The Hidden Truth

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In this time I have managed to see the surrounding area with my eyes closed (astral sight), and also have been able to detach from the physical and move about independent of my physical body. Once you find this out for yourself, you will no longer have any fear of death, as we are indeed eternal.

It's really really easy to disprove this type of thing, you ever heard of a guy called James Randy?

For me people who believe this stuff is just believing through the word faith which is blind belief. Same with science. We are accepting other peoples ideas for our own.

Science is the opposite of having faith, have you ever heard of double blind testing? Peer reviews? If people make a scientific claim that is untrue, it usually gets found out pretty quickly. If you take what you're saying to the extreme then how do you know Europe exists (if you've never been)?

My guess is that you smoke far too much weed, try beer, it's far more fun.

It's really really easy to disprove this type of thing, you ever heard of a guy called James Randy?

Science is the opposite of having faith, have you ever heard of double blind testing? Peer reviews? If people make a scientific claim that is untrue, it usually gets found out pretty quickly. If you take what you're saying to the extreme then how do you know Europe exists (if you've never been)?

My guess is that you smoke far too much weed, try beer, it's far more fun.

sorry mate I don't smoke weed and I don't even drink. The last pint I had was around one month ago.

Believe what you want to believe, not really my problem. The whole point of this thread is that I just presented the information, its not about convincing anyone.
During the cold-war era, F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater used his natural psychic aptitude as a U.S. Army counter-intelligence special agent. He initiated the remote viewing intelligence program now known to the world by the code name STAR GATE, which used technology developed by Robert Monroe to train professional remote viewers including the renowned Joseph McMoneagle.

He used Hemi Sync to fine tune his remote viewing

Paranormal News -- Your Source for UFO and Paranormal Related Information

Hemi Sync synchronises the left and right hemisphere of the brain to induce altered states of conciousness. Hemi Sync is what I am using right now for my meditations.

Again its not to convince anyone, I am merely presenting the information so that anyone who is interested or curious will have an opportunity to find out and investigate for themselves. Convert unknowns to knowns instead of putting up a wall straight away to anything that is out of the norm.
The main thing about about the million dollar challenge is that anyone that shows objective proof of the paranormal can win $1,000,000. For example, to prove astral sight, someone would just need to place an unknown playing card in a known destination. If the subject guessed correctly then it works. It would also need to be repeatable, and guess what, no one has won it.
The main thing about about the million dollar challenge is that anyone that shows objective proof of the paranormal can win $1,000,000. For example, to prove astral sight, someone would just need to place an unknown playing card in a known destination. If the subject guessed correctly then it works. It would also need to be repeatable, and guess what, no one has won it.

I'm going to have to agree with the blood splattered zombie here.

The creativity of the human mind has immense potential, Even to the point we believe our own fantasies... However, if not handled well, one very creative mind can ruin a million other minds by insisting their imagination is reality...
Hence the creation of cults.
I think this smiley sums it up nicely as far as what can happen if we let our imaginations grow to large without checking ourselves
Don't get me wrong. I am not here to convince anyone and won't go into detail on rebunking anyones suspicions or skepticism.

I have never believed or not believe in God. For me people who believe this stuff is just believing through the word faith which is blind belief. Same with science. We are accepting other peoples ideas for our own. To truly understand we need to find out for our own. Its not about believing. Its about knowing.

So if anyone that reads this decides its all bullshit and fuck this hes a nutter. That fine.

For those who don't accept facts and are not sheep will find out for themselves and convert unknowns to knowns for themselves. This is what I did and what I will continue to do.
Do you believe in the one who begin all this? The universe and stuff?
here's the real hidden truth


remove ***

It was an interesting watch, SeoReborn. Thanks for putting the info on the plate, so that I could make my own mind up.

what most people don't don't realize is how easily a POS misguided video like that gains authority without anyone checking the crap.

google some of the simple stuff, most of it is pure BS..

the kid doing the audio does have a nice authoritative tone and rhythm.

(ps) SeoReborn - I'd agree you just "presented it", but you did so with at least a somewhat half-assed endorsement when you said "... cover all the major information most people don't realize is going on in the world!"
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