The new iPhone looks SICK

I'm not going to grab it for a couple more years. I have had the 3G S since last summer and plan on waiting until Apple gets out of the AT&T deal.

I'll agree, Apple is stepping it up to try and compete with all the DROID phones flocking the market.
Hate Apple but have an iphone 3g. Slow as hell so I just bought an HTC Evo a few days ago. Figured I'd give it and Sprint a shot since I have 30 days to return it and cancel.

EVO is fine as can be. Fast, awesome voice to text, everything you'd want. Only problem is the battery lasts for 5 fucking hours. Just realized it today that there is no way I can keep this phone. Maybe Google can tweak Android to make it use the battery more efficiently but what the fuck do I know. I just know I left the house this morning with it fully charged and by 1:00pm it was drained.

Apple's products operate like they're Fisher Price toys but if the battery life Apple is claiming is true, then I'll probably be buying another iphone in a few weeks.
Not an Apple fan boy but I love the iphone. I will definitely be getting the 4G.
It looks awesome I must say, and I was thinking of switching to an android phone, haha probably not anymore.
Same fan. As a matter of iphone was the first product I bought from apple. Will be getting the 4G as an upgrade to the now defunct first generation one thrown down collecting dust.
I had an Android phone for 2 months. Worthless piece of crap. Froze constantly, rebooted itself at least once a day, battery life was was at about 5 hours. The Android App store is a joke. Backwards compatibility sucks, if you run Android 1.5 you can't run apps developed for 1.6, 2.1, 2.2. (which is all the good ones). Some devices will run certain apps that other devices won't even if they claim they are compatible. The whole thing feels like a "wanna be." Its for people that want an iPhone but can't afford it, and simply another revenue source and spy tool for Google.
I just wish the back was slightly rounded like the current iphones... I'll def be getting one though.
absolutely unbelievable ... i'm gunna have to ditch verizon .. can't hold out any longer

also thinking about pre ordering some then selling them ... anyone else?
Yeah I may upgrade myself they're reducing a lot of the requirements to upgrade and it said I can upgrade for $18 my 3gs I got last year.
I bet it has way better battery life too with the new processor that the ipad has and more efficient components and even better reception. I guess I'll see what my 3gs will go for on ebay before paying the $200 for the new one.
I had an Android phone for 2 months. Worthless piece of crap. Froze constantly, rebooted itself at least once a day, battery life was was at about 5 hours. The Android App store is a joke. Backwards compatibility sucks, if you run Android 1.5 you can't run apps developed for 1.6, 2.1, 2.2. (which is all the good ones). Some devices will run certain apps that other devices won't even if they claim they are compatible. The whole thing feels like a "wanna be." Its for people that want an iPhone but can't afford it, and simply another revenue source and spy tool for Google.

What was the phone. There are many companies launching android phone so you shouldn't just say "android phone". Battery life may be the problem of some manufacturer, but not necessary of all phones that carry android OS