The Hidden Truth

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New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
This is a great video cover all the major information most people don't realize is going on in the world!

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im interested but not two hours worth "interested" just give us a quick rundown dude!
No offence to OP but I hate it when people do that shit -- tell you you're uninformed and hand you a link to some bloody hours-long the FACTS!" Fuck you, write a fucking summary. Five paragraphs even. In this case, there is no possible way of even knowing the general topic of the video without going to it -- "things I don't know?" There are many things I don't know -- I don't know a fucking thing about how jet propulsion works. Is the link above to an educational video on the topic of how jet propulsion works? That might be pretty interesting.

Summary or tits or gtfo.

Is this another "Jesus is Sun", "Bush did 9/11", "Federal banks will make a slave" kind of movie?
I skipped around through the video and watched about 10 minutes of it overall. Later tonight, I'm going to give a watch when I have some more free time. Looks pretty interesting, especially the part I watched about advertising and colors.
Thank you for sharing. I watched it. Yes I watched all 2 hours of it. You just happened to catch me on a night where i was looking to chilax with a movie. I'm definitely no stranger to esoteric principles and information, but this was highly informational. A lot of it I already knew, but some of it I did not. There is too much information over a gamut of topics to'll just have to watch it yourselves. As much as I enjoy these kinds of documentaries it does make me wanna puke my bowels out.
I watched it 2, I don't believe any of it. Its all crazy alex jones bs. This is all due to peoples inability to grasp the concept of corporations. What do you expect them to do, not treat you like a slave... you are one according to the stats. You can't expect to not be treated the way you let yourself get treated.

If you really gave a damn about this, you'd create a organization as large and powerful to oppose their corporation. Plain and simple business.

next you're going to tell me that reptilian aliens rule planet earth.
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If you really gave a damn about this, you'd create a organization as large and powerful to oppose their corporation. Plain and simple business.

That's all i have to do really? Sheeeeeeet. Here i was getting nervous about codex alimentarius which is by the way already in effect in Norway and Germany.

And all i have to do is build an empire? Damn good advice. Time to whip out the drafting table. BTW, can you also help me build a search engine to combat Google?
That's all i have to do really? Sheeeeeeet. Here i was getting nervous about codex alimentarius which is by the way already in effect in Norway and Germany.

And all i have to do is build an empire? Damn good advice. Time to whip out the drafting table. BTW, can you also help me build a search engine to combat Google?

hahahaha We've all been eating mcy d's for a long time now, and I don't see anyone dropping like flies... they just get fat at worst.

Secondly, germany outlawed scientology so its obvious they know a TINY bit about what they're doing:anon.sml::anon.sml::anon.sml:
A short lecture from Henry Lamb Henry is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO).

United Nations Division for Sustainable Development - Agenda 21

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The plan is written in stone, the Georgia Guidestones

Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the stones there are 10 commandments. One of which are:


if you have any concerns at all about these facts on our future, more so for yourself, I would suggest you start finding out for yourself what reality really is. Don't take anyones word for it. Convert unknowns into knowns. We are much more that what we are led to believe. For the past month I have been doing meditation to become in tuned with my spiritual self. I used sound waves called Hemi Sync which gets the left and right brain working together. In this time I have managed to see the surrounding area with my eyes closed (astral sight), and also have been able to detach from the physical and move about independent of my physical body. Once you find this out for yourself, you will no longer have any fear of death, as we are indeed eternal.
I used to do that stuff when I was a kid, It's called imagination right?

Don't get me wrong. I am not here to convince anyone and won't go into detail on rebunking anyones suspicions or skepticism.

I have never believed or not believe in God. For me people who believe this stuff is just believing through the word faith which is blind belief. Same with science. We are accepting other peoples ideas for our own. To truly understand we need to find out for our own. Its not about believing. Its about knowing.

So if anyone that reads this decides its all bullshit and fuck this hes a nutter. That fine.

For those who don't accept facts and are not sheep will find out for themselves and convert unknowns to knowns for themselves. This is what I did and what I will continue to do.
Don't get me wrong. I am not here to convince anyone and won't go into detail on rebunking anyones suspicions or skepticism.

I have never believed or not believe in God. For me people who believe this stuff is just believing through the word faith which is blind belief. Same with science. We are accepting other peoples ideas for our own. To truly understand we need to find out for our own. Its not about believing. Its about knowing.

So if anyone that reads this decides its all bullshit and fuck this hes a nutter. That fine.

For those who don't accept facts and are not sheep will find out for themselves and convert unknowns to knowns for themselves. This is what I did and what I will continue to do.

Wouldn't you say its a little bit late? All this documentation your showing me is showing me we're past the point of no return...

correct me if I'm wrong... They have the world military so what chance is there left for us sheep anyways. :anon.sml:
I'll check it out later, SeoReborn - looks like it could be interesting.

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