The hosting "Worst Case Scenario" has happened. Newbs, pay attention.


Next time (hopefully there will never be a next time) you have a situation where you got x amount of data and no freaking bandwidth to save it all in time onto your home computer, just goto ServerSync - Premium Backup Space & Data Preservation get the appropriate level plan (I have a 50GB plan with them, 10/month), and just start SCP'ing the shit over to the backup server. I use them to rsync my files on a nightly basis.

Next time (hopefully there will never be a next time) you have a situation where you got x amount of data and no freaking bandwidth to save it all in time onto your home computer, just goto ServerSync - Premium Backup Space & Data Preservation get the appropriate level plan (I have a 50GB plan with them, 10/month), and just start SCP'ing the shit over to the backup server. I use them to rsync my files on a nightly basis.

Great idea

Is there anything for an automated mysql backup ?
lso takes far too long to backup 300GB on a 1mb connection daily, Hope you get it sorted.

Incremental backups.
Great idea

Is there anything for an automated mysql backup ?

Depends on what you got, if you're on cpanel, da, or just a control-panel less type of setup, but I see no reason why one cannot setup a cron job at 3AM to do a mysqldump command followed by scp-ing that dump file to the backup server. But if you're inept with the command line, I think serversync offer some assistance (like how they'll setup rsync for you for free since it saves them bandwidth in the end).
Rsync backups + 2nd live VPS/dedicated server + external DNS. Or, failover external DNS, 2nd live VPS/dedicated server, automatically backed up/synced backups between servers. You can probably do all of that for under $100 for a low-trafficked setup, including CPanel VPS licenses. Higher traffic setups vary based on bandwidth - I use VPSes in two different datacenters (and geographically diverse - one East Cost, one Midwest), so syncing the servers uses bandwidth.
Ouch. Every time I read one of these stories it makes me continue to love just got free RAM from them for their 7th birthday too. Nobody here mentions them much but I'm super happy.

For my wordpress blogs, I also have the Database Backup plugin e-mail the backup to each week. That takes care of the MySQL stuff for my WP sites.
Haha, wow. I'm fucking glad they were "sold out" of managed VPS plans when I contacted them. Good luck bros.
He looks kinda high...

PS: people who use the embeded date stamp, drive me up the wall...

I know exactly what you mean but I have no idea why.

If I ever start a religion it will be some kind of commandment. "Thou shalt not embed date/time stamps, for they are an abomination upon the images".