~!The Best Seo Package Is Back Again With More!~

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Metal I just sent you a PM. The only reason I chose to report my findings in the thread is that other people will be looking at the great package you list, much like I did and thinking this is exactly what I need.

What I have found so far is that what you post as the package and what I received are two different things and feel it is fair to the community to let them know.

I spoke with Metal and he made good on his word.

All mistakes are fixed and I am happy camper.

All in all, at the end of the day, I would recommend working with Metal. The project was a few days late, but that is bound to happen from time to time no matter who you work with.

Great work and thanks Metal.
I purchased this package back on the 16th. After not hearing back for a full 10 days I finally sent the guy a message asking what the deal was. He responded that he had overlooked my project and promptly issued a refund. While I appreciate the effortless refund it still leaves me 10 days later with no work done. Typical amateur freelancer B.S. I would recommend avoiding doing business with this individual until he gets a better grasp on how to service his customers.
Well I should have waited to write my review. Shortly after this package was finished my clients site dropped from the 1st page to the 4th page in Google for it's primary KW.

Now I can't say that it is this packages fault but the timing was impeccable. I believe it is most likely due to fact that the links are placed identically in every post.

Also I asked several times for some proof of the links 500-1000 Blog posts and 1000+ Article submissions. Here is what I received:

metaldragon said:
your links are steadyly going out. im not able to pull the links down like i could a week ago.

if you like i can just do a partial refund. the "works" done. I just cant confirm with being able to show you the links like you would like though.

I thought this was weird so I asked for a refund and got it.

Since it was not completed as stated, and it was over due my final review of this package: Don't get it.
Well I should have waited to write my review. Shortly after this package was finished my clients site dropped from the 1st page to the 4th page in Google for it's primary KW.

I just deleted all the web props that were created as I also saw quite a drop in my rankings, and have yet to see anything in regards to article submissions or blog comments.

I agree with Jesse, stay away, package not as advertised.
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