The shit religion of peace ... part ? [NSFL]


New member
Aug 31, 2009
In the EUSSR
Tunisian convert to Christian gets his throat cut by the peace loving brothers

(not for the squeamish ... the blood starts pouring around 2.20)

Barbaric cunts! Consistent with their religion though, I'll give them that.


i can watch a guy get his head sawed off without squirming but i can't watch clips of joe theismann's leg getting demolished. dunno why.
Dude seems pretty chilled for someone who's about to get their head chopped off.

Almost too chilled.....
i can watch a guy get his head sawed off without squirming but i can't watch clips of joe theismann's leg getting demolished. dunno why.

I'm the same way. For some reason blood and organs and that shit doesn't bother me, but seeing catastrophic sports injuries almost makes me vomit. Like when Shaun Livingston obliterated his knee (click at own risk) with the Clippers a few years ago, that had to be right up there with the Theisman injury. I can't handle that stuff.
I really hate moslem and muhammedan cultist srs. How the fuck can you watch this shit, stoning women for adultery etc and still be a moslem? Fucking barbarians, ape-people.
I really hate moslem and muhammedan cultist srs. How the fuck can you watch this shit, stoning women for adultery etc and still be a moslem? Fucking barbarians, ape-people.

Hold on there a minute, I've never seen an ape chop a dudes head off.
I really hate moslem and muhammedan cultist srs. How the fuck can you watch this shit, stoning women for adultery etc and still be a moslem? Fucking barbarians, ape-people.
Where did you come up with the name "moslim" and "muhammedan"? You clearly have no idea about Islam. You hear one thing about Muslims which makes the news and you start spreading that they are all the same? I have some Muslim friends and they are as normal as other non Muslim ones. If the Notorious B.I.G was Muslim he could've said "stereotype of a Muslim misunderstood, and its still all good"
Where did you come up with the name "moslim" and "muhammedan"? You clearly have no idea about Islam. You hear one thing about Muslims which makes the news and you start spreading that they are all the same? I have some Muslim friends and they are as normal as other non Muslim ones. If the Notorious B.I.G was Muslim he could've said "stereotype of a Muslim misunderstood, and its still all good"

Islam is basically a judeo-christian personality cult around a child molester and warlord hence the more fitting description 'mohammedanean'.
Islam is basically a judeo-christian personality cult around a child molester and warlord hence the more fitting description 'mohammedanean'.

Unlike the catholic faith right? Go fuck yourself and shove your monotheistic garbage up your arse while you're at it.
Unlike the catholic faith right? Go fuck yourself and shove your monotheistic garbage up your arse while you're at it.
