The Interview Game

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andrew wee

New member
Dec 1, 2006
Here's how it works.

1) You answer the question of the person before you,
2) and you list another question for the next person.

The next person goes through the same (1), (2) sequence.
And if someone gives a particularly insightful/funny answer, consider repping them.

And if we're lucky, we'll only run through 100 pages or so.

Here goes:

1) Why's the WF forum obsessed with homosexuality?

'cause we're all a bunch of closet homos.

2) What are you doing wasting your time reading and/or answering this stupid ass thread? ...when you should be working on making some more money... or at least reading a thread that might help you.
Because I move in and out of being lazy.

3)How dead will WF be this coming weekend?
crew shampoo

Q) if you were in a pile of shit, NECK DEEP...and someone threw a bucket of piss in your face,....would you duck?
A: When I wrecked my sandrail, drove off a dropoff and slammed nose first in to the sand at 50 mph. Almost killed me, tore off my nose and had to get 60 stitches in it to put it back together. Or when I had a gun pointed at my head when I was 12.

Q: Do you really care if pluto is a planet or not?
Yes, it has a huge impact on th way I live my life...

If you try to fail and u succeed, have you failed or succeeded?
A: That is stupid no one ever said you can't fail and succeed (i'm sure even our forum fuhrer has had some failures... WF not being one of them of course). So it sounds like I did both.

Q: Your walking along one night, in a rather quiet place, and bump into Scarlett Johansson (or for DruSam let's say ummm I dunno Matthew McConaughey). What do you do?
A: I treat her like the whore she
Q: If you could have any car what would it be?
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