The woes of an aspiring entrepreneur and starving college student...


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Whats happening fellas. The reason for this post is I would like to essentially vent my frustrations and hopefully give others like me some insight into this particular situation so this does not happen to them.

About me: I'm 22 years old and a full time college student about to finish my 4 year in business and hopefully continue to grad school in hopes of getting my MBA. Two years ago when I moved out from home started my first website selling home theater electronics - specifically home theater projectors. The biz is grossed me 15k in 2010 and 2011 which is chump change, but was giving me some income allow me to venture and learn the ways of affiliate marketing.

My first year in business brought me several charge backs from fraudsters using other peoples cards with differing billing and shipping addresses. I never called or tried to verify that the owner of the card in fact placed that order. So i got burned, and I learned. I changed my policy to only ship to a verified billing address that is tied to the card after speaking with the owner on the phone and/or having them fax me an ID.

A year later...

I received two of my largest orders to date. I immediately picked up the phone called the owner, and had them fax me a copy of their drivers licence. I got the license (btw these guys who just burned me are from canada), it looked legit against other canadian IDs that I googled - and the Billing address tied to the card that was used for the transaction matched the shipping, and my credit card processor gave me an Explicit match match match on all of the verifications on their side. So everything looked good. Everything matched, Billing address tied to the card and the persons photo ID with that address on it. I felt that there was no way this could be fraud.

I proceeded to send out the products. Here is where the real nightmare begins.

Weeks later I get the first charge back which completely cleared out my account. I wondered what the hell was going on, apparently the first card was stolen. I checked my tracking number on my products. DHL in canada tried to deliver the package, but re-routed it back to the DHL headquarters in the region because "they could not find the address", and the fraudster came in a WEEK after DHL sat on it and signed for the products under the fake name and took them off of DHLs hands.

This then prompted me to check the other packages for the other big order. The EXACT same thing happened, fraudster saw the attempted delivery to the address tied to the credit card, went down to DHL signed and left with my product.

After calling DHL they could not give me a reason as to why the products weren't RE ROUTED back to me after the failed attempted to a non existent address, again that was tied to a verified billing address with the credit card.

Long story short I am hit back with $4000 in charge backs. the First wiped out the retained earnings I had, and then the other that just came through today has my account negative. So i spent my days filing chargeback disputes (I lost both), and today I have been in and out of banks applying for lines of credit to try and zero out the account.

Hopefully I will figure out a way to land on my feet, but this situation is mind boggling to me. How far these fraudsters went, and furthermore how a credit card billing address can be changed on the banks side to a fake address, and that my processor explicitly gave me a match on address and every other detail about the card.

I hope this little story can enlighten those who are selling online so that they can avoid what has happened to me. Then again... how the hell was I supposed to know, I followed the rules to a T and still got burned. The fraudster gets the product and the owner of the card get their money back, and Im left here with my head spinning and my thumb in my ass with all of my money gone.

Thank you for reading.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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My apologies english is my second language, writing with absolute clarity has never been my strongest attribute
I wonder if you can have an explicit re-route to sender order to the carrier?

What does DHL say?
Textbook credit card fraud. In this situation The card holder fucked you. He puts some bullshit address on his file with the bank, knowing that it goes nowhere. He buys something from you and you ship it out because everything looks good. He waits until the day before its due to be delivered and files a dispute for a lost/stolen credit card. He didn't authorize $4000 on his credit card after all! His bank is on his side so they file the charge back.

He knows DHL sits on packages if they can't find the address and that they don't have cameras or anything at the pickup center near him. He walks in, signs for the package (they require ID to pick up packages at the pickup center) and walks out.

Thanks chump.
DHL in canada are completely retarded, every question I asked was either met with me being transferred to another agent or them saying "thats just the way it is".

DHL basically told me tough shit.
You shouldnt be shipping out orders that can bankrupt you if they go bad.

You're in business school, do they teach you nothing about risk management?

