The illusion of choice!

I kinda lost count at around 70 brands. Fuck....

I guess I consume some pretty big brands at 70 points.

Looking forward to changing that.

@amateursurgeon: Oreos = Hydrox cookies. Exact same thing, different branding.


Wow, I never realized that Pepsico owns A&W and that Kraft owns A&W. Until I looked it up and found out that neither one of them owns A&W. Very informative infographic.

By the way guerilla, you've been sigged.
Paleo FTW
I got off track the last two months, but I am back to about 80% Paleo this week, and I hope almost 100% next week.

Nice to see the bbf rejects check in to an otherwise interesting thread with their "dont buy processed food derp derp" that they post right before they run outside to suck down a camel crush.
Yeah, heaven forbid people have a conversation you can't troll, or they go and do something that takes them away from reading your shitposts for 5 minutes.


By the way guerilla, you've been sigged.
Thanks. It's true. Back in 2005 or whatever, there was the Tsunami, and I didn't know about it for 2 weeks because I don't watch the major media or read their websites regularly.

To me, most of the (so-called) macro events in the world don't really change my day to day experience. I'm way more interested in understanding how things work, than what is actually happening.
Wow, I never realized that Pepsico owns A&W and that Kraft owns A&W. Until I looked it up and found out that neither one of them owns A&W. Very informative infographic.

By the way guerilla, you've been sigged.

A&W was owned by Yum until Sept last year. Kraft owns the distribution of A&W root beer cola.
I have most media websites blocked in my browser and don't own a TV or radio, so I don't get compromised by Statist propaganda.

Yup, watch Frontline and Dancing With the Stars once a week and next thing you know you will be marching down the street with a tutu on praising Chairman Mao. Derp..

What happened to Popeye on here? Even he liked Frontline if I remember right.
I kinda lost count at around 70 brands. Fuck....

I guess I consume some pretty big brands at 70 points.

Looking forward to changing that.

@amateursurgeon: Oreos = Hydrox cookies. Exact same thing, different branding.

I d0'tmn known what everyone else said. kinda of lost trackt but I think this made sense. My eyes tasted to hrt nbut this makres sense. fuck. Anwyays I;m goinb to bed. Anyone watching hockeu? 2-1 fuck i got to watchhh. as for processed goods, only thing I've had is fucking opeanut butter and honey mothier fucking cocaine to me. Its like craxk fuckkkkkk...I need to g to ehabd. or spelling school...fucll....
I don't even have that. I get more of my news from STS than I do from any other media.

This. I haven't read a news paper, watched the news or visited a news website in probably 10 years. I only know what "important" shit happens in the world by STS and idle gossip amongst friends/family.

A life without the media is a better life.
Wow, I never realized that Pepsico owns A&W and that Kraft owns A&W. Until I looked it up and found out that neither one of them owns A&W. Very informative infographic.

By the way guerilla, you've been sigged.

Kraft owns A&W Root Beer and Yum owned A&W Restaurant which licensed A&W from Kraft. . . I think that Yum sold the restaurant chain though. . .