No, your mother in a backalley scat porn shoot in the 104 degree LA weather - that's hardcore.
Where did you come up with the name "moslim" and "muhammedan"? You clearly have no idea about Islam. You hear one thing about Muslims which makes the news and you start spreading that they are all the same? I have some Muslim friends and they are as normal as other non Muslim ones. If the Notorious B.I.G was Muslim he could've said "stereotype of a Muslim misunderstood, and its still all good"
Please ask your peace loving moslem mates to publicly denounce the throat-slitting barbarians in a youtube video. You might find their reaction illuminating.
Or maybe you can ask them for their thoughts on the death penalty for drawing mohammed in cartoon form. Fucking death penalty!!
Or show them the following and watch them twitch:
Thunderf00t's banned video - YouTube
Oh no... Another one who thinks that every Apple in the sack is rotten. Member of KKK Bro?
Why u mad?
When was the last time any other religion than islam decapitated anyone? That's right 400 years ago. Quit making excuses for Islam.
i can watch a guy get his head sawed off without squirming but i can't watch clips of joe theismann's leg getting demolished. dunno why.
The Lord's Resistance Army behead and mutilate people pretty frequently, and they're a Christian extremist group. Only difference is they're in Africa, so nobody bothers reporting it.
Tunisian convert to Christian gets his throat cut by the peace loving brothers
(not for the squeamish ... the blood starts pouring around 2.20)
Barbaric cunts! Consistent with their religion though, I'll give them that.
And General Buttnaked ate his opponents heart, butt naked when he wasn't wearing a dress. That's Africa for you, but if you want to say that beheadings is an arab thing then I'll believe you too.
The Lord's Resistance Army behead and mutilate people pretty frequently, and they're a Christian extremist group. Only difference is they're in Africa, so nobody bothers reporting it.
if you want to say that beheadings is an arab thing then I'll believe you too.
They didn't use to report it much, but the Kony campaign this year made it hard for them not to.
Only 20% of Muslims are Arabs.
The other 80% are Euro Arabs.
Enjoy your muslims, eurofags.
It's a good thing all those moslems live in prosperous freedom loving countries. Yes, Indonesia is a great country as well, lashing people if they show too much skin on television. Pakistan also has a thing for killing people of other faiths. Sudan and Somalia are also beacons of light in Africa. So yeah, it's an all around shitfest.
I really can't understand moslem apologists from you spoiled people probably doing things every weekend which would get you lashed, stoned or just hanged in moslem countries.
Islam is a fucking cancer on humanity.
Yeahhh, posting population stats is being an apologist for murder or something. Keep on herp derping the derp herp. :costumed-smiley-013
Your logical fallacy is strawman
I better not post the number of Christians in Norway, or the number of World of Warcraft players.
Norwegian extremist played World of Warcraft intensively in lead-up to attack planning - The Washington Post
I had to login after a short WF Hiatus to tell you to STFU
Thats one example to thousands or millions of examples of barbaric muslim behavior and customs