The woes of an aspiring entrepreneur and starving college student...

hmm, curious.

A lot of guys on here are saying you learned a lesson, but whats the lesson? How is the OP suppose to prevent this int he future. I dont see the "lockdown" he can do to prevent this in the future other then not sale $4k of product at once anymore.

How is OP suppose to lock this down for the future?

That is something I was just thinking about, the extant at which the fraudsters went seems crazy to me. I guess I will have "customers" who will try to screw me. Damn.

He doesn't. It's a part of doing business.

He should be filing a police report though.

I filed the reports on line to some cyber crimes unit. I was forwarded there from our Police dept. Ill probably never hear back about my submissions.
You should use 3D secure Verified By Visa, Mastercard secure code. That way when someone places an order, they have to type in their pin. NO MORE CHARGEBACKS!
I filed the reports on line to some cyber crimes unit. I was forwarded there from our Police dept. Ill probably never hear back about my submissions.

If you're that apathetic about it all, then you deserve to lose the money. Sorry.
pretty common in the carding circles.

usually what they do is add an extra billing address to the card to their "drop" location.

some do what you described here and route it to a nonexistant address and then go pick it up

only other way im aware of is getting access to UPS/DHL/Fedex admin rights and rerouting the package to a different address

here's the best way to cut down on the fraud imo: phone verify all orders and get them to hold up their ID in front of their monitor with NY times up showing the date

Real hard to photoshop all that and make it look legit

when you phone verify and you get some guy named Jeff Smith with a thick Russian accent that sounds like Vladimir at the dubious used auto parts place down the street you know its bogus



lol jk. What's with the self-righteous flaming?
The lesson: Fuck Canada... I kid, Canada rocks! Like others have said, take it as a lesson and don't push the edges of your existing capital. If you don't have proper fundage, look to smaller targeted projects that can build you up to fund your bigger projects. Sorry you had to go through that, I know it sucks. But, I've seen far far worse situations. Hell, ask anyone that loaned their way through law school and can't land a job for a couple years. That is truly a world of hurt. Just keep learning and always be a skeptic. Like Benji49 said, you're way ahead of most college kids your age. Take your punches, move on and you'll be fine.
How is OP suppose to lock this down for the future?

Hello friend,

Maybe if he buy lplockdown from NickyCake it help? I just joke.

But for be serious there lot scum online who want steal all you money and bankrupt you when you try make money online. Have for be careful.

Good luck bro
I've had an online store for 4 years and never had a chargeback out of thousands of sales. I've had around 4 or 5 attempts to use a stolen credit card but they stand out like a sore thumb and I refunded the card as soon as I noticed it. They were really obvious though, like a US issued credit card with a Chinese shipping address.

The fraud you experienced sounds quite advanced...
You shouldnt be shipping out orders that can bankrupt you if they go bad.

You're in business school, do they teach you nothing about risk management?

My suggestion is to stay in school, because the rules are never a substitute for being street smart. Get your MBA and hide behind a desk, because you don't have the attitude to be successful. I got burned plenty of times, and I never went onto a public forum and told people about it.

I was fucking mad and trying to save my business. I didn't have time to solicit pity.

WTF is your problem?

Here is a young 22 year old kid trying to make something happen in his life. He is hustling and trying to get his feet wet in internet marketing. What else could he have done to protect himself? He followed all the precautions and still got burnt, shit happens.

He comes on here asking for advice, this is a fucking forum, what do you expect? Good for him for trying to solicit some advice from people who might have more experience than him. He is trying to learn from his mistakes and become a better businessman, that's what we all should strive for.

Are you trying to act tough by saying you've never told people about your failures? That speaks more to your insecurity than your intelligence.
Phew, that's one hell of a shit sandwich to swallow pal. DAMN! Sorry to hear about that, hope to god everything works out for the best. Don't lose hope man.
You called us fellas reallt? You're already set for Gail you god damn faggot. We don't want your god damn tears faggot, warriorforum is the Threshold for peasant tears cuntget the fuck our of here pubescentbeeber fucker
I was fucking mad and trying to save my business. I didn't have time to solicit pity.

And how did that go for you? All those years of business experience lead you to hosting weak ass SEO-philosophy webinars at what age? Mid 30's? OP is only 22 and has done way more than your average 22 year old in terms of trying to start a business. So either fuck off or offer some advice.

A young person comes to a supposedly business/marketing forum, lists what he's done, warns others not to repeat his mistakes and asks for advice. There's nothing wrong with that.
hmm, curious.

A lot of guys on here are saying you learned a lesson, but whats the lesson? How is the OP suppose to prevent this int he future. I dont see the "lockdown" he can do to prevent this in the future other then not sale $4k of product at once anymore.

How is OP suppose to lock this down for the future?

I was thinking the same. VISA/MC protect the consumer, is there any way you can protect yourself as a merchant? Some sort of business insurance maybe?
Apathetic? Absolutely not!

If I could strangle these guys through the phone I would. The Bastards stole from me.

Ok... but all you did was submit an online form.

Grab a lawyer, visit the police station together, and demand they open an investigation. Not sure where in Canada you are, but if you're in (or close to) a major city, they more than likely have a cyber crimes division there. Visit it in person. Bring all logs, and details of the order that you can.

If they refuse to open an investigation, maybe contact a couple media outlets, and let them know how useless the police are. Doubtful they'll pick it up as a story, but you never know.

I mean, the guy got away with it this time, so he's obviously going to do it again. See if you can work with the police to lay some bait, and try to catch him. Once caught, just hope you can connect the guy to your theft somehow, and maybe get your funds back.

Or you can just go the vigilante route, try to bait him yourself, then pay the Hell's Angels or someone to take care of it, and get your money back. They can be pretty convincing, I've heard. :)
And how did that go for you? All those years of business experience lead you to hosting weak ass SEO-philosophy webinars at what age? Mid 30's? OP is only 22 and has done way more than your average 22 year old in terms of trying to start a business. So either fuck off or offer some advice.

A young person comes to a supposedly business/marketing forum, lists what he's done, warns others not to repeat his mistakes and asks for advice. There's nothing wrong with that.

How darre you try to spit on guerilla's name. U must be mad. In all his sarcastic posts there is an enlightenment of constructive criticism which you fail to see because you're aporently in denial and stuck in this average joeistic mindset. Stop. Reread. Think. Be enlightened. Stfu and learn. I don't thik I've been this fuckking drunk my life b like oooi aaaa oooio aaaaa my life be like!!!