me. You didn't offer anything. Like i said you seem like a nice guy... but you do need a reality check if you're sitting in a cesspit thinking its a goldmine! I'm just trying to help you out dude!!

What can i say... i'm an amazing guy... thank you and i wish the best of luck! :thumbsup:
I did make you an offer to do many more posts for free. Did you not see?

You wish me the best of luck by putting me on scammers thread. If you want to be a dick, be a dick. Be consistent and dont make cute faces

This is the end of discussion with you. I will not reply to you any more. You will get your refund within 24 hours. If you want to get your posts removed too, email me. I wouldn't suggest removing them, it might hurt your site. Are you done with expressing your opinion? so lets continue further on email. I can only make 2 bumps per day here.

Next time better be mentally ready to shell out the price for anything you buy. Do not be upset that I have given bigger discounts to other people.

So you expect authority domains for my price? Don't expect thehobbster quality for my price. Welcome to reality

Bitch... please!!! WTF do you know of thehobbster?? I was the first to drop $600 on his thread...

... so don't be coming on here talking shit like you a baller!


So you buy links on dropped domains, yet you mind when I sell that way.
Yeah that's right... cause your network is shit!! I refrained from personal throwing personal insults your way in my previous post but you clearly like to play that game!

What is the "nice" amount of links to support a PR3 according to you? Let me know.

You are checking with Majestic and implying thats the end of the world. Google sees things far more than Majestic can in a hundred years.

Don't claim your opinion as fact. Not very wise of you.

Majestic sucks when you compare it to Google which is what matters.

This is in conflict with what you said in your last sentence. Try to be coherent at least.

So you think its expensive for the quality. You also say no one knows what Google likes. You are just sprinkling your opinion as fact all over the place. Nothing more
The thing that winds me up about you guys coming over from BHW etc is that you think you're SEO Gods 'cause you fleeced come noobs and made a little coin on a second-rate forum. We're a little more clued up here and you 'my friend' should respect that.

I did make you an offer to do many more posts for free. Did you not see?
TBH, yes i did... but i don't suppose that matters now!

You wish me the best of luck by putting me on scammers thread. If you want to be a dick, be a dick. Be consistent and dont make cute faces
Aaahhh... did i hurt your feelings?? You gonna call your mother on me?? I put you on the scammers thread cause your service is a scam...

Next time better be mentally ready to shell out the price for anything you buy. Do not be upset that I have given bigger discounts to other people.
Screw you... i probably spend more money on this forum that 90% of the people on here. Take a look

This is the end of discussion with you.
It is now... carry on!
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Bunch of haters and ignorant people, pretty much all service providers or their buddies.

I openly challenge any real seo guru to prove my network is inferior than other networks selling here. I will provide you every information you need.

We offer quality content which is completely handwritten on clean sites with 4 different CMS and themes. Our setup provides excellent results. Cost is less than $5 per post with the current deal. If you expect cheaper, you should look elsewhere.

Some of the sellers (you know who you are) are buying massive $5 backlink packs and boosting majestic or pa/da stats. Check it yourself if you dont trust me. If you think domains with those spam links are superior, you are obviously ignorant. That is all i have to say.

Now back to business.

Buy 2 Get 1 Offer available for 1 more person. Applicable on Michael and Don Vito Corleone package only. This is in addition to coupon 25
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