The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]

For all of you putting Christianity in the same group as the Muslim faith, you're sadly mistaken. Here is a quick religion lesson for you:

Christianity is founded on the belief that living life in the image of Jesus Christ is the only way to live and also the only way to get into Heaven (obviously there's a lot of spinoff faiths with scumbags that mix religion with politics, but that's besides the point). Hence according to Christianity you can't kill or behead someone without eventually going to Hell.

Contrary, Muslims don't have that belief. They believe strongly in "an eye for an eye" as well as a bunch of other questionable commandments. For them, killing for allah is justified.

True, there are "Christians" that do the same things, but the fundamental difference remains that the Christian religion is not supportive of those actions and punishes them, while the Muslim religion encourages them.
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Christianity is founded on the belief that living life in the image of Jesus Christ is the only way to live and also the only way to get into Heaven (obviously there's a lot of spinoff faiths with scumbags that mix religion with politics, but that's besides the point). Hence according to Christianity you can't kill or behead someone without eventually going to Hell.

Unless you confess in church. Then some guy will absolve you for all your wrong doing, and you can go back and do it again.
> Hence according to Christianity you can't kill or behead someone without
> eventually going to Hell

You don't know shit. This barbaric list is all from the NEW testament, so you can't
get out of it with your 'new covenant' bullshit, which christians use as a poor excuse
to cherry-pick their way through the old testament and disregard all the distasteful
violence and genocide.
For all of you putting Christianity in the same group as the Muslim faith, you're sadly mistaken. Here is a quick religion lesson for you:

Christianity is founded on the belief that living life in the image of Jesus Christ is the only way to live and also the only way to get into Heaven (obviously there's a lot of spinoff faiths with scumbags that mix religion with politics, but that's besides the point). Hence according to Christianity you can't kill or behead someone without eventually going to Hell.

Contrary, Muslims don't have that belief. They believe strongly in "an eye for an eye" as well as a bunch of other questionable commandments. For them, killing for allah is justified.

True, there are "Christians" that do the same things, but the fundamental difference remains that the Christian religion is not supportive of those actions and punishes them, while the Muslim religion encourages them.

You're comparing Christian moderates with Muslim extremists. Muslim <> Extremist, whatever the MSM wants you to believe.

And there isn't just one set of Muslim beliefs, there are several - Shi'a & Sunni are as different as the Protestant & Catholic Churches. The people who adhere strongest to Sharia are the Sunnis. Shi'a take a more interpretative approach.

Also, they don't even agree on exactly what constitutes the entire word of Allah via Muhammed.

There are Christians who believe gays should be killed (ie Uganda)
There are Muslims who believe apostates should be killed (ie Saudi. Iran, etc)

However neither group is representative of the whole.

Saying "all Muslims believe in the same thing" is as ignorant as saying "all Africans are alike".
You're comparing Christian moderates with Muslim extremists. Muslim <> Extremist, whatever the MSM wants you to believe.

And there isn't just one set of Muslim beliefs, there are several - Shi'a & Sunni are as different as the Protestant & Catholic Churches. The people who adhere strongest to Sharia are the Sunnis. Shi'a take a more interpretative approach.

Also, they don't even agree on exactly what constitutes the entire word of Allah via Muhammed.

There are Christians who believe gays should be killed (ie Uganda)
There are Muslims who believe apostates should be killed (ie Saudi. Iran, etc)

However neither group is representative of the whole.

Saying "all Muslims believe in the same thing" is as ignorant as saying "all Africans are alike".

Wait, so you are saying I can't lump a billion people in the same profile?

Next thing you are going to tell me is that I should use my brain and not just believe whatever the media tries to get me to think!

I find it funny that bigots use the same flawed logic (believing in gross generalizations pushed by people who want to manipulate you) when judging Muslims as the extremists Muslims who judge Christians (believing in gross generalizations pushed by people who want to manipulate them)

The elite on one side say: "The other side are bad, look at a few examples of atrocities commited by the other side". The elite on the other side say: "The other side are bad, look at a few examples of atrocities commited by the other side"

P.S. I can totally understand Christian nations not letting Muslims into your country though. Just as I can understand Muslim nations not wanting Christians. People want to be around others like them, and there is nothing wrong in that. Forced integration is about as wrong as forced separation. Each community should be able to decide who they want to let in.
Of cours everyone hate atheist they are ficking pieces of shit god Dan. Most of them I mean come fuck on. Noooooo they don't want to here about god or anything like always which I don't even mention but they shove all they're god damn fake reasoning and believes down my throat with this god damn god complexity then are the biggest fucking Hippocrates when you even mention baby Jesus. IMO most atheists should be castrated. Few are cool but god damn fuckig atheist I don't wanna hear your shot you fcking bottomfeeding hipster daggot I will pissnon your family jewels cunt

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We gotta be careful here. Just because a Christian says gays should be killed doesn't mean Christianity is at fault here. They could be contradicting their own religion.

Same goes for Muslims. They might do all these things in the name of religion, but how do you know they aren't just usurping the name of religion to legitimize their cause for political power?
We gotta be careful here. Just because a Christian says gays should be killed doesn't mean Christianity is at fault here. They could be contradicting their own religion.

Same goes for Muslims. They might do all these things in the name of religion, but how do you know they aren't just usurping the name of religion to legitimize their cause for political power

As I stated earlier in the thread, the whole problem is that this god's communication is obviously not at all clear and open to widely varying interpretations and contradictions, so allowing people to bend and manipulate the scriptures for their own ends, and no-one can say that they are wrongly interpreted.

Anyone who believes a word of these scrolls/scriptures/tablets should really ask themselves why their god is such a poor communicator? Why didn't he use a much better, longer-lasting medium; one that differentiated his communication from the other fraudulent man-made claims? Why didn't he use this communication to prove his existence beyond any doubt, by including some verifiable knowledge about the universe that was incorrect or unknown at the time, or by creating something that could be seen for aeons to come?

Think about it... imagine yourself as this god with the same task - to make your presence known, and to relay instructions about how people should live, you could do a BETTER job of it than this supposedly perfect entity who basically just relied on people telling their visions/dreams to other people, and then allowing them to wait 500 years before bothering to write them down all in one place.
Now CNN is spewing some ridiculous bullshit about children being used as meat shields in Syria

obvious propaganda is obvious
Now CNN is spewing some ridiculous bullshit about children being used as meat shields in Syria

obvious propaganda is obvious

they absolutely are. the rebels attack, then hide in civilian homes & film the government response for youtube, a clever strategy to drag the rest of the world into their civil war.
they absolutely are. the rebels attack, then hide in civilian homes & film the government response for youtube, a clever strategy to drag the rest of the world into their civil war.

And I hope the rest of the world stays out and Assad manages to hold the line.