The End of an Era

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I'm not going to question your decision Jon. But the one thing I will say is you're not the only one fighting. You've got (and will have, should you decide to come back) a forum full of people that did actually have your back.

Since no one has done it yet. I'm laying claim to

1. Your Domain Portfolio
2. Your Adwords Account
3. Any servers in your name

PM me with the details so we can wrap this up quick.

Seriously though, best of luck. Your blog got me into AM and WF kept me going. I'd be a much poorer man if not for you. I have a lot of respect for you and wish you well in all you do. Keep your mind open, and your legs closed.
Hey all roads come to an end. Good luck! Just don't become this guy...
I took one of my younger brothers on as a partner and he's going to be running everything for me. For that domain, and for all of my portfolios that I'll be selling off at some point soon. He's a business school grad and does loads better in management and follow-thru than I ever could have. Plus I trust him.
I thought someone else owned
" fascinated by the power of psychology on a large scale"

Are you going to become a professional troll?
I'm sorry to see you go. I'm fairly new to WF, but just from being here I've learned a lot and I know you're a very well known and respected name in the business. I can't think of any better reason to quit this business, or any business, than yours. If it's not making you happy or making your life better, you need to find what does and pursue that. Best of luck.
congratulations on deciding to pursue your passions Jon, that's very brave. in the end, it's all about doing what makes you happy. all the best!
I totally respect your decision and wish you the best. I'm sure whatever you do now will turn out to be amazing. I know from my own experience once a person knows their path is not leading to where they wish to go they must cut it off and change direction even if to others it seems like you may have it made.

Anyway I want to say you've made a real difference in my life as well as many others here I'm sure. You've inspired us and given us a place to escape much of the bullshit and misinformation that envelopes most other places aimed at those who want to go into business and for that I really want to thank you and let you know you'll be missed.
Suddenly I'm getting this feeling that affiliate marketing is not a long term business. Anyone?
awww fuck!

I guess our relationship has always been "special", right from its bumpy start, but ... damn.

Should have gotten to know you better.

Good luck to you, Jon. Maybe you will still come to WF as a place to hang out.

Suddenly I'm getting this feeling that affiliate marketing is not a long term business. Anyone?

I have been saying that whenever someone was giving up school or a proper job for AM. Not that AM is bad but it is a drag. I was in it during the first boom times and gave it up cold and didnt do anything but check emails for a few years. Sick of hundreds of "product" pages, affiliate managers piling people on your niches with the same look, and dwindling commissions.

Now I seem to be getting back into it in a way.

Jon - Why don't you just change what you are doing? I know this sounds like newbie advice but if you know what you want and are passionate about it just fucking do it.

You know it will probably get 100 free links if you ask in the right places. Your articles will get noticed and you can either write a fricking book or go to school getting a masters in whatever the hell you are talking about.

Or lightly monetize it with products you care about or make your own products that do what you want.

Or you could just become a consultant to pay the bills. You are in New York and that is home to shit tons of HQs. Introduce some company to the idea of unique title tags and links and make a fortune while pursuing your own thing on your time off.
Best of luck, Jon. Just so you know, Wickedfire truly helped me to make my living fulltime online - I learned everything I know in the threads on this forum - and I'm sure I'm not alone. For that, I thank you my friend and could never thank you enough.

I wish you well in whatever it is you decide to do.

I know you'll be a star.

Much respect,
I figured it out. I am so fucking smart. This is like April Fool's but 4 months late. right? I mean you cant do shit on April Fool's anymore. Everyone is so hip to that around that time.

You have to wait til summer.

O wait NM.
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