The End of an Era

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Good luck and thank you. If it wasn't for you and this place I wouldn't be where I am right now.

Suddenly I'm getting this feeling that affiliate marketing is not a long term business. Anyone?

Affiliate marketing will be around for a while, the gold rush is long gone though. One thing you have to be increasingly aware of is the likes of google/msn/yahoo trying to grow their revenues increasingly will want to take more, they already get the Ad revenue so it's a fairly logical leap to assume they'll want the % of the sales too.

Just look at the MSN cash back system as one step in that direction or look @ Googles product specific search results for finding movies/mortgages and so on, this will only expand to the point where someone will type in "teething whitening" and google will pop up zip code box and tell you exactly where or allow you to buy via a link that *they* get the commission on).

There is really no telling where things will go, but some things are obvious though, to future proof your business it would be wise to start building sites/services/products where you are paid directly (in fact, if you look at the bigger players in affiliate, you'll probably notice they pimp affiliate marketing but nearly all are trying to offer some kind of service/tool/book).

No need to run for the hills, this will be a long time coming I think. You need to definitely start looking to build sites that add value to the user experience and retain those users.
Bigger and better things for you my man.

You dont know me and I dont know you, but your brainchild has been nothing but beneficial to me.

Fuck you eh?
hahahah oh oh

Hopefully we dont see him next season trying to fax a reinstatement letter. Jon, all the best and trust me it takes alot of fucking mental energy to build the wf community and as you told me "one of the few forums with nothing but high quality ACTIVE members."
Surely you will be missed..... my god we are talking like Jon is dead.

Jon you get bored, your jewish ass knows where to find some of the coolest mofos on the Im industry, including uber...haha. :)

Hey all roads come to an end. Good luck! Just don't become this guy...
Jon (aka-former forum fuhrer), you gave birth to Wickedfire, raised it up, and now it is time for it to go off on its own and have its own life. I'm glad you have enough to keep you busy so you don't get depressed from an "empty nest"! :)

Your move to do something new and do it where your heart is sets you apart from the average man. Only good can come of this! Go forth and do it like the rock star that you are, Jon!

You and this forum has made a difference in my life. Selfishly I don't want you to leave, but I can't help be SO excited for you as venture into this new territory, as you follow what is in your heart. I hope you make time to visit and tell us more about what you will be doing now and give us updates how its going.

All the best to you, Jon!
Hey Jon, I respect you decision and all the best.
Thanks a ton for Wickedfire.
I don't know much about you at all, only that you are well respected in the industry. I read the post "enough bullshitting lets make some money" on your blog. That single post inspired me enough to turn my first profit. Just wanted to say thanks and good luck.
Fuck dude, some sad news you wont be kicking it here any more. I hope you do find what your looking for man.

This place has brought many people together, of which you are responsible for. WF it a daily ritual for me, much like many others here I know. I only hope that with what you have said in mind, no one gets too discouraged to take the leap into IM. Yes it has its up and it has its downs, but ultimately if it is burning you out there is no point in continuing.

Keep the usuals updated dude, it would be good to see what your new life brings.

Peace out JF.
Man I love affiliate marketing and couldn't imagine quitting. But I suppose you gotta do what you need to.

With regards to the 16MM statement one thing I think of when I hear that is I know you've necessitated a lot more wealth then that by creating the forum. Granted it's been accompliashed by a lot of hard work of a lot of people. But whether by bringing people together, ideas and people together this forum has created a lot of wealth.

And for that I thank you for dedicating your part of your life to creating it and keeping it clean of the trash.
Smax is right. I don't know all that you've done with other ventures your life but I hope you always continue to be proud of your Wickedfire vision and accomplishment.

Ya done good.
Damn, now I know what Jon is up to.


Actually, I really, really like this comic and Jon - you have my respect and my best wishes.

Go do what you want Jon. Have fun.
If you ever do the whole company thing to the point of having an IPO make sure you let us all know ;)
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