My suggestion is to stay in school, because the rules are never a substitute for being street smart. Get your MBA and hide behind a desk, because you don't have the attitude to be successful. I got burned plenty of times, and I never went onto a public forum and told people about it.

I was fucking mad and trying to save my business. I didn't have time to solicit pity.
There are people out there that literally spend all day trying to do shit like that to people online. You can't leave any holes like that open, you've seriously got to be on lock down with that kind of thing...
You shouldnt be shipping out orders that can bankrupt you if they go bad.

You're in business school, do they teach you nothing about risk management?

My suggestion is to stay in school, because the rules are never a substitute for being street smart. Get your MBA and hide behind a desk, because you don't have the attitude to be successful. I got burned plenty of times, and I never went onto a public forum and told people about it.

I was fucking mad and trying to save my business. I didn't have time to solicit pity.

I share your attitude regarding not shipping orders that can bankrupt me if they come back bad, lesson learned here.

PS I am not trying nor expecting pity out of anyone on this forum, if you recall the first paragraph it was simply inform and begin a discussion on a forum I hold in very high regard.

Take a chill pill asshat.

Thank you for your input though, it's appreciated.
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Someone should post the "feels" meme, I just feel it would go so well with this short long story.


Congratulations. You've had $4k worth of business education of the kind that's worth a damn sight more than that college degree you're paying for,

Once you get into six figures of lessons like that, assuming you haven't given up by then, you may have learned enough to be successful.

I'd write to the guy and thank him for teaching you your first real lesson in business if I were you.
Textbook credit card fraud. In this situation The card holder fucked you. He puts some bullshit address on his file with the bank, knowing that it goes nowhere. He buys something from you and you ship it out because everything looks good. He waits until the day before its due to be delivered and files a dispute for a lost/stolen credit card. He didn't authorize $4000 on his credit card after all! His bank is on his side so they file the charge back.

He knows DHL sits on packages if they can't find the address and that they don't have cameras or anything at the pickup center near him. He walks in, signs for the package (they require ID to pick up packages at the pickup center) and walks out.

Thanks chump.
If this is the case, then you have a copy of the fraudulent person's driver's license. If the order was big enough, I'd say a lawsuit is in order. Then again, it's likely that it won't be worth your while and it sure isn't going to immediately help your negative balance.
If this is the case, then you have a copy of the fraudulent person's driver's license. If the order was big enough, I'd say a lawsuit is in order. Then again, it's likely that it won't be worth your while and it sure isn't going to immediately help your negative balance.

In truth I thought about it. But my payment processor even said that the cases are closed on both charge back disputes because the cardholders continue to assert their identities were stolen.
Well OP has more get-and-go than 97% of college students that I know of.

This thread is way better than the usual "how do I make monies online" crap posts that we usually have to endure around here.
In truth I thought about it. But my payment processor even said that the cases are closed on both charge back disputes because the cardholders continue to assert their identities were stolen.

Look them up on facebook.

Add them.

Find incriminating posts/photographs.


Look them up on facebook.

Add them.

Find incriminating posts/photographs.



Nah, find them and hire some guys to beat them up. They changed the rules, they live with the consequence. And what are they going to say? Oh noes, I committed credit card fraud and this guy beat me up. The last thing they want is added attention.

Btw OP I think this is a pretty standard scam. Some guys from my high school did the same years back, but they didn't use webshops, they just bought stuff while the other dude was at the bank trying to get his card cancelled.

You should just have insisted on wire transfer for anything over a few hundred dollars.
You should just have insisted on wire transfer for anything over a few hundred dollars.

I guess I had never realized the scope of risk that's involved with processing credit online.

Thank you all for the input.
hmm, curious.

A lot of guys on here are saying you learned a lesson, but whats the lesson? How is the OP suppose to prevent this int he future. I dont see the "lockdown" he can do to prevent this in the future other then not sale $4k of product at once anymore.

How is OP suppose to lock this down for the future?