The hosting "Worst Case Scenario" has happened. Newbs, pay attention.


New member
May 28, 2009
From an email earlier from a tech support guy from the company who took over from Volsh. Apparently this happened as they were trying to migrate my stuff which was supposed to be available until June 19th, also known as 1 day in the future and therefore not today:

We unfortunately have to inform you that Volsh has terminated their servers earlier than agreed upon. We therefore were unable to gain access to your VPS. This also means that, due to the inept ownership of Volsh, your data is irrevocably lost.
Everyone who wants to go back and look at the restraint I have shown over the issues with Volsh is welcome to do so. I have never named names or gotten personal but ......just.....damn.

And I have backups of most stuff - I will still have a few sites down for the coming days but the important thing is this: I will be fine.

That said - HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. I should be way more pissed than I am...except...for some reason I expected it so I'm not.

Newbs: Feel free to save money on shit. Hosting is not one of them.

Pardon me while I get this out of the way.

Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuckity fucking fuck FUCK FUCK!


Old news, haven't you checked the hosting section lately? Personally I find it funny that that Volsh who had the main selling point of not selling his customers, all the sudden sells his customers.

Edit: ewwww I missed the server termination bit.
Now personally I would have had my shit backed up the day I got the notice he was selling me off. So anyone who didn't have their stuff backed up by the time the new host realized they lost it, has in some way fucked themselves.

I can only imagine how the new owners feel, to buy off his customers only to instantly lose almost all of them because he terminated before they could get the data...
That's not good, I prefer to have my hosting with theplant just so I don't need to worry about loosing things as they should have backups etc, Also takes far too long to backup 300GB on a 1mb connection daily, Hope you get it sorted.
Seriously though, as much as I hate James and knew he would do this... Have the new owner contact the datacenter with the details. I've seen this happen before and the datacenter worked with the new owner to retrieve the data.
Oh shit so he sold the company then deleted the servers wow

Well more like, oh shit he sold his company, then terminated his servers before the new host could transfer all the customer's data. Thus screwing over both the customers and the new provider.

The way you said it didn't sound so bad, cuz it was missing that critical element.
That sucks, man. I backed my shit up. It was my first instinct, and I was advised to multiple times in the the thread I started about it. That said, everything went smoothly for me as mine was moved Tuesday evening, but yeah...that sux d00d.
I have quite a bit of it backed up. I started with the most important stuff and worked backwards - but I'm still missing more than I wanted to, including one complete site that was an experiment in progress that I somehow over looked.

After I think about it for a while though - if I was the company buying out the customers - I would be talking to my attorneys right about now. This action poisons the deal from a business standpoint. When you are purchasing customers of any kind the only way to keep the majority of them is to make a smooth transition. \

An act like this - whether it was through neglect, willfully, or sheer lack of due diligence - greatly devalues the purchase.
I back up my database via telnet and site via ftp at the end of every month.

This is why lol.