The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]

Who is real killers

Who is real killers
American army or Terrorists
Have a look
American kill their prisoners daily and terrorists kill once.Who is worst killer.?
[ame=""]60 Minutes II / Abu Ghraib - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]guantanamo prison( guantanamo hapishanesi) - YouTube[/ame]


62% Muslim Americans say it is acceptable for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim

The Changing Landscape of Muslims in America: A Survey on Interfaith Marriages | PRLog

51% UK Muslims say Muslim women may not marry a non-Muslim.


I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group…

Atheist: 47.6%
Muslim: 33.5%
African-American 27.2%
Asian-Americans: 18.5%
Hispanics: 18.5%
Jews: 11.8%
Conservative Christians: 6.9%
Whites: 2.3%

Research Finds that Atheists are Most Hated and Distrusted Minority (in USA)

Atheists are certainly the most annoying minority in the USA.

Might be why they are so hated and distrusted.
You people seem to know a lot about religion - anybody who wants to argue that the religion of Islam is not 1) word of Allah (God), 2) religion of peace, 3) the IDEAL system that man can live by - then please, PRODUCE YOUR PROOF and bring your arguements.

This is an open challenge - you vs. me - I will come with my arguements and evidences, if anybody wants to debate, let's establish the truth.
after thousands of years, finally a religion will be proved today on wickedfire. hallelujah brother & pass the mustard.
You people seem to know a lot about religion - anybody who wants to argue that the religion of Islam is not 1) word of Allah (God), 2) religion of peace, 3) the IDEAL system that man can live by - then please, PRODUCE YOUR PROOF and bring your arguements.

This is an open challenge - you vs. me - I will come with my arguements and evidences, if anybody wants to debate, let's establish the truth.

The onus is on you to prove any of the three. Protip: faith isn't proof.
> anybody who wants to argue that the religion of Islam is not 1) word of Allah (God)

If I was a god, wanting to affirm my existence and simultaneously tell people how to live, I would make these appear on every continent:


There would be hundreds of them spread throughout the world. They would be identical, made from pure titanium,
and be inscribed in a spiral all the way up to the top. Moreover, they'd be written in the FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE.

The MEDIUMS of yahweh/allah's message are utterly absurd. Not even considering the very poor content of the
bible/koran/torah, why are all three set of instructions given to us as hand-written scripts and through self-proclaimed
human messengers? Why wouldn't this entity radically differentiate his 'true communication' from the man-made,
fraudulent ones, and use high quality evidence that would completely convince humans of his existence forever?

If towers like these had appeared overnight 1500 years ago, then this religion would have 7 billion members, and there
would be no conflicts about it (except the small 'it was aliens' cults). Think about it - if your god really existed, then
there should be no reason why you have to sign up to shitty marketing forums to try to defend your belief. The fact
that you do means that your god is either an extremely incompetent buffoon or is non-existent.
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You people seem to know a lot about religion - anybody who wants to argue that the religion of Islam is not 1) word of Allah (God), 2) religion of peace, 3) the IDEAL system that man can live by - then please, PRODUCE YOUR PROOF and bring your arguements.

This is an open challenge - you vs. me - I will come with my arguements and evidences, if anybody wants to debate, let's establish the truth.

Abdullah it's almost painful to have to respond to such a ridiculous post as yours. Like most muslims you should probably keep your insane religion to yourself. If fact if all religious bigots did the same (and I include Christian fundamentalists and all the rest) the world would be SO MUCH more peaceful. Sure we'd still have American neo cons and Russian empiralists stirring-up shit in the world, but at least they do it without an apocalyptic worldview that welcomes the big end of days showdown.

Islamic nations have done nothing for the world for hundreds of years. Just look along the north of Africa, into Arabia and Iraq and Iran, and in Yemen and Somalia and parts of Nigeria to see what a fucked-up barbaric ideology like Islam can do to whole regions when it is left to it's own devices.

And as for your so called holy book. It's utter dark ages bullshit, primitive and embarrassing.

In response to your third point "3) the IDEAL system that man can live by " I give you just three of literally hundreds of youtube videos that demonstrate that islam when applied to a society in general is fucking horrible.

Hang your head in shame muslim.

