The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but their book, the one that codifies their religion, it says right in it that you must kill anyone who turns their back on the religion.

So if an organization, any organization, has an official rule that they murder anyone who tries to leave their group, how is that organization not banned and stamped out in every civilized country?
Oh, you mean like Judaism? Or Christianity, since a lot of Christians follow parts of the old testament?

Deuteronomy 13:13:

If you hear in one of your cities, which the LORD your God is giving you to dwell there, that certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently.

And behold, if it be true and certain that such an abomination has been done among you, you shall surely put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, devoting it to destruction, all who are in it and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. You shall gather all its spoil into the midst of its open square and burn the city and all its spoil with fire, as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.
Fucking idiot.You just want here slaughters in every street of the world.why you the son of bitch promoting Islam as a slaughter religion.Muslims are stupids and they even do not know what is written in their books.If you will promote such videos, they will own it and every one day they will act as vampires and will start eating you people.Do you want to be eaten.?

Fuck you ... I will post what the fuck I want and what the mods allow.

Yes this act is done by stupid fucking brainless muslims, but we already know that muslim societies are retarded, backward, shit-pits because they are living from a retarded book, dictated by a pedophile war-lord. The religion of islam is completely fucked-up, totally false, and the people who promote it are morons. They cause nothing but trouble in the world and I will not hesitate to spread the word about their vile worldview, which at it's heart is about spreading the word by force.

That being said, who the fuck are you to demand that I am banned from this website? You utter wanker. If you don't like my post then take your crappy article services (or whatever lame shit you are allowed to promote here), shove them up your anus, and fuck off to some other forum with your weepy bollocks about vampires.
Bro would you tell the founding father bros to go fuck themselves?

Even if they were staunch Christians (or deists, whatever), plenty of the Founding Fathers had a healthy admiration for the Muslim faith. Thomas Jefferson, for example, taught himself Arabic using his own copy of the Quran and hosted the first White House Iftar during Ramadan.

John Adams hailed the Islamic prophet Muhammad as one of the great "inquirers after truth." Benjamin Rush, who was so Christian he wanted a Bible in every school, also said he would rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohammad "inculcated upon our youth" than see them grow deprived "of a system of religious principles." Benjamin Franklin once declared: "Even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us, he would find a pulpit at his service." Even George fucking Washington personally welcomed Muslims to come work for him at Mount Vernon.

So, why all this Founding Father/Muslim love? Probably because Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah of Morocco was the first world figure to recognize the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain in 1777. Another reason was that the Founding Fathers were smart enough to distinguish between terrorists and everybody else on the whole damn planet, as demonstrated in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1797. It was in this agreement that the U.S. declared: "The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Mussulmen [Moslems]."

5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam |

In the context of today's world I would yes.
Oh, you mean like Judaism? Or Christianity, since a lot of Christians follow parts of the old testament?

Deuteronomy 13:13:

If you hear in one of your cities, which the LORD your God is giving you to dwell there, that certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently.

And behold, if it be true and certain that such an abomination has been done among you, you shall surely put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, devoting it to destruction, all who are in it and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. You shall gather all its spoil into the midst of its open square and burn the city and all its spoil with fire, as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.

You are right. The whole religion thing is fucked-up.
Oh, you mean like Judaism? Or Christianity, since a lot of Christians follow parts of the old testament?

Deuteronomy 13:13:

If you hear in one of your cities, which the LORD your God is giving you to dwell there, that certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently.

And behold, if it be true and certain that such an abomination has been done among you, you shall surely put the inhabitants of that city to the sword, devoting it to destruction, all who are in it and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. You shall gather all its spoil into the midst of its open square and burn the city and all its spoil with fire, as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.

Also Deuteronomy 13:6-9

6 “ If your brother, your mother’s son, or your son or daughter, or the wife [a]you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, ‘ Let us go and serve other gods’ (whom neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 of the gods of the peoples who are around you, near you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other end), 8 you shall not yield to him or listen to him; and your eye shall not pity him, nor shall you spare or conceal him. 9 But you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
The ironic thing about all the inter-jew/christian/muslim hate is that they're basically the same religion, with slight variations. If the same approach applied to Operating systems, Ubuntu, SuSE and Redhat users would be cutting each others' heads off and stoning each other at open source conferences.

I'm married to a girl from a Muslim family, and I can tell you from experience that the people in that video have as much in common with them as the Spanish Inquistion does with the average modern church-going Christian.
...The ironic thing about all the inter-jew/christian/muslim hate is that they're basically the same religion, with slight variations. If the same approach applied to Operating systems, Ubuntu, SuSE and Redhat users would be cutting each others' heads off and stoning each other at open source conferences...

True. All three have the same roots. It is kind of bizarre that there is so much hatred between them.

