The Devil In A Brand New Suit: My Journey To $100 A Day

have any sources for learning to customize wp themes? Someone told me about Thesis and how it's a better platform for that kind of work but never tried it. I find a lot of wp themes limiting and it's hard to stand out if you keep using premium themes the way they are not to mention some look tacky after a while.

WP themes are all shit. WP is a shit CMS, but it's also probably not a footprint seeing as half the internet uses it, so I use it for that purpose on networks I'm (trying) to build.

As far as making sites unique looking, here's my trick: pick any funded startup off of and/or Copy their header, font-types, and footer into a barebones WP theme and add the content loop and widgets how you want them in-between. Bam. Fully branded, incredible looking site. Make up pages about bullshit if you need to flesh the header out (most startups have pretty bare content though as many are, like us, in some way at least, in the "fake it 'til you make it" line of work).

Also use for micro/tumblr blogs for general content sites. Has a few kickass themes unique from WP. It does require node.js which you need shell access to install and many of the cheap hosts don't allow that but some do ( comes to mind).
Started to resurrect some of my domain's with their old content and place adsense and amazon affiliate links within the content. I might just link build on them as well.

All Complete Updates
Day: $0.00
Week: $15.68
Month: $0.00
Expense: -$0.00
Haven't been making much money lately but working hard on one of my websites that's a PR4 authority. Basically, found the old content it had and post it every week until there's no more. I was thinking about putting an optin for offers. The site is in the writing and poetry niches. Unsure how to go about monetizing it.

Any tips are welcomed.
Haven't been making much money lately but working hard on one of my websites that's a PR4 authority. Basically, found the old content it had and post it every week until there's no more. I was thinking about putting an optin for offers. The site is in the writing and poetry niches. Unsure how to go about monetizing it.

Any tips are welcomed.

...s that's a PR4 authority. Basically, found the old content it had and post it every week until there's no more. I was thinking about putting an optin for offers. The site is in the ...

...s that's a PR4 authority. Basically, found the old content it had and post it every week until there's no mor...

...a PR4 authority...

PR4 authority



Anyways, just finished a course on understanding tier (1s, 2s, 3s). Going to get started this week hopefully. Been working on a couple of websites trying to make them look like legit authority websites. Very long process.

All Complete Updates
Day: $3.92.
Week: $15.68
Month: $0.00
Expense: -$0.00
Yeah.. having a website a legit authority takes ages.

I presume you did read CCarter's seminal work on that topic?

I used to do this kind of thing and I used to think that it would motivate me, it might work for you but it depressed me! I never got anywhere when I had $x in X days goals. I started to just passively build things and work on projects and income started to dribble in (whitehat days) and increase over time. I would have got disheartened with failure after failure....

Seriously best of luck though
Since when are PR4 considered an authority?

Why would an "Authority" website be dropped/expired?

How do you measure Authority?

People are just throwing that word around like they have a clue what they are doing, when they clearly don't. That's how newbies get confused.
Anyways, I recently decided to just pick up a part time job for the extra cash and have an interview this Monday for it.

Right now, I'm at the point where I have a general idea of what I need to get to the next level in this journey and actually start making some money.

Mostly getting the job to pick up the following tools and etc.

Ultimate Demon
Best Spinner
VPS (private proxies)
A few expired domains with good backlinks

My main income is coming from article writing and possibly selling YouTube views and likes. I started working on my blogging websites and looking forward to updating them every week.
You ever think about paid traffic? Lots of information on that in this forum.

Got links to some paid traffic threads?

Hey guys, long time.

Well, I decided to focus my efforts on creating a mega niche website and do manual backing towards it since it's an untapped niche. I've been working on it for a couple of days and it's looking really good. Going to post the final product on the internet in a couple of days. After I'm done with this website I'm going to repeat the same formula and only focus on creating very high quality websites.

Also, I just got a call from the manager of the store I got interviewed at for a test run if I'm right for the company. Hopefully I get the job. Once I get the job I'm getting back to basics and saving money like crazy. Only going to spend on buying high quality linking and IM and organic food to keep my performance up.

Furthermore, I've been hustling big time. Made like $60+ in 2-3 days writing articles and doing small reviews. Might not seem like much but money's money and after doing this for a bit, I've started valuing money so much more. Plus, I have a website that looks like it will do decent in the future on adsense.
I used to do this kind of thing and I used to think that it would motivate me, it might work for you but it depressed me! I never got anywhere when I had $x in X days goals. I started to just passively build things and work on projects and income started to dribble in (whitehat days) and increase over time. I would have got disheartened with failure after failure....

Seriously best of luck though

Best Motivational Speech ~Secrets to Success, How Bad Do you Want it? {Full Speech} - YouTube

Got links to some paid traffic threads?

Hey guys, long time.

Well, I decided to focus my efforts on creating a mega niche website and do manual backing towards it since it's an untapped niche. I've been working on it for a couple of days and it's looking really good. Going to post the final product on the internet in a couple of days. After I'm done with this website I'm going to repeat the same formula and only focus on creating very high quality websites.

Also, I just got a call from the manager of the store I got interviewed at for a test run if I'm right for the company. Hopefully I get the job. Once I get the job I'm getting back to basics and saving money like crazy. Only going to spend on buying high quality linking and IM and organic food to keep my performance up.

Furthermore, I've been hustling big time. Made like $60+ in 2-3 days writing articles and doing small reviews. Might not seem like much but money's money and after doing this for a bit, I've started valuing money so much more. Plus, I have a website that looks like it will do decent in the future on adsense.

I know you have to put food on your table, but this will mean working 2 jobs. Not just the saving up part, the good part about working in this business is that you can invest time instead of money if you don't have it.

How bad do you want it?
If you're going big brand, you can do this without any of those tools and purely on social outreach, HQ content, and good site design. And all the stuff that makes big brands legit (CCarter's post is pretty legit on this subject).

Keep hustling, live as close to "only what is necessary" as possible, and shovel money into your properties (in the right way, INVEST don't SPEND).
Stackthatmoney forum is good to learn the basics of PPC(Pay Per click marketing, which is one of the most popular paid marketing traffic sources. I.e Google Adwords, Plenty of Fish, etc.) but it is paid(100$ a month). Did it for a month and tried out some POF campaigns. Was almost breaking even after a bunch of testing but then we cut off the subscription because we simply didn't have enough time to invest into learning PPC(on top of building and running an offline marketing agency plus our online stuff). Paid traffic is something I want to learn inside out when I get the chance to since its a huge skillset.

Also a bunch of awesome info around Wicked Fire, you'll have to research it. Plenty of members here dropping tons of information.
Thanks guys, will look at the materials later but for now, an update.

I'm still working on my main website and just started on the social media aspects of it. I'm going to have redo some of the website's design and link the social media websites to them. Had a friend hook me up with a bot for the social media websites.

Planning to manually go about back-linking comments on relevant PR websites.

Had about 5 gigs come in from Fiverr but feeling kinda under motivated to actually do them. Article writing can be a bitch sometimes but that's my main source of income for now, sadly. Going to try to motivate myself to grind out those gigs tomorrow

Still waiting for the call from the part-time job place. :cool-smiley-008:

Nothing but a couple of cents from ad-sense and no conversions from the affiliate links. Very bad week.

Planning to look into paid traffic. Anyone know any good, trusted paid traffic providers. Let me hear them.