[ame=]Public hanging, Islamic Government. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Poor Muslim Girl Siddqa Is Stoned To Death By Evil! Islamic Sharia Law YouTube - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Taliban Video Of A Girl Getting Beaten - YouTube[/ame]

allah fucking akbar.
62% Muslim Americans say it is acceptable for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim

The Changing Landscape of Muslims in America: A Survey on Interfaith Marriages | PRLog

51% UK Muslims say Muslim women may not marry a non-Muslim.


I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group…

Atheist: 47.6%
Muslim: 33.5%
African-American 27.2%
Asian-Americans: 18.5%
Hispanics: 18.5%
Jews: 11.8%
Conservative Christians: 6.9%
Whites: 2.3%

Research Finds that Atheists are Most Hated and Distrusted Minority (in USA)

Of cours everyone hate atheist they are ficking pieces of shit god Dan. Most of them I mean come fuck on. Noooooo they don't want to here about god or anything like always which I don't even mention but they shove all they're god damn fake reasoning and believes down my throat with this god damn god complexity then are the biggest fucking Hippocrates when you even mention baby Jesus. IMO most atheists should be castrated. Few are cool but god damn fuckig atheist I don't wanna hear your shot you fcking bottomfeeding hipster daggot I will pissnon your family jewels cunt

You have a choice too in most islamic countries (except the hard cases). You would simply be ostracized. Similarly if Brittney spears picked up a burka she'd be ostracized as well.

And please don't be retarded, I can get 100 videos of violence against women within the US simply because they have a snatch between their legs rather than a cock.
You have a choice too in most islamic countries (except the hard cases). You would simply be ostracized. Similarly if Brittney spears picked up a burka she'd be ostracized as well.

And please don't be retarded, I can get 100 videos of violence against women within the US simply because they have a snatch between their legs rather than a cock.

I am afraid you are the one entering the retard zone. Sure, haters gonna hate and no-one denies bullshit happens all over the world. However here we're talking about Islam. One poster said it led to a wonderful society hence the videos. Clearly it does not.

There are areas of English cities which are predominately muslim which are in effect no-go areas for white people, let alone white women. Why? Because the locals have brought their medieval culture with them..

If you have read any critique of Islam you would know that it is basically fascistic, desires to spread to the whole world and has an apocalyptic eschatology. To them I say 'fuck off'.

Btw, the term 'moderate muslim' - what does it mean? Essentially, muslims who do not obey their scriptures. They are worse imo than the foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics in the videos because at least you know where you stand with those mad cunts.
Btw, the term 'moderate muslim' - what does it mean? Essentially, muslims who do not obey their scriptures. They are worse imo than the foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics in the videos because at least you know where you stand with those mad cunts.
99.999% of Christians don't obey their scriptures. Neither do Jews. The Old Testament is part of the Bible you know...

Therefore, according to the Bible, it should be every Christian's duty to kill all people believing in different Gods, as well as homosexuals.

They should also force rapists to marry their victims, lend money to anyone who asks them for it (with no expectation of being repaid - you're not allowed to even ask for it back) and men mustn't work for the first year of marriage.
I am afraid you are the one entering the retard zone. Sure, haters gonna hate and no-one denies bullshit happens all over the world. However here we're talking about Islam. One poster said it led to a wonderful society hence the videos. Clearly it does not.

There are areas of English cities which are predominately muslim which are in effect no-go areas for white people, let alone white women. Why? Because the locals have brought their medieval culture with them..

If you have read any critique of Islam you would know that it is basically fascistic, desires to spread to the whole world and has an apocalyptic eschatology. To them I say 'fuck off'.

Btw, the term 'moderate muslim' - what does it mean? Essentially, muslims who do not obey their scriptures. They are worse imo than the foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics in the videos because at least you know where you stand with those mad cunts.

LOL oh please don't give me that "don't obey their scriptures" crap. Have you ever read the old testament? Do you stone your whoring wife/daughter or 100 other stupid small shit? Christianity is just as violent (if not more) than Islam, we just have enforcement :) here.

And as far as wonderful societies goes, if you read what I posted earlier, I said that due to our more educated populace, a lot of people don't go on religious murdering rampages *anymore*. Instead we just kill more people with capital punishments than the entire middle east combined, AND lock up millions upon millions of people in prisons and deny them basic human rights. Oh we are soooo much better than them right?

