...it happens, the most I ever lost was dam near $15,000 in one day in February 2012. Pissed me the eff off. Hope your luck turns around for the better
Hey mcGrunin,
I'm really currious; aside from your daily profit/loss:
What has been your net return on capital since you started trading?
As in, of total capital risked (not just with what you started; how much did you transfer from liquid cash into trading positions), what % have you cleared? (as in taking out and placing into liquid positions; not trading positions)
I always find daily trading profits, and 'trading positions' to be rather worthless as a gauge of success. Long term liquidity cleared is what matters.
Mgrunin what do you think of netflix?
I have some more questions.
1. Do you follow the Greeks, before making the trade? If so what Greeks do you follow?
2. How do you calculate historical volatility, if you sell options?
3. How long have you been trading?
4. What technical indicators and option strategy do you recommend for newbie like me? I know a bit about stock market and options, but don't have experience in trading, looking to get started.
5. Liquidity - How many trading option contracts would you consider liquid?
Hey mcGrunin,
I'm really currious; aside from your daily profit/loss:
What has been your net return on capital since you started trading?
As in, of total capital risked (not just with what you started; how much did you transfer from liquid cash into trading positions), what % have you cleared? (as in taking out and placing into liquid positions; not trading positions)
I always find daily trading profits, and 'trading positions' to be rather worthless as a gauge of success. Long term liquidity cleared is what matters.
Horrible volume on GOOG today, shit went nowhere. Closing out until it starts moving a little more intraday.
Soros built up a $1.25 billion short SPY position ...
Soros's biggest holding? A huge short position on the S&P 500 - The Tell - MarketWatch
And the news as it's being reported is following what political pundits say - that the East (Russia/China) is going to battle the West (US & allies, including Saudi Arabia and ) via proxy in Syria - at stake some say is currency denomination for oil production.
Saddam Hussein signed his death warrant when he conducted the US imposed oil for food sanctions in euros. A couple of years later, the US conquered his country, he was dead, and Iraqi oil is denominated in USD.
Shit is important. Both Bushes and Obama go to war over this - regardless of what popular sentiment is in the US (Unlike Obama, George Bush actually went to Congress for permission - I haven't seen a single anti-war protester in NYC's Union Squre since early November 2008 ... I wonder why?) ...
Soros is geopolitically minded and has been building this short for some time. Beware.
I didn't say this was about Syria's oil. In fact, I wasn't aware they produced any oil at all - I tend to think of that country as a classic Middle East "have not" when it comes to oil.You may want to check your conspiracy theories at the door, Syria produces about 400,000 barrels of oil a day, which is about the same amount as Thailand. This has nothing to do with oil and everything to do with a government holding on to power by any means necessary
Thanks to MGrunin posting those graphs last night and discussing Syria, I sold off all my long positions in AAPL and FB with a profit, then bought FB and GOOG puts, made some money on them then closed them out before the end of the day. I also bought 3 SPY puts at a strike price of $171 SEP 21 expiration ($8.24 premium), so I'm hoping the markets continue dropping tomorrow.