The new iPhone looks SICK

LOL at apple calling this iPhone 4 when it's not on a 4G network. Imagine all the confusion. 2 people in this thread already called it 4G.

It is just the 4th version of the iPhone. Nobody even has a real 4G network yet.

Sprint likes to lie in their marketing. They are calling WiMax "4G" with a max speed of 12Mbps. Sprint lied about having the first "3G" network back around 2003 too.

T-Mobile is taking their "3G" HSDPA+ to around 21Mbps. I would assume AT&T is doing the same.

I was rockin 4g back in 1998

I haven't used a ton of phones, but I have an iPhone 3G and love it. I won't upgrade until it gets a little more affordable and my contract is up. I'm satisfied with mine though and use it way more than I thought I would.
I wasn't really impressed too much. It's not a bad phone by any means, the battery life is good, but I was really hoping for another Apple TV or mousepad touchpad.

With this update means that I'm going to wait till the next version of the iPad comes out before I buy it though. Seeing as they through a front facing camera on this one (I can't wait to see someone in public making a video call on a screen the size of my dick) and a revolutionary magical retincial eye screen or something, the next iPad should be worth getting by then.

Or, I'll just get a tablet that Google releases since well, tbh, most of the apps that are useful are on both devices already, and it's only going to blur even more. Apple currently has the advantage of having a huge userbase due to the iPod touches they sold which use the app store.

But tbh, I haven't seen many apps in either store that are that awesome yet since I suppose it's still relatively new.

Google and every other tech company need to be ripping the shit out of these presentations Jobs gives because they're damned near flawless every time. That's the thing that pains me.

Even though I'm not that big of an Apple fan, any presentation they give is worth watching. They don't fuck around.
Don't have one yet, but a 5 megapixel camera with flash might be a jumping-on-board point for me. Is ATT as bad as people make it out to be for data speeds? I haven't bothered with a smart phone on any network, I've oh-so-patiently been waiting for iPhone on other networks...
The Incredible makes me salivate but the Iphone has the killer apps. Netflix on Iphone...fuckin sweet!
that would be a forward compatibility, not backward compatibility

Actually its backwards compatibility when an app that runs on 2.1 wont run on 1.5. Forward compatibility would be an app that runs on 1.5 but not 2.1, which is not the case.
Don't have one yet, but a 5 megapixel camera with flash might be a jumping-on-board point for me. Is ATT as bad as people make it out to be for data speeds? I haven't bothered with a smart phone on any network, I've oh-so-patiently been waiting for iPhone on other networks...

All cell phone companies suck in their own way. I've had Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile. Verizon and AT&T are better than everyone else.
the way i understand it is the iphone 4 is compatible with HSDPA networks, which are "4g" however sprint has trademarked the 4G term so apple can't use it to name their product, and at&t can't call their HSDPA network "4G" either, even though technically HSDPA = 4g.


HSDPA is technically the 4G network

sprint trademarked "4G" so nobody else can call their network or phones 4G.
the way i understand it is the iphone 4 is compatible with HSDPA networks, which are "4g" however sprint has trademarked the 4G term so apple can't use it to name their product, and at&t can't call their HSDPA network "4G" either, even though technically HSDPA = 4g.


HSDPA is technically the 4G network

sprint trademarked "4G" so nobody else can call their network or phones 4G.

HSDPA is considered "enhanced 3G" or "3.5G"

LTE is going to be "4G" for everyone except Sprint.
I use my MacBook for going online. I use my PC for games. I use my books for reading. I use my telly for watching shit. I use my camera for taking photos. I use Thunderbird for my email and appointments. And, this is quite crazy, i use my phone for making phone calls and ignoring text messages. So no, i won't be buying an iPhone. :D
Actually its backwards compatibility when an app that runs on 2.1 wont run on 1.5. Forward compatibility would be an app that runs on 1.5 but not 2.1, which is not the case.

Backwards compatibility sucks, if you run Android 1.5 you can't run apps developed for 1.6, 2.1, 2.2. (which is all the good ones).

You want a newer standard (1.6, 2.1, 2.2) to play on an older standard (1.5). That is forward compatibility by definition.

"A standard supports forward compatibility if older product versions can receive, read, view or play the new standard" - Forward compatibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if 1.5 doesn't play apps developed for newer android versions then that is a forward compatibility problem, not a backward compatibility problem.
I've had a G1 for about a year now, but I'll admit that this new iphone looks damn sexy. I don't see myself switching just yet though. Mainly because I don't want AT&T.
For the record, i have had at&t for 3 years now (had verizon for 5 before) - i have had nothing but the best cell service/support i've ever gotten. My plan includes 3 iphones and 2 aircards.

i just think the at&t "hatred" is just fools jumping on the bandwagon.
i just think the at&t "hatred" is just fools jumping on the bandwagon.

That's probably partially true.

My girlfriend has AT&T and every time we are in our apartment she asks to use my phone (T-Mobile) to make a call because she doesn't get reception with AT&T. This is in Manhattan, a place where you would think would be great service. That's the reason I don't want it.