The Devil In A Brand New Suit: My Journey To $100 A Day


Rookie Of The Year
Sep 24, 2013
Where I am at now In this Journey?

I want to track all of my progress and hopefully, help others that are taking the same path I am. I began this journey a little over a few months ago when I decided to drop out of university and pursue a life of freedom. I was sick and tried of studying stuff I didn't care about. I felt school was just a big procrastination session for me to become successful. My main dream is to travel the world.

Last month I quit my job and decided to take this on full-time. I wanted to create an extreme leverage on myself to push for success. I wanted to create a fight or flight situation for myself so I would take this journey seriously. When I had a job I was in and out of IM and SEO because I had a net to fall back on. At that time, I didn't take it very seriously nor was I going anywhere.

After breaking free from that safety net I actually began to take the necessary steps to success. Now, I'm actually taking action towards becoming a success. Right now, I don't have much money but I'm at my happiest. I know if I continue grinding away at this, I will find success.

All Complete Updates
Day: $0.00
Week: $0.00/$0.00
Month: $0.00/0.00
Expense: -$0.00/-0.00

Target Date of Goal: January 1, 2014

So where are you starting from?

Number of domains / sites
Tools to use
Tools in posession

Where am I starting from?

Number of domains: 10

Tools to use
IVONA - For txt-to-speech videos
Dragon Naturally Speaking - Article writing
Artisteer - Website design
SEO Zen - Useless

Tools in posession
IVONA - For txt-to-speech videos
Dragon Naturally Speaking - Article writing
Artisteer - Website design
SEO Zen - Useless
Where am I starting from?

Number of domains: 10

Tools to use
IVONA - For txt-to-speech videos
Dragon Naturally Speaking - Article writing
Artisteer - Website design
SEO Zen - Useless

Tools in posession
IVONA - For txt-to-speech videos
Dragon Naturally Speaking - Article writing
Artisteer - Website design
SEO Zen - Useless

Once you throw Skype into that toolset you might magically end up with paid access to 4 other services.

Naturally, at a life valuation of 0 I'm really going out of my way... I'll make you a deal and take 51% instead of the usual. I feel good about this one. :xmas-smiley-022:
Once you throw Skype into that toolset you might magically end up with paid access to 4 other services.

Naturally, at a life valuation of 0 I'm really going out of my way... I'll make you a deal and take 51% instead of the usual. I feel good about this one. :xmas-smiley-022:

Thanks. :eatmousepointer:

Had two success Fiverr orders today. Not much but it's still money.

All Complete Updates
Day: $11.76
Week: $0.00/0.00
Month: $0.00/0.00
Expense: -$0.00/-0.00
Once you throw Skype into that toolset you might magically end up with paid access to 4 other services.

Naturally, at a life valuation of 0 I'm really going out of my way... I'll make you a deal and take 51% instead of the usual. I feel good about this one. :xmas-smiley-022:

huh? what are you even offering?

I dont like discouraging anyone but you can see my posts from mid 2012 trying to do the same. I was told to stick to a few projects and give it my full attention instead of trying to win it big by starting 10 or .... 25 ( lol yeah I actually thought it would work) and picking up pieces from here and there. Dont worry about that 100/day figure because it gets discouraging real fast when you notice how it's not exactly easy getting there without experience.

I had a couple of "good" successes but both were related to my day job as an engineer. If you have sufficient knowledge and the marketing know how, I would suggest creating a site around that. Get a readership and collect emails. Once you're convinced that people can take your word as authoritative in the subject matter the next step would be to sell a product that would enhance your reader's value from your expertise and this can be done through creaitng a course or (gasp!) an ebook. People will pay money for answers to their problems provided you arent bullshitting them.

You might and probably will fail a few times. I DO suggest getting a part time job while you are doing this. It takes a while before you have some traction. Listen to the folks here and try to filter through the crap that seems to come with learning online marketing in general. Good luck
I dont like discouraging anyone but you can see my posts from mid 2012 trying to do the same. I was told to stick to a few projects and give it my full attention instead of trying to win it big by starting 10 or .... 25 ( lol yeah I actually thought it would work) and picking up pieces from here and there. Dont worry about that 100/day figure because it gets discouraging real fast when you notice how it's not exactly easy getting there without experience.

You might and probably will fail NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN. I DO suggest getting a part time job while you are doing this. It takes a while before you have some traction. Listen to the folks here and try to filter through the crap that seems to come with learning online marketing in general. Good luck

FTFY. Listen to this man.
trying to win it big by starting 10 or .... 25 ( lol yeah I actually thought it would work) and picking up pieces from here and there.

I wasted a lot of time doing this as well. Not to say that I didn't make money, because I did and went full-time off of that set-up, but I've also been selling, re-purposing, losing to the algo, or just letting those expire.

Building them is easy. Populating them with content is easy. Link building to them all at a beginner's budget? Damn near impossible, especially if you are trying to snipe specific semi-competitive keywords on just the homepage, versus collecting all the long-tail traffic (which requires more content and more links).

^ See where that's going? It's a lot easier to do that to one site than to 30. I really restricted my focus this year even more so than I had in previous years. 2014 I'm adding ONE more "real" money site that I'm taking extreme care with. That's not to say I don't play around and mess with other crap here and there too, but I definitely don't spread myself thin any more.

Think about our classic WF example of Phandroid:

Sure, it might have taken years of ass-busting grinding and investment... but look what the man is sitting on now.

"Do I dick with 100 different black hat sites, or do I just become an actual marketer and build a real asset and make mad bank?"

Diff philosophies and approaches, neither more valid than the other. But I can tell you which makes you sleep better at night, especially around the times of these increasingly common off-line filters.
I am starting right now as well, and in the interest of staying motivated, and paving the way for others, would you be open to a 1v1 gentlemanly race? negative SEO or dumb shit that could hurt either one of us, just a light hearted race to 100/day?
Had 1 successful Fiverr order today.

All Complete Updates
Day: $3.92
Week: $11.76
Month: $0.00
Expense: -$0.00
hmmm... wait, what?

You do fiverr?

What are you offering and why are you not working on your sites?

You quit your job while having no income online? You's a crazy ass nigga

You could've at least used the money from your job to fund your online ventures... You'd find success much more easily with working capital.

If you're gonna do the Fiverr thing you should just do what I used to do. Get a VPS from here: Home - BlackHat SEO VPS Solutions - then just sell senuke/sick submitter/xrumer shit. Used to make a few hundred a month that way. Obviously that's fucking nothing but hey, you can use it to buy domains and content and stuff.
Good luck Marzzz. I enjoy reading your reports on RSD and hope to see the same quality updates here. ;)
Take it from someone who's been where you've been - ditch the Fiverr stuff. If you want to get cashflow, do this:

1. Design websites (WordPress + ThemeForest + Customizations)
2. Optimize websites
3. Write content

This gets cash flowing in the door and allows you to not eat your nest egg for business AND personal expenses. Use all the money you make with 1-3 to invest in your websites and brands. Build brands - build communities - offer real value - then think about profit.

Good luck!
have any sources for learning to customize wp themes? Someone told me about Thesis and how it's a better platform for that kind of work but never tried it. I find a lot of wp themes limiting and it's hard to stand out if you keep using premium themes the way they are not to mention some look tacky after a while.