The Social Network : Movie Coming out Friday!

I'm not running out to see it, but I don't see any way it won't be # 1. It's the widest new release. It's only new release competition are a couple horror/thrillers that I've heard nothing about. Wallstreet 2's box office has been soft as hell.

Jesse Eisenberg: Michael Cera for poor people

Ah hell, who am I kidding, they both play that stupid "hey look at me, I'm socially awkward" role
At least 40-50% of the facebook user base will watch this. Guaranteed. Regardless of what you guys seem to think, facebook users are emotionally attached to the shit, and to some people (facebook whores) it's like crack. It's on your phone, it's on your xbox, ps3, etc etc the list goes on. This shit will KILL it at the box office.
I saw it today - If you're genuinely interested in seeing a dramatized version of how facebook started, then that's what you'll get and it's worth a watch. Cinematically it wasn't anything special. I didn't see any oscar deserving performances and they make Zuckerberg look like the biggest dickhead in it.

Slightly above average.
Was gonna watch it tonight. Then again, is just another documentary type of movie, with more drama and more sex. Prob not. I'll wait for the big time fail when box office opens.
I think this movie will do ok because a lot of people are curious about it, but most of them will wait to see it on DVD rather than head to the theatre.
I'll probably go see it because it does look interesting. I also like the main actor, he was funny in zombieland.

I don't know much about laws with movies and all, but did zuckerberg have any say in them making this movie? I remember seeing an ABC interview and diane sawyer asked him about the movie and he said he has no interest in seeing it.

I guess he couldn't really fight the movie because its not called "facebook". But did they use his name in the movie or use a different name?
I'll probably go see it because it does look interesting. I also like the main actor, he was funny in zombieland.

I don't know much about laws with movies and all, but did zuckerberg have any say in them making this movie? I remember seeing an ABC interview and diane sawyer asked him about the movie and he said he has no interest in seeing it.

I guess he couldn't really fight the movie because its not called "facebook". But did they use his name in the movie or use a different name?

They use real names for the main characters, none of whom really had a say in making the film. It is based on the book The Accidental Billionaires.

Author's site - The Official Website of Author Ben Mezrich

He also wrote the book about the MIT blackjack club, which eventually became 21 (2008) so if you've seen that, you should have a good idea what to expect.
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They use real names for the main characters, none of whom really had a say in making the film. It is based on the book The Accidental Billionaires.

Author's site - The Official Website of Author Ben Mezrich

He also wrote the book about the MIT blackjack club, which eventually became 21 (2008) so if you've seen that, you should have a good idea what to expect.

Oh thanks man. Yeah I actually liked the movie "21". That was based on somewhat true events?
Let's be honest, the movie will be number 1 because it was promoted more than any movie in recent history. I know some people that saw it and said "meh", but that doesn't matter - it will be big for the same reason that MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice and Survivor were big - because people are sheep and will like what they are told to like.

Bah..bah. baahhhh.
Let's be honest, the movie will be number 1 because it was promoted more than any movie in recent history.

I've seen like 2 ads for it over the past 2 weeks. Toy Story 3, Iron Man 2, Twilight Saga, Shrek, Inception ... now those were heavily promoted.

Yes, people love Facebook but the majority could care-less how it was created. This will do marginally better than any movie made about Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Reeks of sensationalized events.

The portrayal of Zuckerberg and his crazy college life seems a bit of a stretch to say the least... If only his teddybear could talk.

saw it last night. amazed by the accuracy of the technical dialog and screenshots in the film. overall enjoyed it. Fincher has style. the soundtrack by Trent Reznor is incredible.
Let's be honest, the movie will be number 1 because it was promoted more than any movie in recent history. I know some people that saw it and said "meh", but that doesn't matter - it will be big for the same reason that MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice and Survivor were big - because people are sheep and will like what they are told to like.

Bah..bah. baahhhh.

The only ad for it I ever saw was a trailer on apple trailers.