Learn you think muppet.

And don't give me your tripe about "no white" zones. It's probably bullshit and sounds like the justification whites use over here to avoid "da ghetto". In reality such places are non-existent and blacks/mexicans/muslims don't give a fuck about you - just don't bring your nonsense around.
It's probably bullshit and sounds like the justification whites use over here to avoid "da ghetto". In reality such places are non-existent.

very true. just click your ruby slippers together 3 times and racism in the ghetto turns into a beautiful butterfly that floats away to the sound of singing munchkins.
Have you ever been to the hood? As you sit your comfortably fat ass on the computer and fear monger all day, the reality is that you mind your own business there. Period. Plenty of whites have said time and time again that they feel safer there than a trailer park. Funny isn't it?
Have you ever been to the hood? As you sit your comfortably fat ass on the computer and fear monger all day, the reality is that you mind your own business there. Period. Plenty of whites have said time and time again that they feel safer there than a trailer park. Funny isn't it?

of course i've been to the hood. i've been harassed in the hood & got my ass out of the hood tout suite. its more dangerous to not 'be a member' in any poverty stricken areas like trailer parks & ghettos, a point obvious to any 5th grader who isn't trying so-o-o-o-o hard to be right that he's willing to say 'racism in the ghetto is non-existent' or 'people in the hood all mind their own business'. laughable.
LOL oh please don't give me that "don't obey their scriptures" crap. Have you ever read the old testament? Do you stone your whoring wife/daughter or 100 other stupid small shit? Christianity is just as violent (if not more) than Islam, we just have enforcement :) here.

And as far as wonderful societies goes, if you read what I posted earlier, I said that due to our more educated populace, a lot of people don't go on religious murdering rampages *anymore*. Instead we just kill more people with capital punishments than the entire middle east combined, AND lock up millions upon millions of people in prisons and deny them basic human rights. Oh we are soooo much better than them right?

Learn you think muppet.

And don't give me your tripe about "no white" zones. It's probably bullshit and sounds like the justification whites use over here to avoid "da ghetto". In reality such places are non-existent and blacks/mexicans/muslims don't give a fuck about you - just don't bring your nonsense around.

pewep ...

First of all, for the record, I've been to Bible school, so yes, I do understand the Bible. But I think you are confusing several issues. Yes, the Old Testament is also retarded, no one is denying that. However, we're talking about Islam, as I said before. It is an evil religion.

Regarding the no-white zones. No, it is not bullshit. I can't persuade you if you choose not to listen but consider the evidence. For example the rise of the English Defence League, the grooming of under-age white girls by muslims (some court trials recently completed, everyone guilty, more trials on-going), the public policy of police non interference in certain districts due to race fears, the acceptance and establishment of sharia courts in the UK to rule on civil matters (when parties agree to abide by them, but of course, the women don't have a say in the matter), honor killings in England, the bullshit list goes on. You don't have to believe it, you have freedom of choice to think what you like (unlike in Saudi or Iran for example).

Your example about society, I am assuming you mean the USA (I'm not American) - the big and important difference is that capital punishment and prison policies etc are based on secular law making. If you don't agree with it ... well, you live in a democracy, do something about it. In Islamic states, such laws are based on the word of God and cannot be changed, only interpreted. Or to put it another way, would you rather live in the USA or under am Islamic Theocracy? Don't answer ... just consider.
99.999% of Christians don't obey their scriptures. Neither do Jews. The Old Testament is part of the Bible you know...

Therefore, according to the Bible, it should be every Christian's duty to kill all people believing in different Gods, as well as homosexuals.

They should also force rapists to marry their victims, lend money to anyone who asks them for it (with no expectation of being repaid - you're not allowed to even ask for it back) and men mustn't work for the first year of marriage.

I refer you to my reply to pewep.

One thing though, Christians will argue that they are free from the old testament bullshit because they are under a new covenant. I disagree, they are stuck with their angry desert god and cannot squirm their way out of it.
Have you ever been to the hood? As you sit your comfortably fat ass on the computer and fear monger all day, the reality is that you mind your own business there. Period. Plenty of whites have said time and time again that they feel safer there than a trailer park. Funny isn't it?

This is really naive.