You can't claim to be a civilized person if you profess to follow a doctrine that advocates murder for anyone who chooses a different path.
Also Deuteronomy 13:6-9

The ironic thing about all the inter-jew/christian/muslim hate is that they're basically the same religion, with slight variations. If the same approach applied to Operating systems, Ubuntu, SuSE and Redhat users would be cutting each others' heads off and stoning each other at open source conferences.

I'm married to a girl from a Muslim family, and I can tell you from experience that the people in that video have as much in common with them as the Spanish Inquistion does with the average modern church-going Christian.

There is a major difference in that the Moslems belive that the Koran is gods own words. There is no room for mistake or misinterpretation. It also prevents any kind of reformation like Luther because you simply can't change gods words.

Neither jews nor christians believe that the old or new testament is gods words. Therefore it is subject to fallability of humans. Btw, Jesus wasn't exactly a brutal head chopping muslim with all his talk of loving thy neighbor and not stoning the whore and stuff.

He even went knowingly to his death and wished no revenge on his betrayers. Turn the other cheek. Juice are pretty barbaric as well so don't lump christians in with them. Fundie jews in Israel attack ambulances driving on the Shabath and throw feces at women trying to pray at the wailing wall. I'm not a christian and know of the abhorrent things particularly the spanish inquisition did, but that is many hundred years ago and why should we accept middle age barbary in modern day?

I honestly can't fathom how educated people can be moslems. I think the explanation lies in the fact that even a modern moslem will be shunned at best and beaten/killed at worst for denouncing their faith even in the west. As a former moslem you'd never be able to talk to former friends or family again.
I honestly can't fathom how educated people can be moslems. I think the explanation lies in the fact that even a modern moslem will be shunned at best and beaten/killed at worst for denouncing their faith even in the west. As a former moslem you'd never be able to talk to former friends or family again.

Do you know any actual muslims, or are you just going off what you've seen online / on the news? Like I said, I'm married to one who is no longer practising - she married a white guy (me), drinks and eats bacon. None of her family or friends have "shunned" her.

Plus, evangelical Christians believe the bible is the actual word of God. From the ETS site:

"The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs. God is a Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in power and glory."

About the ETS | The Evangelical Theological Society

EDIT: Finally, the Lutheran reformation was a rejection of the doctrinal authority of the Catholic Church, not what was written in the Bible. Get your facts straight please.
Do you know any actual muslims, or are you just going off what you've seen online / on the news? Like I said, I'm married to one who is no longer practising - she married a white guy (me), drinks and eats bacon. None of her family or friends have "shunned" her.

No, I'm not friends with any 'muslims', but of course I've known and met many and if they're cool people it's usually despite being muslims.

Your wife's parents are obviously not real muslims in the eyes of their imam if they accept it, but maybe it's different in the US. In Europe, no muslims marry non-muslims, it's close to zero.
Rusvik you're too brainwashed by the media man.

You need to go to major cities like New York, Chicago, Toronto or L.A. and meet some actual modernized Muslims. They're pretty normal people like everybody else. Working. Paying taxes. Getting drunk on week-ends. Just like anybody else man. Sure there seems to be more extremists in Islam than in Christianity/Judaism right now, but that's because they are persecuted by everybody. Human's natural reaction to persecution is to stick with their own and see everybody else as the enemy.

That said, I truly believe extremists like the ones in the OP should be put to death. If I was a billionaire I would probably hire a bunch of highly trained commandos and send them to Tunisia to hang those guys.
^ Yeah, but you try living with muslims in Europe for a few years and see if you feel the same way. But I've realized there's a big difference in which demographics go to Europe and which go to the US. Just another welfare state gift that keeps on giving.
No, I'm not friends with any 'muslims', but of course I've known and met many and if they're cool people it's usually despite being muslims.

Your wife's parents are obviously not real muslims in the eyes of their imam if they accept it, but maybe it's different in the US. In Europe, no muslims marry non-muslims, it's close to zero.

This is the truth. Amateursurgeon is just really lucky, it's extremely tough to find a Muslim family that OK'ed their daughter marrying a non-Muslim.
He even went knowingly to his death and wished no revenge on his betrayers. Turn the other cheek. Juice are pretty barbaric as well so don't lump christians in with them. Fundie jews in Israel attack ambulances driving on the Shabath and throw feces at women trying to pray at the wailing wall. I'm not a christian and know of the abhorrent things particularly the spanish inquisition did, but that is many hundred years ago and why should we accept middle age barbary in modern day?
You're right, all modern Christians are lovely people.


And absolutely none of them follow any of the old testament.


62% Muslim Americans say it is acceptable for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim

The Changing Landscape of Muslims in America: A Survey on Interfaith Marriages | PRLog

51% UK Muslims say Muslim women may not marry a non-Muslim.

I'm not a christian


I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group…

Atheist: 47.6%
Muslim: 33.5%
African-American 27.2%
Asian-Americans: 18.5%
Hispanics: 18.5%
Jews: 11.8%
Conservative Christians: 6.9%
Whites: 2.3%

Research Finds that Atheists are Most Hated and Distrusted Minority (in USA)