The Hidden Truth

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damhoov - stop being such a judgemental and pathetic, idiotic noob. I haven't even shared my opinion of the film, merely offered a bit of appreciation for it being posted in the first place.

Please don't bring your moronic attitude that you displayed at BHW over here.


Get a haircut you smelly hippie. All you damn hippies and astral travellers should be thrown in a secret eastern european prison
Thanks for the interesting video.

Since you reinspired me, I'm going to look into meditating, since I wanted to try it for while now.
Thanks for the interesting video.

Since you reinspired me, I'm going to look into meditating, since I wanted to try it for while now.

No worries man. The exercises I do are conducive to out of body experiences. Also consider using binaural beats -

"The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the loudness of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequency of the tones must be below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz for the beating to be heard. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (below about 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived."

I use hemi sync from the Monroe Institute (I am on the gateway experience exercises). The left and right hemisphere of the brain becomes synchronised and optimised. Using binaural beats you could get to the level of meditation that take intensive meditation training of 15 years within a few months.
(ps) SeoReborn - I'd agree you just "presented it", but you did so with at least a somewhat half-assed endorsement when you said "... cover all the major information most people don't realize is going on in the world!"

yes...a lot of people don't realise fluoride that is present in our water supply is not good for them and the affect it has, not a lot of people know about codex alimentarius etc.
Seoreborn, you got an audio of hemi sync stuff that you could share with me? Interested in this stuff, I read 3 of Robert Monroe's book :)
Seoreborn, you got an audio of hemi sync stuff that you could share with me? Interested in this stuff, I read 3 of Robert Monroe's book :)

Yeah they are great books aren't they? Did you know the "park" is proved to be real. Alot of astral travellers have been there in particular those that specialise in retrievals. Retrievals is what I want to get into after completing the gateway. I will be using Bruce Moen's techniques, which involves phasing rather that the classic OBE.

I'll send you a pm later on with a download link to the hemi sync files.
Seoreborn, you got an audio of hemi sync stuff that you could share with me? Interested in this stuff, I read 3 of Robert Monroe's book

Make sure you grab them in FLAC format, or another lossless format.

Yeah, have done in the past - although I tend to generate my own, or use a mind machine. I'm quite interested in the whole BWE/neurofeedback scene.

It's rare, and I've personally not seen it for a number of years, but I've stumbled across a couple of situations where there's been 'added content' to certain subliminal/BWE products being shared on torrent. In one case, it was almost certainly the original vendor, and in another case it was just some sicko who had added some rather grim suggestions to a subliminal relaxation soundtrack.

Regarding the whole mp3 versus FLAC situation, it's a fact that mp3 wasn't even designed as an audio compression method, and in my opinion it shouldn't be used to encode audio for BWE or subliminals. It CAN produce audio artifacts that can hamper the designed effect. In some cases, depending on the frequency used for binaurals (for example) it can completely strip out any effect.

I don't understand these conspiracy theories. Everyone is supposed to be enslaved but at the same time they want to kill everyone off. why would you kill your own slaves?
Absolutely brilliant video. I've seen stuff like this before, and see it all the time. The truth is really infront of us.
yes...a lot of people don't realise fluoride that is present in our water supply is not good for them and the affect it has, not a lot of people know about codex alimentarius etc.

Should I be concerned for my precious bodily fluids?
Should I be concerned for my precious bodily fluids?

With the information you research into, its is for you to decide if it is of concern.

For me, I have stopped using flouride toothpaste, and drink ONLY mineral water (making sure there is no added flouride).
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