The woes of an aspiring entrepreneur and starving college student...

If you were smart about business, you would be figuring out how to make more money, not how to get even.

There is no justice in the world, shed yourself of that childish naivety. Sometimes you just get shit on. The question is whether you want to keep rolling around in shit, or you want to clean yourself off.

This. We recently got into a dispute with an ex-landlord over how much rent we owed/didn't owe him. Basically he breached our tenancy agreement in a big way, then claimed we still owed money. We took legal advice which told us he was 100% in the wrong, and had done stuff which was actually a criminal offence (not just breach of contract). Had we gone to court, we would have won. But I still settled with him. Why? Because I've learned that fighting over money - or anything - is very rarely worthwhile, and represents a scarcity mindset.

It's far more profitable to focus on making money, and since settling I've landed 4 new clients who will be worth at least 20-30x the amount we were disputing.

By continuing to chase this, you are like an investor who pumps money into a company which is clearly fucked, just because of "what you've already put in." You're giving these guys your time, energy and attention, all of which are FAR more valuable than your money.

guerilla why are you being such a meanie face today?? :(
I am doing this guy a favor. 10 years from now, he will probably hate me, but he will not be acting like a bitch anymore.

guerilla warfare baby..
I wish I had someone to give it to me straight when I started out. I was totally alone and isolated back in 2002/3. The only reason I persevered was because I was too proud and stupid to quit.

This guy doesn't have pride. He has a tiny little animal brain that is obsessed with short term thinking.

Frank Herbert said:
Revenge is for children and the emotionally retarded.
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I am doing this guy a favor. 10 years from now, he will probably hate me, but he will not be acting like a bitch anymore.

I wish I had someone to give it to me straight when I started out. I was totally alone and isolated back in 2002/3. The only reason I persevered was because I was too proud and stupid to quit.

This guy doesn't have pride. He has a tiny little animal brain that is obsessed with short term thinking.

which animal is the question?? i hope not a guerilla cause that'll be ironic
Ya know we got lotsa bikers here eh? Just get them to buy the chargeback debt from you for 50% then let the Hell's Angels find the pricks and put a boot up their arses!

All joking aside: Canadians are reknowed for being the nicest, and dumbest fools on the planet. I say it was someone from the US, Russia, India, or the Philippines posing as a Canadian Citizen. A Canadian wouldn't be smart enough to pull off such a scheme.

I feel for you though. Nothing funny about someone stealing what's yours.
[ame=""]There Is No Need To Be Upset - YouTube[/ame]
Something similar happened to me when I ran an ecommerce biz. I lost the chargeback and he got to keep the goods.

I dug around online using the guys phone number etc and found out where he lived. I called all his neighbours and basically told them they were living nextdoor to a fraudster. I also established the goods were definitely there as the neighbours said they could see the big empty boxes outside.

I called the police who didn't really understand "internet stuff" but were nonetheless willing to take a report and said they could potentially go down there and try to recover the goods.

In the end I just let it slide and wrote it off as a lesson learnt as it was only a few hundred and was wasting my time and didnt follow it up with the police.

I've found that fraudulent orders often tend to look weird, for example they're always big orders and often the bundled items ordered don't look right. E.g. Dog biscuits and a set of headphones (you get the idea).

Sorry to hear about the big hit, ignore idiots saying "dont come here looking for pity" etc, what the hell is a forum about internet business supposed to be for if you cant discuss this kind of thing? Morons.
Maybe you should sell through eBay or Amazon? That way you have some sort of recourse for when stuff like this happens. But I've heard some ridiculous stuff about ebay and paypal though. Maybe Amazon is better?

I think a lot of fraudsters target only electronics and stereo equipment, so you kind of have to expect this kind of stuff.
For those who are mad at the candor of some of the posts, the op learned a lesson the hard way, the situation has little to no recourse, and his future dealings will be better for it.
Sorry to hear about the big hit, ignore idiots saying "dont come here looking for pity" etc, what the hell is a forum about internet business supposed to be for if you cant discuss this kind of thing? Morons.
This isn't a forum about internet business and the OP ain't exactly a regular contributor.

Mind you, if Ryan Eagle made a thread like this, we'd be flaming even harder.

you guys really push the limits of "tough love"
If you want love, call your mom. Don't come on a gay webmaster forum in the shooting the shit section, and expect people to coddle your penis and tell you they care about you.
For all those saying the OP got his money worth in life lessons/business education etc.

What exactly is the takeaway from his mistake? Obviously he shouldn't be processing single orders that could bankrupt him - but besides that how could he have prevented this fraud from occurring?
I got burned plenty of times, and I never went onto a public forum and told people about it.

I was fucking mad and trying to save my business. I didn't have time to solicit pity.

Reminds me how you got crowned king of WF / DP...:D - comparing yourself bro? at least OP didnt do this to start of LOLOLOL


I wish I had someone to give it to me straight when I started out. I was totally alone and isolated back in 2002/3.

So how come you were still selling sigs in 2009 for 10 bucks? STFU and stop pretending
Your a baller man!

@ OP - at least you tried - start again dont give up
Get the copy of the ID whowever came to pick up at DHL then try to take legal action
Probably start with lower ticket items or look for a carrier that makes strict enforcable agreements with you to avoid this situation.
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So how come you were still selling sigs in 2009 for 10 bucks? STFU and stop pretending
Your a baller man!

I've realized that a lot of people on this board are bullshitters who talk as if they are doing really well, but aren't.
@ OP - at least you tried - start again dont give up
Get the copy of the ID whowever came to pick up at DHL then try to take legal action
Probably start with lower ticket items or look for a carrier that makes strict enforcable agreements with you to avoid this situation.

Yeah - follow it up as far as you can take it but don't get obsessed or waste time you could use building a business.

See if you can find out where the guy lives, if there were security cameras at the DHL depot, file a report with the police as well even if they arent that helpful.

Then if you hit a brick wall just move on and use the experience to make sure change your processes to avoid it happening again.
I've realized that a lot of people on this board are bullshitters who talk as if they are doing really well, but aren't.

That's true, and I really don't know much about anyone but..

3 years is a long time. I started 3 years ago and i've come a VERY long way. Furthermore, everyone has ups and downs, that's called life.
If you were smart about business, you would be figuring out how to make more money, not how to get even.

There is no justice in the world, shed yourself of that childish naivety. Sometimes you just get shit on. The question is whether you want to keep rolling around in shit, or you want to clean yourself off.

So if someone broke into your house, and stole $4k worth of shit, you wouldn't try to get it back, or bring that person to justice? You'd just shrug your shoulders, say "shit happens", then move on to make more money so you can buy $4k worth of shit all over again? That's what you're telling this guy to do.