The Link Essence - Those Links You Never Had Before - Links From Rare Sources

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If the client do not provide a physical address, we randomly put one. This has been mentioned in our order form as well.

If you have a specific address to use, please let me know ASAP so that I could arrange to edit whatever has been done so far.

I've already sent you a PM about this.

erm, i seen a cpl biz listings dripping in and for the country it says: United States, Ireland. we are no where near Ireland. please explain why thats in there, plz stop putting ireland in as our location. other than that these look really good. waiting for pm. thnx

Got it, thank you!

Order placed. Looking forward to results.
If the client do not provide a physical address, we randomly put one. This has been mentioned in our order form as well.

If you have a specific address to use, please let me know ASAP so that I could arrange to edit whatever has been done so far.

I've already sent you a PM about this.
i thought i filled everything out for address only thing we didnt state was we are in the US, i did NOT see anything asking what country on the form, you might want to change that if it doesnt or make it MORE visible. plz remove the Ireland bullshit from the links, we nowhere close to that. there was nothing on the form asking what country to put or i sure as HELL wld have put it in if i wld have noticed it. dont need shit stating we are located in Ireland..., change it. thnx. if you cant just leave it, will deal with it.
another order placed : 55D15470J7183035E.

please respect my special instructions ...THANK YOU!

Thanks for the new order.

Kindly note, it's an extended weekend here, so you won't hear from the staff before Tuesday. But we will make sure that the campaign is processed in time.

Thank you!
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